Green Avenue

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Re: Green Avenue

Post by Anonymous123 »

I'd be careful putting any improvements into locatee land, Commercial, Industrial or Residential. ... -300K-loss
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by XT225 »

Anonymous123 wrote:I'd be careful putting any improvements into locatee land, Commercial, Industrial or Residential. ... -300K-loss
I think any future developments on locatee lands will mainly utilize leases, which offer protection. The story re that West Kelowna incident is not a lease but rather month to month rentals; no protection there.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by twobits »

Daspoot wrote:That's right, you play part of the "demand" part of that equation, so you too have a say in it all.

Personally I hate to see supply or demand controlled in a way to influence the outcome A market without competition is not in the public's favour.
Would you care to comment on how zoning regulations conflict with your "absolute" free market desire? Why do we even have zoning bylaws then?
I have no idea of what you do for a living but there are hundreds, if not thousands, that have made significant investments that assume a level and consistent playing field. They have invested with the presumption that fair competition could come, but would have to play by and under the same rules. How would you feel if the business or industry you owned or were employed by suddenly had competition because the city rezoned a cheap piece of land next door. Might be good for the consumer short term but what message does that send to anyone considering a serious investment in the area when the goalposts move?
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by hozzle »

Anonymous123 wrote:I'd be careful putting any improvements into locatee land, Commercial, Industrial or Residential. ... -300K-loss
It is my understanding there is a different lease agreement with the larger commercial enterprises on WFN land vs the case with the couple in the news story.
Some enterprises down south are dealing with the feds, albeit I dont have all the details but I suspect the land is either sold to the feds or leased and the payments are made to the feds (bands will always get their payments)
Besides I wouldn't think Home Depot would build a multi-million dollar building with the risk of WFN wanting it for a maintenance building:)... The lawyers looked at that agreement more thoroughly than the couple from Jubilee mobile park did I'm sure.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by Daspoot »

twobits wrote:
Would you care to comment on how zoning regulations conflict with your "absolute" free market desire? Why do we even have zoning bylaws then?
I have no idea of what you do for a living but there are hundreds, if not thousands, that have made significant investments that assume a level and consistent playing field. They have invested with the presumption that fair competition could come, but would have to play by and under the same rules. How would you feel if the business or industry you owned or were employed by suddenly had competition because the city rezoned a cheap piece of land next door. Might be good for the consumer short term but what message does that send to anyone considering a serious investment in the area when the goalposts move?
I never said "Absolute" free market, that will never happen when there is any sort of governing body.

The rest of your post sounds like sour grapes from a bad experience, I'd have to hear the rest of the story to offer an opinion about that.

The PIB has always had the option to develop their land how they see fit, although they also have some rules they have to follow. I doubt there has ever been some sort of non-competitive clause in regards to zoning, Business and markets change all the time, some of those changes are very tough to compete with. Often the owner needs to roll with the punches, when a door closes, a window opens.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by logman »

The west kelowna situation is different because the property was leased to a company who then"rented" lots on a month to month basis to mobile home owners. Scary situation when boom.... You have to move or walk away from your home.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by smoky500 »

I wish people would quit brining up the electrical rates increases as a deterrant for business in Penticton, the rates just went up EVERYWHERE!
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by hozzle »

smoky500 wrote:I wish people would quit brining up the electrical rates increases as a deterrant for business in Penticton, the rates just went up EVERYWHERE!
wrong thread if I'm not mistaken :)
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by Bretbaby »

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Re: Green Avenue

Post by civil »

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Re: Green Avenue

Post by Anonymous123 »

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Re: Green Avenue

Post by Daspoot »

Actually the comment was in reference to this in this very thread:
XT225 wrote:Maybe its time that the city "encouraged" more businesses to stay and more to come in, rather than drive them away, as they are soon going to do with the electrical rate increases.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by XT225 »

XT225 wrote:Maybe its time that the city "encouraged" more businesses to stay and more to come in, rather than drive them away, as they are soon going to do with the electrical rate increases.

Yep, it was I that made that comment and I'm stickin to it. The city has a choice on how much to increase electrical rates and also to Commercial users in Penticton. If the taxes are cheaper on the Locatee lands, some commercial operations may move there (lets hope not); but if the city encourages business to stay inside the city by keeping electrical rates lower than Fortis will charge on the Reserve, then that could keep business here and encourage new opportunities inside city boundaries. The city buys electricity from Fortis at wholesale rates and then decides how much to up the price to Penticton users; both residential and commercial. Its a business for the city; they make money on us; that's partly how the reserves have been built up over the years. Maybe they could ease off a bit on the profit margin.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by fluffy »

I have to wonder if the difference in electrical rates, even over the long term, would justify the expense of moving an existing business? Other factors, such as lease rates and building size would certainly come into play. Without going into the numbers I think that the amount of exposure right on the highway would certainly be an attraction, maybe diverting some of the shopping dollars that pass right through town heading north. The aspect of local jobs, both in the construction and operational phases has to be considered as well.

Personally I like the indications that PIB leadership is looking to the future instead of dwelling on the past like some former band councils. That bodes well for things on both sides of the channel.
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Re: Green Avenue

Post by southy »

fluffy wrote:I have to wonder if the difference in electrical rates, even over the long term, would justify the expense of moving an existing business? Other factors, such as lease rates and building size would certainly come into play. Without going into the numbers I think that the amount of exposure right on the highway would certainly be an attraction, maybe diverting some of the shopping dollars that pass right through town heading north. The aspect of local jobs, both in the construction and operational phases has to be considered as well.

Personally I like the indications that PIB leadership is looking to the future instead of dwelling on the past like some former band councils. That bodes well for things on both sides of the channel.
Fluffy - like your post and XT's as well. Unfortunately I simply am not well versed on how the city sets its electrical rates and why there is such a wide gap between certain areas of town. I think for a small independent operating downtown or south along Main or to the east on Westminster all will feel these increases regardless of how small or large they are. The economy simply isn't the way it was 5 - 10 years ago. Then we have the situation up in the industrial area. This I do not understand - why penalize those who are economic drivers for the community? Again, I will admit I don't have a strong grasp on this, but it just seems like something isn't right.

Your comment about exposure on the highway being an attraction - yes it will, but it will also take what little retail traffic that diverts to other parts of the city away. I don't know how many people I have talked to from other parts of the province including Kelowna and Vernon who say "we never go downtown when passing through, we just take the Channel Parkway and head right out of town. I guess that's why they call it a by-pass.

I also am not being negative towards what the PIB is doing, if anything, I congratulate them on their forward thinking and wish them well.

We have a mayor who has a retail business downtown, it will be an interesting year to see how he and his council handle what is going to be coming their way. Oh I almost forgot - better include Senior city staff as well because you can bet for sure they will be involved in most of the decision making.

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