TV Leaders' Debate
- Admiral HMS Castanet
- Posts: 29639
- Joined: Jun 1st, 2006, 5:42 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
I'm not talking about the past, I'm talking about the gaping maw of expenses in the coming years, something that all the parties seem reluctant to even acknowledge let alone plan for. Skyrocketing health costs, shrinking labour force, and huge increases in income support programs like CPP and OAS, let alone all the government pensions that will come due.BeingHuman wrote:The old switcheroo between Old Techie and you fluffy, and not a very good one, I'm afraid. Old Techie was going on about when the NDP was in government, little funding when to this area because there was a Liberal MLA here. I simply pointed out "blacktop politics" practiced by the BC Liberals where a majority of road improvement projects go to Liberal ridings over NDP ridings. I then stated how hypocritical the BC Liberals are, and their supporters.
Why not? The NDP are fine with chastising the Liberals for practices they indulge in themselves. As for my comment, it has little to do with NDP or Liberal favoritism, it was just a comment. Since we seem to have left the Leaders' Debate topic far behind I thought it was open mike. :)You cannot chastise an NDP government for the same thing the current BC Liberal government has been doing, most all of us agree that would be hypocritical. So fluffy, what does your comment have to do with NDP or BC Liberal favoritism?
"That wasn't very data-driven of you."
- Übergod
- Posts: 1296
- Joined: Jun 3rd, 2008, 11:41 am
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
Campaign promises mean nothing to me when election day rolls around. I look at the sitting government's past performance. For instance, before the 2013 election Christy promised zillions of dollars from LNG exports, a debt-free BC, a new hospital tower for Penticton, and numerous other things that never came to pass.
The lies continue today, as we have learned from the United Steelworkers boss. Clark is a pathological liar who isn't good enough to shine the shoes of hard-working British Columbians.
The lies continue today, as we have learned from the United Steelworkers boss. Clark is a pathological liar who isn't good enough to shine the shoes of hard-working British Columbians.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 22844
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate
- krocky wrote: The flaw in your theory is it's the other way around. They don't do ANY of it before, if they did I might agree with you, no, they do it AFTER, and ONLY if they win, the seat, the election or otherwise, that's what makes it "vote buying" . Not one thing was done on Westside road until "after" Christy won her seat.

- Admiral HMS Castanet
- Posts: 29639
- Joined: Jun 1st, 2006, 5:42 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
Umm, under construction as we speak.lasnomadas wrote:...a new hospital tower for Penticton, and numerous other things that never came to pass.
"That wasn't very data-driven of you."
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 932
- Joined: Oct 28th, 2012, 4:53 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
Good explanation from a BCLLD but you see the BC Liberals were elected for ALL citizens of BC not JUST the ones who donate to them or vote for them, ALL..!!Urbane wrote: "Elect us and we'll do X." What an incredibly novel idea invented by the BC Liberals! Amazing! I gotta hand it to Christy Clark and the Liberals for coming up with this idea. And yet it's so simple. You lay out your platform and promise to do what's in it. Then if elected you do it! Wow! Why haven't other parties thought of doing this as well??
Again, she is supposed to be leading our Province and fighting for us etc, etc, not JUST doing photo-ops and yes you are correct she did invent the "Premier ONLY does photo-ops persona" and is the queen of the hard hat and safety vest.. Hopefully she will have an actual use for her safety equipment when she gets the boot...Urbane wrote:The BC Liberals invented photo-ops too so they're really good at coming up with new ideas!
If you think the elected government only represents those that voted for them, you might be a Liberal..
Last edited by krocky on Apr 28th, 2017, 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 22844
- Joined: Jul 8th, 2007, 7:41 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
^^ If NDP'ers and others voting against the Liberals don't want to use hospitals, roads, bridges etc etc etc that's their problem. It's all there for EVERYONE'S benefit!! Pretty silly to suggest that only Liberals can use those things!
- Insanely Prolific
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate
You mean this one?lasnomadas wrote: a new hospital tower for Penticton, . ... fault.aspx
You need to be paying more attention to the propaganda sheets you are being fed by your union bosses in Victoria. I realize that the lower mainland doesn't pay much attention to us here in the Okanagan, so of course, their info they are feeding you is out-dated. However, you don't have to make it so blatantly obvious.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 932
- Joined: Oct 28th, 2012, 4:53 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
The Green Barbarian wrote:You need to be paying more attention to the propaganda sheets you are being fed by your union bosses in Victoria. I realize that the lower mainland doesn't pay much attention to us here in the Okanagan, so of course, their info they are feeding you is out-dated. However, you don't have to make it so blatantly obvious.lasnomadas wrote: a new hospital tower for Penticton, .
Can someone help me out with this. Are these departments of government in general or are they just departments of the BC Liberal Party.. If the NDP gets elected do they "disappear into the sunset" and the hospital project collapses and dilapidates into a run down building, just curious..The Penticton Regional Hospital Project is a partnership between the B.C Ministry of Health, Interior Health, the Okanagan-Similkameen Regional Hospital District, South Okanagan Similkameen Medical Foundation and EllisDon Infrastructure.

If you think the BC government is solely responsible for all things big and small, you might be a Liberal..
.............but they will darn sure take the credit and advertise they did with "Tax Payer" funded advertising.
Last edited by krocky on Apr 28th, 2017, 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 21667
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Re: TV Leaders' Debate
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 932
- Joined: Oct 28th, 2012, 4:53 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
Great post, explains a lot.. I wondered how the Liberals "faked" the stats but if people are having to have 2 and 3 jobs just to survive then the numbers make more sense.
So when Christy opens her mouth to blow her own horn saying I've created JOBS, JObs, joBs, jobs, Jobs and more joBS (emphasis on the BS) what she means is she has created an economy where many British Columbians have to have 3 jobs to be able to pay rent and eat, when they only used to need one back in the HORRIFIC 1990's.. Her repetitive chanting makes a lot more sense when you look at it that way..
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 22844
- Joined: Jul 8th, 2007, 7:41 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 21667
- Joined: Jul 9th, 2005, 8:56 am
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
^^Absolutely PERFECT example of ChristyLiberals pretzel logic!!! Way to go Urbane!!!
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 22844
- Joined: Jul 8th, 2007, 7:41 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
^^Absolutely PERFECT example of posting a video before listening to the content!! Way to go Flamingfingers!!!
- Buddha of the Board
- Posts: 21667
- Joined: Jul 9th, 2005, 8:56 am
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
^You used pretzel logic to infer so many things into your post from that video that it was jawdropping!!
What do you say about BC having the most part-time(on call, when necessary, low wage, no benefits) jobs in all of Canada? Pretty sleazy of your pet premier to brag about her Jobs, jobs, jobs plan, I would say!!
What do you say about BC having the most part-time(on call, when necessary, low wage, no benefits) jobs in all of Canada? Pretty sleazy of your pet premier to brag about her Jobs, jobs, jobs plan, I would say!!
- Generalissimo Postalot
- Posts: 932
- Joined: Oct 28th, 2012, 4:53 pm
Re: TV Leaders' Debate
He won't have to, he just has to raise the minimum wage, but you have pointed out some very good reasons to vote for the NDP, so thanks for that..Urbane wrote:After John Horgan becomes premier, and on his way home from Washington where he will have changed Donald Trump's mind, he can meet with David Suzuki and convince him to pay higher salaries to his employees..
If you think minimum wage is enough to live on, you might be a Liberal..
Last edited by krocky on Apr 28th, 2017, 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.