This is how they DON'T communicate!!

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This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by southy »

Unbelievable!! So I have been trying to find information on the latest revite downtown - the 300 block. Was looking for info on the closure length and alternative parking. Well, went to the Downtown Penticton Association site assuming because of who they are and what they do that there would be something there. All I found was an INACTIVE LINK for Downtown Revitalization. No other info that I could find. What does this group do again????? So then I think .. wait City of Penticton website must have more information on this closure and parking ... guess what - you click the link and you get information on the 200 block revite - surprise!!! The city keeps talking about improving communication ... ahhhh this is good example of them F$#^&#% up again. Oh yes, there is a story on Castanet, but it confused the heck out of me and I think there might be an error on it. Here is the link: ... htm#218884 If this does make sense to you then please let us know.

By the way saw a senior couple almost get hit trying to cross at Wade and Main (400 Block lights) yesterday. Traffic turning left, sun was shining, truck heading east on Wade was blocking pedestrian light ... they walked and traffic moved on green. This intersection is also where the City has placed the new cones so you have to turn right or left. Just saying an accident waiting to happen.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by Drip_Torch »

Oh Southy,

This is one of those rare situations when I really have to come out and speak on the city's side. This has been coming down the pipe for a while now, and there has been a voluminous communications effort behind it.

Assuming Main Street is the center of the universe, then it would seem Cirero first wrote of the Downtown Penticton revitalization in Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", back around 45 BC:

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat."

And, back in 1914, H Rackham translated the scripture from latin to english - just to give us a bit of a heads up and remind us it was coming.

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by southy »

I will be accountable, perhaps I missed the one story (press release - February 8th. However, the parking map only went up today. Thank you for that info Bunnyhop .. you were quick as a bunny in getting it posted, have you ever considered a job at city hall?

Drop Torch ..Do you realize how arrogant you sound when you say things like
Drip_Torch wrote:This is one of those rare situations when I really have to come out and speak on the city's side. This has been coming down the pipe for a while now, and there has been a voluminous communications effort behind it. Assuming Main Street is the center of the universe, then it would seem Cirero first wrote of the Downtown Penticton revitalization in Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", back around 45 BC:

Oh by the way Drip Torch this is not latin but perhaps a language you still might understand ... a good place to put those intellectual opinions is ... up your *bleep*! And of course I mean that in the nicest possible way.

I still don't believe parties concerned have done a good job of communicating. And that's my opinion!!
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by twobits »

Oh come on drip. That was a totally unnecessary and a rather pompous response.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by Drip_Torch »

southy wrote:Drop Torch ..Do you realize how arrogant you sound when you say things like
Drip_Torch wrote:This is one of those rare situations when I really have to come out and speak on the city's side. This has been coming down the pipe for a while now, and there has been a voluminous communications effort behind it. Assuming Main Street is the center of the universe, then it would seem Cirero first wrote of the Downtown Penticton revitalization in Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", back around 45 BC:

It’s Drip, but I’m sure you know that, and the short answer is no. The attempt at humour was attached to “assuming Main Street is the center of the universe…”, but there’s more and none of it was meant as a slight towards you. Ironic, is the fact that it was penned out of a similar frustration aimed quite a bit higher.

You know, Cirero was a pretty wise old guy, considering the fact he was scripting texts before Jesus was even born. Cirero’s work, “The extremes of good and evil” has been denigrated over the years and his wisdom, all but lost. Modern day “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” is the basis for Lorem ipsum, - the randomly generated nonsensically Latin, scrambled to act as a placeholder in contemporary communications efforts. It’s a common tool in today’s engagement tool box and most times the Lorem ipsum is eventually replaced with meaningful content.

I too will be forthright and accountable for my post. If you think the 300 block revite project is an example of an ineffective communications effort out of the city: - this city, then I’m green with envy. Good grief, let me direct you towards a couple other departments. There, amongst other things, you’ll be confronted with obsessive use of the term inter alia. You’ll get the pleasure of reading pages and pages of Lorem ipsum after it’s been ineffectually translated by a google app.

You want to respectfully, or creatively critic the city? Well, I think you’re walking in some pretty damn fertile fields, so why are you slapping at the low hanging fruit? Reach up a bit and grab something good.

For well over twenty years I lived and worked around the greater Vancouver area. One day, I spent four and half hours between hastings and the second narrows bridge stuck in traffic, while managing a crew of 30 plus people, servicing a crew of over 250. All because some guy was having a bad day, and deciding over a cup of tim hortins, whether or not, he was going to jump off the bridge. (What if he won the lottery, a year and a half later, and has never looked back on that day – urgh!)

Here, give me a moment, and I’ll see if I can’t conjure up some empathetically based righteous indignation, based on that experience ----- nope, didn’t happen.

This was the most common back lot that I worked in:


And, now I find myself in a town that’s prosecuting a guy for sitting on the sidewalk; and flying in a lawyer from Victoria to seize a dog. Boy, I imagine those city staffers in Vancouver are sure going to feel dumb, when they see how effectively these social issues can be managed.

Am I thrilled with the main street revite? Sure I am. The bollards, misaligned crosswalks and talking posts, I could do without, but I’m hopeful that by replacing the water mains and putting the infrastructure underground, something – anything, might happen down there. I also happen to think the city might be dodging a big liability bullet, by getting it done.

southy wrote:Oh by the way Drip Torch this is not latin but perhaps a language you still might understand ... a good place to put those intellectual opinions is ... up your *bleep*! And of course I mean that in the nicest possible way.

Yeah, yeah, I rubbed you wrong, and I’m going to decline your suggestion. In the nicest possible way, too.

Look Southy, I get the theme to these posts - all of them, and can’t really find much to disagree with you on, but this – I don’t know. It comes off as petty to me, and seems to be attacking the messenger. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… There’s some dysfunction, south of that chained off junction in the 100 block of Main Street - no doubt, but there’s also a lot of good people, doing a very good job of getting us the services we need. One of those services is communications and I don’t think the problem, if there even is one in this case, lies with the guy on the job.

Perhaps, I’m just weary of this whole "us vs. them" mindset in this town. Hey everybody, take a good hard look around you – it’s just us, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to stay that way, till at least the middle of June.

twobits wrote:Oh come on drip. That was a totally unnecessary and a rather pompous response.

Yeah, well, - trust me, I’ve authored far stronger "totally unnecessary and pompous responses" this week.

Authentic Drip Torch, Esse quam videri to the core.

Sorry, I’m not sorry.

(Oh crap, the board just called and I’m stuck with my probationary pentictonite status for a least another year. Oh well - whatever. Circle those wagons and create your safe space – there’s a pompous Liberal quoting 2000 year old Latin loose in the community.)

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Feb 16th, 2018, 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by ferri »

:200: I'm reading the Subject line and wondering who else doesn't know how to communicate! Knock it off with the personal stuff please. Thank you.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by twobits »

Right now I have go with bipolar.
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by southy »

This is the part that really p's me off. Press release has a link to Downtown Penticton Association website - ok I got there. But the only item I can find (after searching around) is a non active link for "downtown revitalization". If the city is going to provide me with a link for information then perhaps the said information should be there. Wait though ... they also say to check downtown Penticton's twitter and facebook for updates. This is where they don't get it. I don't believe I am alone in saying ... I don't waste my time with Twitter and I refuse to use facebook. So how do I obtain this updated information. Bush - real bush. Hell, the city has an experienced communications person and the Weeb seems to have his finger on the pulse of all things called communication so one would think that something as simple as providing a working link would be easy. I wonder how many other people who might be looking for information on this project might do the same as I ... say to hell with it and avoid downtown all together.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by XT225 »

southy wrote:This is the part that really p's me off. Press release has a link to Downtown Penticton Association website - ok I got there. But the only item I can find (after searching around) is a non active link for "downtown revitalization". If the city is going to provide me with a link for information then perhaps the said information should be there. Wait though ... they also say to check downtown Penticton's twitter and facebook for updates. This is where they don't get it. I don't believe I am alone in saying ... I don't waste my time with Twitter and I refuse to use facebook. So how do I obtain this updated information. Bush - real bush. Hell, the city has an experienced communications person and the Weeb seems to have his finger on the pulse of all things called communication so one would think that something as simple as providing a working link would be easy. I wonder how many other people who might be looking for information on this project might do the same as I ... say to hell with it and avoid downtown all together.

I would have to agree with most of what you are saying here, Southy. One would think that a real Communications person would actually communicate and not necessarily on sites like FB. I found the info/map, etc rather confusing and just decided to avoid the entire downtown, period. I really don't HAVE to go down there very often and if I get into the habit of not going, it may become a permanent habit. It also P_zzes me off that they are spending that amount of our tax dollars in one block; imagine what that dough could do for some of the rest of the city streets that are in such a mess right now; potholes, cracks, everywhere. One has to be really cautious driving anywhere in the city at night right now; is too easy to hit a hole and ruin a tire, etc. Money is being spent on the wrong area in my opinion.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by southy »

Also curious - is Tarik Sayeed still on council? Don't hear much from him since his provincial defeat.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by XT225 »

southy wrote:Also curious - is Tarik Sayeed still on council? Don't hear much from him since his provincial defeat.

Now thats a name that I haven't heard in ages. Have NO idea if he is still around. Could have left the country; few would notice.
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by Drip_Torch »

twobits wrote:Right now I have go with bipolar.

Oh wow! I'm sorry to hear that twobits.

Well hang in there and it doesn't change who you are, or how much I respect you. Once they get you stabilized you'll be albe to express yourself in full sentences again.

Take care and wishing you a full recovery.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by twobits »

Drip_Torch wrote:Oh wow! I'm sorry to hear that twobits.

Well hang in there and it doesn't change who you are, or how much I respect you. Once they get you stabilized you'll be albe to express yourself in full sentences again.

Take care and wishing you a full recovery.

And you know what Drip, I am actually sorry for that post as I also respect your pov and contributions as coming from a place of knowledge and experience. You are quite obviously either book smart, experience smart, or both. Respectfully though, your last two posts came across more as a diatribe that lost most everyone trying to understand your points.
The only advice I can give along with the apology is to follow the KISS rule.
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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Re: This is how they DON'T communicate!!

Post by Drip_Torch »

twobits wrote:And you know what Drip, I am actually sorry for that post as I also respect your pov and contributions as coming from a place of knowledge and experience. You are quite obviously either book smart, experience smart, or both. Respectfully though, your last two posts came across more as a diatribe that lost most everyone trying to understand your points.
The only advice I can give along with the apology is to follow the KISS rule.

I just sat down to write basically the same post. :up: I was going to completely redo the post above, but I guess its a little late for that. Sometimes, I have to slide a little bit into a topic that really belongs to a whole other topic. Put another way, sometimes I take the opportunity to say things, I really can't say. Thus, I completely understand that some of my posts in the south ok thread are leaving you scratching your head at times. This too shall pass.

I don't know how I fired everyone up with the Latin, but I do enjoy spending a little time with the old writings. I find them meaningful and authentic. Refreshing really, in a world where people will write volumes in an effort to avoid authentic communications.

No harm, no foul - we're good.
Drip Torch - an upright and steadfast keeper of the flame, but when tilted sideways the contents spill and then our destiny is in the wind...
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