BC Election issues
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 15170
- Joined: Jan 20th, 2011, 8:10 pm
Re: BC Election issues
The NDP tooters here are lost. Make a rational response - they do indeed run and hide in another thread.
Then they return and spout the same irrational and meaningless stuff.
If indeed the NDP tooters were to apply the same moral outrage that express toward Christy to all leaders, then they would have but one choice, and that is to vote Green. I won't bother to go into into the details on Horgan, except to say that his cloth has as many or more stains on it as Christy's. (I happen to think many more, but that is as irrelevant as the partisan attacks on Christy).
What matters is policy going forward.
We know what we get in terms of policy from the BC Liberals. Good economic policy (not perfect, but good) that has a record of creating jobs. The lowest provincial taxes for the average citizen of any province save Ontario, and Ontario is an utter fiscal mess. Higher than average user fees. A record of rising real median incomes. A tad light on social programs.Fiscal prudence.
We know what we got from the NDP (Horgan and Dix were big parts of the last NDP government). Poor economic growth, stagnant job growth. Capital expenditures that were a total waste. Scandals (2 premiers booted over scandals, and the acting premier was laden with scandal). Declining real median income. Fiscal deficits. Social programs that did not deliver any better. 1999-2000 BC was one of only 2 provinces running a deficit. 1998 BC had the only pronicial economy that was shrinking (Ontario's grew 2.8%). 1999 BC had the only provincial economy that was not growing - 0% growth. (Ontario had 4.7% growth, the national average was 3.2% growth). That's why the NDP were booted resoundingly in the next election 77-2. The NDP "platform" is nothing more than a promise that you can have everything you want for free. We all know that isn't going to happen. The NDP says you can have all this, a tax cut, and a balanced budget. Ahem, I wasn't born yesterday.
We see the Green party as "fledgling". But if you actually look at the Green party platform, and want a left wing platform, it is far superior to the NDP platform with much more well thought out policy positions and vision. Their numbers work. They are honest about running a couple of deficits. Their energy policy doesn't quite work for me, but is close. Their combination of programs for daycare/home subsidies and early childhood education are laudable - a really good balance. Their senior care plans are well thought out as well. Their plans to address the future economy and attempting to deal with displaced workers is the best of the 3. Their tax plans are more onerous, but without that and a couple of deficits, the programs can not be delivered as promised.
So if you want right of center, your best choice is the BC Liberals. If you want left of center, the the Green party is your best bet.
Then they return and spout the same irrational and meaningless stuff.
If indeed the NDP tooters were to apply the same moral outrage that express toward Christy to all leaders, then they would have but one choice, and that is to vote Green. I won't bother to go into into the details on Horgan, except to say that his cloth has as many or more stains on it as Christy's. (I happen to think many more, but that is as irrelevant as the partisan attacks on Christy).
What matters is policy going forward.
We know what we get in terms of policy from the BC Liberals. Good economic policy (not perfect, but good) that has a record of creating jobs. The lowest provincial taxes for the average citizen of any province save Ontario, and Ontario is an utter fiscal mess. Higher than average user fees. A record of rising real median incomes. A tad light on social programs.Fiscal prudence.
We know what we got from the NDP (Horgan and Dix were big parts of the last NDP government). Poor economic growth, stagnant job growth. Capital expenditures that were a total waste. Scandals (2 premiers booted over scandals, and the acting premier was laden with scandal). Declining real median income. Fiscal deficits. Social programs that did not deliver any better. 1999-2000 BC was one of only 2 provinces running a deficit. 1998 BC had the only pronicial economy that was shrinking (Ontario's grew 2.8%). 1999 BC had the only provincial economy that was not growing - 0% growth. (Ontario had 4.7% growth, the national average was 3.2% growth). That's why the NDP were booted resoundingly in the next election 77-2. The NDP "platform" is nothing more than a promise that you can have everything you want for free. We all know that isn't going to happen. The NDP says you can have all this, a tax cut, and a balanced budget. Ahem, I wasn't born yesterday.
We see the Green party as "fledgling". But if you actually look at the Green party platform, and want a left wing platform, it is far superior to the NDP platform with much more well thought out policy positions and vision. Their numbers work. They are honest about running a couple of deficits. Their energy policy doesn't quite work for me, but is close. Their combination of programs for daycare/home subsidies and early childhood education are laudable - a really good balance. Their senior care plans are well thought out as well. Their plans to address the future economy and attempting to deal with displaced workers is the best of the 3. Their tax plans are more onerous, but without that and a couple of deficits, the programs can not be delivered as promised.
So if you want right of center, your best choice is the BC Liberals. If you want left of center, the the Green party is your best bet.
The middle path - everything in moderation, and everything in its time and order.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 17124
- Joined: May 28th, 2010, 7:58 pm
Re: BC Election issues
the greens or the libs will be the same choice .

- Walks on Forum Water
- Posts: 10216
- Joined: Oct 10th, 2011, 12:08 pm
Re: BC Election issues
Voting Green will simply guarantee Christy Clark and her ego...again.
- Walks on Forum Water
- Posts: 14451
- Joined: Nov 2nd, 2008, 11:41 am
Re: BC Election issues
Many Liberal supporters in this thread are suggesting the undecided (such as myself) may want to consider voting Green if they don't like the Liberals. But as the Green Party Platform includes some measures that are even MORE drastic than the NDP's, I'm surprised Liberal supporters would consider the Greens to be a viable alternative.
For example, Liberal supporters have said the NDP plan of $10 a day daycare is unaffordable. Yet the Greens are proposing FREE daycare for children under 3, and 25 hours of FREE early childhood education (i.e. daycare) for children in the 3-4 age range, with $500 a month for stay at home mum's who have children in that same age group. Now, while that might sound wonderful to folks who have kids that age, I would have thought it would have sounded terrible to the folks who criticized the NDP's far more modest (and more affordable) plan.
The Greens want to spend more on education (just like the NDP), by increasing funding for schools and providing more funding for teacher's professional development days. So again, given that most Liberal supporters criticize the NDP for wanting to do similar, I'm surprised they're busy touting the benefits of the Greens.
The Greens are also proposing increasing Property Transfer Taxes, plus introducing a new Property Tax when you transfer your home to a relative, and charging a Capital Gains Tax on Principal Residences once your lifetime capital gains on such residences reaches a certain limit. And, as someone who thinks homes are already too expensive, I couldn't possible support the idea of slapping more taxes onto such purchases. Fortunately neither the NDP nor the Libs are planning on doing the same.
Another plank in the Greens platform that I would have thought Liberal supporters would have found troubling, is a pledge to change BC Hydro's mandate to support clean energy development. And while that may sound nice, it reminds me too much of what happened in Ontario for me to be comfortable with it. Politics and running a business are not a good mix, so if we want BC Hydro to be a viable business we shouldn't allow unqualified politicians to set BC Hydro policy. When the Ontario politicians tried doing that, they quadrupled regular folks hydro bills in the process. If you think your hydro bill is high now, try moving to Ontario; you'd be in for a terrible shock.
So I've ruled out the Greens, but am still undecided between the Libs and the NDP. Because while there are elements of each Party's platform I like, there are also elements of each that I dislike. I began the campaign leaning towards voting Liberal, but there have been several things since that have caused me to gravitate back to the undecided camp. One was Christy's foolish claims that somehow Liberal acceptance of corporate donations wasn't as bad as the NDP's acceptance of union donations. She must think we all fell off the proverbial log if she thinks we'll buy a whopper like that, because ALL "deep pocket" donations are given in an attempt to "buy" influence. And ALL such donations (both corporate and union) are an affront to democracy and should be banned.
For example, Liberal supporters have said the NDP plan of $10 a day daycare is unaffordable. Yet the Greens are proposing FREE daycare for children under 3, and 25 hours of FREE early childhood education (i.e. daycare) for children in the 3-4 age range, with $500 a month for stay at home mum's who have children in that same age group. Now, while that might sound wonderful to folks who have kids that age, I would have thought it would have sounded terrible to the folks who criticized the NDP's far more modest (and more affordable) plan.
The Greens want to spend more on education (just like the NDP), by increasing funding for schools and providing more funding for teacher's professional development days. So again, given that most Liberal supporters criticize the NDP for wanting to do similar, I'm surprised they're busy touting the benefits of the Greens.
The Greens are also proposing increasing Property Transfer Taxes, plus introducing a new Property Tax when you transfer your home to a relative, and charging a Capital Gains Tax on Principal Residences once your lifetime capital gains on such residences reaches a certain limit. And, as someone who thinks homes are already too expensive, I couldn't possible support the idea of slapping more taxes onto such purchases. Fortunately neither the NDP nor the Libs are planning on doing the same.
Another plank in the Greens platform that I would have thought Liberal supporters would have found troubling, is a pledge to change BC Hydro's mandate to support clean energy development. And while that may sound nice, it reminds me too much of what happened in Ontario for me to be comfortable with it. Politics and running a business are not a good mix, so if we want BC Hydro to be a viable business we shouldn't allow unqualified politicians to set BC Hydro policy. When the Ontario politicians tried doing that, they quadrupled regular folks hydro bills in the process. If you think your hydro bill is high now, try moving to Ontario; you'd be in for a terrible shock.
So I've ruled out the Greens, but am still undecided between the Libs and the NDP. Because while there are elements of each Party's platform I like, there are also elements of each that I dislike. I began the campaign leaning towards voting Liberal, but there have been several things since that have caused me to gravitate back to the undecided camp. One was Christy's foolish claims that somehow Liberal acceptance of corporate donations wasn't as bad as the NDP's acceptance of union donations. She must think we all fell off the proverbial log if she thinks we'll buy a whopper like that, because ALL "deep pocket" donations are given in an attempt to "buy" influence. And ALL such donations (both corporate and union) are an affront to democracy and should be banned.
"In a world swathed in political correctness, the voting booth remains the final sanctuary where the people are free to speak" - Clifford Orwin
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 21667
- Joined: Jul 9th, 2005, 8:56 am
Re: BC Election issues
^^Weaver will kill Site C in favor of IPPs that have cost us MILLIONS and will continue to cost us MULTIPLE millions!
And Christy Clark shows just how concerned she is about 'listening to the people of BC':
VAT is 'different' from the HST??? How stupid does she think we are???
And Christy Clark shows just how concerned she is about 'listening to the people of BC':
Mike Smyth: Chance encounter on campaign trail blows-up on Clark
April 29, 2017 4:02 PM PDT
Filed Under:
The Province News Politics
[PNG Merlin Archive]
Linda Higgins, left, a retired social- worker assistant from the Sunshine Coast, said it was just 'a fluke' that she bumped into Clark while the premier was meeting and greeting voters at a North Vancouver grocery store. PNG
Columnist Mike Smyth speaks with Linda, the woman snubbed by Premier Christy Clark this week.
It was a campaign-trail encounter that lasted all of seven seconds, but it blew-up into a social-media firestorm that backfired on Christy Clark and the B.C. Liberals.
Now the woman at the centre of the storm is speaking out against Liberal charges that she was an “NDP plant” sent out to embarrass Clark in front of the TV cameras as part of a campaign “stunt.”
Linda Higgins, a retired social-worker assistant from the Sunshine Coast, said it was just “a fluke” that she bumped into Clark while the Liberal leader was meeting and greeting voters at a North Vancouver grocery store.
Higgins said she wanted to tell Clark about how the high cost of living has priced her adult kids out of the Vancouver housing market.
“They have good jobs, but they can’t afford a home,” she said. “I was also upset about those health-care workers who were fired, including a man who committed suicide. I wanted to tell her my concerns and I genuinely thought she would listen.”
http://theprovince.com/news/bc-politics ... p-on-clarkAll-in-all, this was a bad gaffe by Clark that she and the Liberals made worse by making stuff up. With just over one week to go before voting day May 9, it makes me wonder if the Liberals are getting worried.
Clark had another stumble the other day when she seemed to suggest the Liberals might be open to an HST-style, “value-added tax” in B.C.
The Liberals imposed a 12-per-cent harmonized sales tax in 2009 after saying in the previous election that the tax was “not something that is contemplated.” The HST was withdrawn after voters rejected it in a historic 2011 referendum.
The business sector has been angling ever since for another HST-type tax, known as a value-added tax.
“We will not consider an HST as long as I am premier,” Clark said. “We do know that the Tax Competitiveness Panel came back with a recommendation for a value-added tax, which is different. So what I’ve said is, ‘Look, we’ll be prepared to talk to the business community … ‘ ”
The NDP naturally jumped all over this, saying Clark was considering another HST with a different name. But the Liberals insisted Saturday that they will not impose a value-added tax on British Columbians.
VAT is 'different' from the HST??? How stupid does she think we are???
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 22844
- Joined: Jul 8th, 2007, 7:41 pm
Re: BC Election issues
^^ Much ado about nothing! No government is going to bring in an HST anytime soon.
- Board Meister
- Posts: 685
- Joined: Apr 11th, 2017, 9:18 pm
Re: BC Election issues
FACT: The BC Liberals have a long record of wasting taxpayers’ money.
FOR THE RECORD: Let’s review a top ten list of Liberal waste.
1. Vancouver Convention Centre: $341 million over budget
2. BC Place Roof: $414 million over budget
3. South Fraser Perimeter Road exceeded the initial projections by $469 million
4. Port Mann/Highway 1: Final costs exceeded initial projections by $1.8 billion
5. Basi/Virk Legal Fees: $6 million in legal fees for guilty BC Liberals, paid for by taxpayers
6. BCeSIS: $97 million computer system doesn’t work, replacement will cost $84 million more
7. Integrated Case Management: $182-million computer system “a colossal failure” and likely to be scrapped according to the Representative for Children and Youth
8. BC Carbon Trust: Took approximately $60 million from schools and hospitals and other public sector bodies over the last three years and gave it to polluters to pay for projects the Auditor General says haven’t cut carbon emissions as they were meant to
9. Vancouver’s Diamond Centre Hospital: Cost $28 million more than it should have and the BC Liberal government used questionable accounting practices to hide the real $123 million cost
10. BC Hydro Deferral Account: $4.1 billion in losses hidden away in accounts until after the election at which time the Liberals will whack hydro ratepayers with huge rate increases
Add those up and what do you get? A $7.2 BILLION record of Liberal waste.
FOR THE RECORD: Let’s review a top ten list of Liberal waste.
1. Vancouver Convention Centre: $341 million over budget
2. BC Place Roof: $414 million over budget
3. South Fraser Perimeter Road exceeded the initial projections by $469 million
4. Port Mann/Highway 1: Final costs exceeded initial projections by $1.8 billion
5. Basi/Virk Legal Fees: $6 million in legal fees for guilty BC Liberals, paid for by taxpayers
6. BCeSIS: $97 million computer system doesn’t work, replacement will cost $84 million more
7. Integrated Case Management: $182-million computer system “a colossal failure” and likely to be scrapped according to the Representative for Children and Youth
8. BC Carbon Trust: Took approximately $60 million from schools and hospitals and other public sector bodies over the last three years and gave it to polluters to pay for projects the Auditor General says haven’t cut carbon emissions as they were meant to
9. Vancouver’s Diamond Centre Hospital: Cost $28 million more than it should have and the BC Liberal government used questionable accounting practices to hide the real $123 million cost
10. BC Hydro Deferral Account: $4.1 billion in losses hidden away in accounts until after the election at which time the Liberals will whack hydro ratepayers with huge rate increases
Add those up and what do you get? A $7.2 BILLION record of Liberal waste.
Periods of cooperation between political parties shouldn't be taken for granted; they are a stunning human achievement ~ Paul Bloom
- Fledgling
- Posts: 147
- Joined: Nov 8th, 2016, 1:27 pm
Re: BC Election issues
This is so hypocritical of not only Christy Clark's BC Liberals but all the Lib-iots that continually defend her corrupt and unethical conduct.
A question she is refusing to answer is who is paying the $5,500 - $6,500 / month for the 4.5 million dollar Liberal donors home she resides in.
While all these Lib-iots are setting their hair on fire about Horgan their preferred leader is making them look like moronic fools each and every day as more of her corruption and unethical conduct is revealed.
A question she is refusing to answer is who is paying the $5,500 - $6,500 / month for the 4.5 million dollar Liberal donors home she resides in.
While all these Lib-iots are setting their hair on fire about Horgan their preferred leader is making them look like moronic fools each and every day as more of her corruption and unethical conduct is revealed.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 147
- Joined: Nov 8th, 2016, 1:27 pm
Re: BC Election issues
An HST by another name is still an HSTUrbane wrote:^^ Much ado about nothing! No government is going to bring in an HST anytime soon.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 147
- Joined: Nov 8th, 2016, 1:27 pm
Re: BC Election issues
The only reason Lib-iots suggest the undecided vote green is because they are wanting to split the vote.Merry wrote:Many Liberal supporters in this thread are suggesting the undecided (such as myself) may want to consider voting Green if they don't like the Liberals. But as the Green Party Platform includes some measures that are even MORE drastic than the NDP's, I'm surprised Liberal supporters would consider the Greens to be a viable alternative.
For example, Liberal supporters have said the NDP plan of $10 a day daycare is unaffordable. Yet the Greens are proposing FREE daycare for children under 3, and 25 hours of FREE early childhood education (i.e. daycare) for children in the 3-4 age range, with $500 a month for stay at home mum's who have children in that same age group. Now, while that might sound wonderful to folks who have kids that age, I would have thought it would have sounded terrible to the folks who criticized the NDP's far more modest (and more affordable) plan.
The Greens want to spend more on education (just like the NDP), by increasing funding for schools and providing more funding for teacher's professional development days. So again, given that most Liberal supporters criticize the NDP for wanting to do similar, I'm surprised they're busy touting the benefits of the Greens.
The Greens are also proposing increasing Property Transfer Taxes, plus introducing a new Property Tax when you transfer your home to a relative, and charging a Capital Gains Tax on Principal Residences once your lifetime capital gains on such residences reaches a certain limit. And, as someone who thinks homes are already too expensive, I couldn't possible support the idea of slapping more taxes onto such purchases. Fortunately neither the NDP nor the Libs are planning on doing the same.
Another plank in the Greens platform that I would have thought Liberal supporters would have found troubling, is a pledge to change BC Hydro's mandate to support clean energy development. And while that may sound nice, it reminds me too much of what happened in Ontario for me to be comfortable with it. Politics and running a business are not a good mix, so if we want BC Hydro to be a viable business we shouldn't allow unqualified politicians to set BC Hydro policy. When the Ontario politicians tried doing that, they quadrupled regular folks hydro bills in the process. If you think your hydro bill is high now, try moving to Ontario; you'd be in for a terrible shock.
So I've ruled out the Greens, but am still undecided between the Libs and the NDP. Because while there are elements of each Party's platform I like, there are also elements of each that I dislike. I began the campaign leaning towards voting Liberal, but there have been several things since that have caused me to gravitate back to the undecided camp. One was Christy's foolish claims that somehow Liberal acceptance of corporate donations wasn't as bad as the NDP's acceptance of union donations. She must think we all fell off the proverbial log if she thinks we'll buy a whopper like that, because ALL "deep pocket" donations are given in an attempt to "buy" influence. And ALL such donations (both corporate and union) are an affront to democracy and should be banned.
- Insanely Prolific
- Posts: 74989
- Joined: Apr 15th, 2006, 6:23 pm
Re: BC Election issues
Should anyone vote for anyone that deliberately undermines their competitors? NDP would be at the top of the list. I've heard more ads stating the name Christy Clark than anyone else and then the negativity starts. People turn off their radios with her name in their heads. She'll get votes just because of the NDP's ads.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat
- Fledgling
- Posts: 147
- Joined: Nov 8th, 2016, 1:27 pm
Re: BC Election issues
Off Topic Bating comment removed
Last edited by dieseluphammerdown on Apr 29th, 2017, 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: off topic
Reason: off topic
- Insanely Prolific
- Posts: 103974
- Joined: Sep 16th, 2010, 9:13 am
Re: BC Election issues
So who does your propaganda sheet you received from your union masters say we should vote for instead?BeingHuman wrote:FACT: The BC Liberals have a long record of wasting taxpayers’ money.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
- Insanely Prolific
- Posts: 74989
- Joined: Apr 15th, 2006, 6:23 pm
Re: BC Election issues
Last edited by Fancy on Apr 29th, 2017, 7:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 21667
- Joined: Jul 9th, 2005, 8:56 am
Re: BC Election issues
^^So Fancy, just to get improvements to Westside Road you will tolerate Christy's lies, corruption and wasting $15 MILLION taxpayer dollars on her election ads when that $15 MILLION could be spent on improvements to Westside Road, financing care beds for seniors and improving services to kids in care???
How shallow.
How shallow.