You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by GordonH »

GordonH wrote: Jul 27th, 2021, 8:51 pm We shipped our milk to them for many years, when dairyland took over we then shipped to “D” Dutchman dairy until we sold the farm.
Noisy Boater wrote: Jul 27th, 2021, 8:59 pm What was your IRMA # ?? Just kiddin. Bet ya never saw that one comin eh ??
It’s been 35+ years since having any to do with milk marketing board.
At this point I couldn’t even tell you what our quota was.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by Noisy Boater »

GordonH wrote: Jul 27th, 2021, 9:07 pm
GordonH wrote: Jul 27th, 2021, 8:51 pm We shipped our milk to them for many years, when dairyland took over we then shipped to “D” Dutchman dairy until we sold the farm.
Noisy Boater wrote: Jul 27th, 2021, 8:59 pm What was your IRMA # ?? Just kiddin. Bet ya never saw that one comin eh ??
It’s been 35+ years since having any to do with milk marketing board.
At this point I couldn’t even tell you what our quota was.
I was a TMR back in the olden days.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by GordonH »

bumped up

My first experience on skis was at Tillicum, soon after I moved to bigger Ski Hill up the road a ways. ... l-champion
I don't give a damn whether people/posters like me or dislike me, I'm not on earth to win any popularity contests.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by OKkayak »

GordonH wrote: Dec 12th, 2021, 7:42 am bumped up

My first experience on skis was at Tillicum, soon after I moved to bigger Ski Hill up the road a ways. ... l-champion
Never did ski there, despite living in Vernon for so many years, the farthest I ever went up that road was Cedar Springs.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by Bigbacardi »

Ah yes, back in the day when the BX Ranch was a delinquent boys home, the memories....
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by sterlingarcher »

OKkayak wrote: Dec 12th, 2021, 2:23 pm
GordonH wrote: Dec 12th, 2021, 7:42 am bumped up

My first experience on skis was at Tillicum, soon after I moved to bigger Ski Hill up the road a ways. ... l-champion
Never did ski there, despite living in Vernon for so many years, the farthest I ever went up that road was Cedar Springs.
I thought that I was the only one who remembered Cedar Hot Springs :130: I remember riding my bike up there with a few friends when I was 12.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

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Just connected with this site and the subject of NOCA. I was with the Architectural firm that designed the building and did on-site supervision. Sure would like to see photos if any. Thanks in advance.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

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Is there anyone monitoring who can remember Art's BA/Gulf softball teams?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by shec8 »

Before Tillicum I started skiing at Winterside. I believe the Boyd's owned this and it was in east Vernon at the base of Becker Mountain.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by 1Westside »

Does anyone remember Hy's Steakhouse in the Village Green?
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by keithjwood »

I’m looking for some history on the Ernie’s/Al’s/Vernon (Keith’s) Esso.
Who ran it before Ernie?
What year was it built?
Was the old Dairy Queen on the same lot first or was the Esso first?
What year did the DQ move across the street? Probably when the Esso was enlarged from 2 repair bays to 3. I think the carwash was installed at the same time but not sure. Hopefully someone knows.
What year did Ernie takeover the Esso?
Al took over in 77 from his brother Ernie. Ernie moved up to the Self Serve on the corner of the VG mall property in 77.
Al ran it until Dec/80.
I took over in Jan/81 and was there 25 years 10 months.
7/11 bought it oct 2016.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by j-jock »

I just joined, after reading some of the postings of things that changed after I left for the last time in 1963. Born in Vernon, Class of 61.

I remember when:
The postmaster lived in the Post Office on Barnard Ave. (Garrow)

Kings Restaurant, beside the Post Office on Barnard.

The floral clock in Polson Park didn't exist.

The Rotary Pier at Kal Lake had a third diving board. (great for cannonballs)

Bud Anderson ran the food stand at Kal Lake.

The tracks still ran all the way to OK Landing

The Sicamous (stern wheeler), and the Naramata (the tug) were docked at OK landing, and Vernon refused to keep the Sicamous, so it went to Penticton.

The City of Vernon would just plow all the snow to the center of Barnard Ave in the winter.

We would split our cruising time on evenings and weekends, between Grace's Dairy Drive In and the North End Drive In.

Double features at the Stardust Drive In Theater

Location on Hwy 6 across from the Polson Park Clock, was a sawmill where they peeled logs on a special lathe. The peeled sheets, were cut into pieces to make fruit boxes.

Senior A hockey in Vernon, (Vernon Canadians). The games were so popular, that the arena was packed for every game.

There was a trampoline place on the corner of 32nd St and (I think 34th Ave), across from Ernie's Esso, where we could rent time on a trampoline. The owner's last name was Sykes.

Running the rope tow on Silver Star, when there was only the rope tow and the poma lift.

So many more...
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by j-jock »

dontrump wrote: Aug 24th, 2020, 12:45 pm
GordonH wrote:Bumped
By the time I came along only thing I remember of Vernon China town was 1 restaurant Lotus Garden, I was hooked on western Chinese food (I still am). ... -Chinatown

hong kong village was the main one, lotus gardens was across the street ;; owned by brothers harry and johnny low
Hong kong is still there operated as a breakfast and lunch restaurant on the fishers home hardware location
In the 50s, the two restaurants were, The Lotus Gardens, and Goong Hong, which was on the same side of the street, and right beside the Lotus Garden's. I knew the area quite well, and in the mid 50s, used to have my hair cut in a tiny barber shop operated by an older man that used to smoke a water pipe. This place was on the corner, opposite to Field's Hardware.
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by j-jock »

This sounds like the same paper route I had sometime around 1956-57. It went from the Red Hat Grocery (on the road down to Anderson Subdivision), and ended up on Barnard, (a lawyers office across the Capitol Theater.

I had the paper route for the downtown core back when Vernon Daily News was around, what a great route that was, got to spend a lot of time in places that no longer exist and time with the owners who are no longer with us. Fun fact though, I was the first paper boy for The Morning Star when it started :smt045
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Re: You're a Vernonite if you can remember . . .

Post by j-jock »

southy wrote: Oct 30th, 2018, 4:05 pm There used to be a Vet Clinic just off Pleasant Valley Road at the intersection of 20th Street I think. Does anyone remember his name? Or the name of the clinic. He helped me with my cat once and was absolutely amazing. Probably long gone now.
The Vet's name, was Roy Parkhill. My guess, but I would have been about 10, so 1953, when I first took my dog to him. He had at least one daughter, who was a few years younger than me. I don't know about other children, but although I didn't know her, she was married to a friend of mine.

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