Challenge Penticton Results

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Challenge Penticton Results

Post by pilot »

Just read the Castanet article on the finishers of the Penticton Challenge (sorry, don't know how to link it). Really? Castanet only posted the name of the 5th place finisher for the women? The 13th and 17th finisher for the men rank more newsworthy than listing first through fourth for the women? How about giving the women just as much space in the article. Regardless if the first four women are not from the Okanagan, they deserve the credit and we, the reader, deserve to know who they were. Just another reason to turn to a different local news website.
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feistres Goruchaf y Bwrdd
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Re: Challenge Penticton Results

Post by oneh2obabe »

Kamloops woman Yvonne Timewell was the fastest female with an unofficial time of 10:56:30. ... 454cb.html

2015 Results ... ent_id=227
Dance as if no one's watching, sing as if no one's listening, and live everyday as if it were your last.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Menar Fromarz
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Re: Challenge Penticton Results

Post by Menar Fromarz »

Well, this may not be totally on thread, but...I want to thank everyone who made the event awesome, for our relay teams second Challenge. All of you folks standing in the rain and the sun and wind, Thank You! A great event, and it's always a treat to be able to compete as a non pro athlete, and then run with the family across the line. Truly blessed we are as a community to have events and folks like this in our town!

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