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So, who actually owns Kingdom Halls or Catholic churches?

Posted: Dec 20th, 2017, 8:20 am
by Thinktank
anyone know?


Because I know I don't don't own them. I was taught it's not nice to store up treasures on earth.

But if there are thousands of Kingdom Halls or Catholic churches, that would be worth a lot of money.

So, who actually owns Kingdom Halls or Catholic churches?

Re: So, who actually owns Kingdom Halls or Catholic churches

Posted: Dec 21st, 2017, 11:07 am
by Thinktank
The congregation in whose territory the Kingdom Hall sits have a non-profit corporation formed consisting of 3 elders from that congregation (usually the service committee, PO, SO, and Secretary). If any brothers are removed, DF'd or move from the congregation, replacement elders are named to the corporation. As long as the congregation exists, they are considered the owners of the property, as a non-profit corporation. If the corporation or congregation is dissolved, the building and land and other assets, revert to the parent non-profit corporation, the Watch Tower Society.

Now, let me see if I got this straight....
1. The congregations donate their labor to build the hall!
2. They borrow the money from the Society which they actually contributed!
3. The Society charges them interest on the money!
4. When the loan is paid off, The Society owns the building?

So it looks like the people pay for all maintenance and repairs and taxes and the people payed to build the building in the first place, and if some major disaster were to happen, like Armageddon, that would prevent all those millions of people
from attending the Kingdom Halls, then the Watchtower Society in New York would be the owners of $billions worth of real estate.

And Armageddon is very near. Wow.
