B.C. NDP on track to win provincial election in a landslide

Donald G
Buddha of the Board
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Joined: Jan 29th, 2008, 8:42 pm

Re: B.C. NDP on track to win provincial election in a landsl

Post by Donald G »

Leadership wise B.C. is in particularly sad political shape going into the coming election. The leaders of both the liberals and NDP have clearly demonstrated that they are poly-ticians (who will manufacture any synthetic position required to gain election). Both have been caught doing clearly dishonest things and identified themselves with dishonest people in the past. And the present conservative leader has done absolutely nothing to identify what his party would do if elected. Politically, I find the NDP too far to the left and the liberals sitting where I would expect the (non existent) conservatives to be positioned. To me the only alternative left is to focus locally and elect the best person for the job, based on their demonstrated history regarding things that collectively go to constitute our Western Canadian way of life ... which is about as vague a measuring standard as one can have and should enable everyone to vote for different people and parties for the same reason ... the Canadian way of life. Like the rancher who had to decide whether to buy the dead bull or the terminally ill cow.
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