Climate Change Mega Thread

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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 23rd, 2024, 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by JagXKR »

Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 14th, 2023, 11:22 am
Wonder why he went back to being a shill, when he had such a perfect opportunity to advance the science?
Did you watch the video? I think not, he answered it at 47:25.
GOP did not want the controversy and did not want the fight with the eco nut jobs. So he did what most people would do, go somewhere else, make some money and not fight with the stupid people that could not understand 1/100th of his knowledge in physics.
Tough to fight mass hysteria cloaked in the dogma of saving the world from something that gives life and is necessary for our future.
More CO2! I want the planet to thrive, so more more more. Keep those deserts shrinking. Keep the planet greening. Keep crop yields climbing.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by JagXKR »

Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 14th, 2023, 1:21 pm
I wish people would stop using the starting point of these graphs at an anomalous low. 1880 era was way way below normal. Saying it was only -0.5C is a lie. It was way colder than that. The graph is skewed and basically junk.
Also the urban heat island effect and the fact that the majority of temperature readings are now taken within those zones makes accurate temperature measurement purposeless and futile.
But let's slag a professor that is many times smarter than those who can't fathom the deep and complex atmosphere. Let's keep on digging out graphs and charts that are skewed and deceitful. Let's ignore the reality of the greening of the earth. All due to that life giving molecule, CO2. :up:
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 23rd, 2024, 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Jlabute »

Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 14th, 2023, 8:03 pm
There's a difference between science and rambling old man opinions. It's easy to spot.

Warmer air holds more moisture - until it doesn't.
Well, at least you know how to spot an old man.
Merovingian wrote: And this is how you come to me, without why, without power.
Weather is not climate. Everything you are saying, to quote your favorite activist, "blah blah blah". All categories of random weather events are meaningless since they have always happened.

If warmer air holds more moisture, would that result in more rain? Well, global precipitation measured by satellite doesn't correlate to warmer temperatures or CO2. Sorry clouds don't form and rain doesn't pour in patterns you expect. This doesn't indicate catastrophic changings because of CO2.
global precip history.png

Scientists argue the effects of any green house effects. ... tmosphere/

New study indicates models do not conserve mass or energy. Yet more scientists contribute to a growing pile of dirt on modern models and how simplistic and wrong they are. Yet, only the left relies predominantly on them to prognosticate the future. ... or-energy/ ... 0281.1.xml
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Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Jlabute »

A point of interest. This github link is where modellers/scientists can collaborate. ...

This shows charts with a logarithmic CO2 response model, and a sunspot model. The sunspot model with no CO2 compensation actually aligns quite well with hadCRUT temperature set.

CO2 only

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Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 23rd, 2024, 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by nepal »

I don’t understand how EV’s will help save the plant, as they destroy the environment in other ways, such as mining for and disposal of batteries. All forms of vehicle locomotion have a negative environmental footprint.

Impact of metal mining: ... oodplains/

The planet simply has too many people, and an increasing proportion who want their own vehicles.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Spiff »

Sorry, nepal, I just can't resist 'cause I love this quote.
Take most people, they’re crazy about cars. They worry if they get a little scratch on them, and they’re always talking about how many miles they get to a gallon, and if they get a brand-new car already they start thinking about trading it in for one that’s even newer. I don’t even like old cars. I mean they don’t even interest me. I’d rather have a g-dam horse. A horse is at least human, for God’s sake.

– J. D. Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye. Holden Caulfield in Chapter 17.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by 77TA »

Fossil fuel demand to peak predictions...

There is so much garbage to unpack in this article I'm nearly at a loss for words. The media keeps telling us that government can control the earth's temperature with money they don't have. This plan fails before it even starts so don't invest in any new fossil fuel projects I guess?

Remember when the media told us there was a toilet paper shortage? There was more truth there I think. ... IEA#448779
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Jlabute »

Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 18th, 2023, 11:43 am
No, warmer air holds more moisture - that doesn't mean it would result in more rain events. I assume the blogs haven't covered the difference between absolute humidity, specific humidity and relative humidity?
Warmer air 'can' hold more moisture, but that doesn't mean it does. It isn't the point of the discussion. More precipitation is not falling as inferred by satellite. Relative measurements have been somewhat decreasing. Cloud patterns and precipitation is not modelled or understood. Models are extremely poor mathematical representations of earths climate and that is a fact. Global warming doesn't cause flooding, doesn't make storms stronger, doesn't do anything claimed by those that want your carbon tax dollars.
Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 18th, 2023, 11:43 am
Sorry, the strawman argument you created doesn't fly.

What does happen, however, is climate change and where we would expect X inches of rain in a year, it doesn't necessarily happen the way climate models would suggest it should. Greece, which broke high record temperatures for months, and suffered from catastrophic wildfires, got it's whole years worth of rain (+) in 24 hours.
Strawman? Where? Climate models are useless. No one cares about Greece, or wild fires. All weather is chaotic and random. We've been observing and recording weather for a very short time so you can expect to see many things you've never seen before. A wide variation in weather is possible. You don't even know how much variation is possible. Hot and cold and speed records will continue to be broken for a long time irrespective of climate change.

Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 18th, 2023, 11:43 am
Satellites don't measure precipitation, but you seem to be having trouble understanding the difference between measuring brightness temperature and calculating climate datasets, from actual measurements. Hint: "Derived", "deduced" means something entirely different than "observed", or "measured". Basically, the data deduced from TB is comparable with the data deduced from TB to show trends over time - and not a whole lot else.
Inferred measurements are calibrated and usually quite close. Maybe you should tell NASA to stop launching satellites for this purpose. Relative changes are easier to see than a small number of random samplings around the planet. 'Measure' only means to ascertain an amount.

Drip_Torch wrote: Sep 18th, 2023, 11:43 am
Your github link is where climate change sceptics can spitball BS pseudo-science at folks that refuse to look at real science. If there was anything remotely believable in the chart you provided, the actual data shows we should be realizing cooling, if indeed sunspots and solar cycles were responsible for anything other than an insignificant amount of temperature fluctuation.

The peaks and valleys in solar geomagnetic activity since 1900, based on the number of sunspots observed on the face of the Sun each day (orange dots). The Sun's activity increased in the early half of the twentieth century, but it can't be responsible for warming over the past 50 years. Graph by NOAA, based on data from the WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium.
A second reason that scientists have ruled out a significant role for the Sun in global warming is that if the Sun’s energy output had intensified, we would expect all layers of Earth’s atmosphere to have warmed. But we don’t see that. Rather, satellites and observations from weather balloons show warming in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) and cooling in the upper stratosphere (stratosphere)—which is exactly what we would expect to see as a result of increasing greenhouse gases trapping heat in the lower atmosphere. Scientists regard this piece of evidence as one of several “smoking guns” linking today’s global warming to human-emitted, heat-trapping gases.
Github is a collaboration tool for anything at any location. It wasn't built specifically for people who spit. Not that you could recognize pseudo-science. If you could, you wouldn't be putting your trust in Michael Mann and James Hansen.

You might already believe CO2 and climate science is solid, when in fact it isn't even beginning. Climate science is complex and the 'hard work' is too difficult. There is pretty good correlation between sun-spot cycles and global average temperature. The question is why. Science never 'rules out' anything, especially if it's role is not understood. Simplistically looking at total solar irradiance might not mean anything. What happens if solar or cosmic rays modulate/increase/decrease cloud formation? Would you know? No, you wouldn't. The easiest conjecture is 'CO2 is bad' and scientists work backwards from that using bad models. CO2 is not a smoking gun, and to many scientists it is less than a pea-shooter. This is not validated in any form of proof. The IPCC says half the warming is natural. Not to mention, the CO2 theory doesn't work well in many geological time periods, or in recent history of our current interglacial.
Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Drip_Torch »

Last edited by Drip_Torch on Nov 23rd, 2024, 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by foenix »

Jlabute wrote: Sep 26th, 2023, 8:32 am
There is pretty good correlation between sun-spot cycles and global average temperature. The question is why.
That assumption has been debunked since the 1960 where the global average temperatures is on a upward trend regardless of solar activity. Perhaps, a reminder is in order, AGAIN... :biggrin:
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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by hozzle »

I'm sure this vid has been posted before... but it has been reposted on the platform today (not sure if it has been updated?)
But here it is again... really good & credible interview.

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Re: Climate Change Mega Thread

Post by Jlabute »

hozzle wrote: Oct 3rd, 2023, 2:31 pm
I'm sure this vid has been posted before... but it has been reposted on the platform today (not sure if it has been updated?)

But here it is again... really good & credible interview.
Thanks Hozzle. I had seen the video before, and Judith tells it as it is.
She has a lot of informative discussions on her personal site as she reposts a lot of scientific discussions.

In other news: a new paper is released telling us climate sensitivity is low and CO2 likely has little effect. Climate sensitivity has been getting lower over the years, although, some organizations still stand beside unusually high constant ranges, such as the IPCC. ... 23-04634-7

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Lord Kelvin - When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.

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