NDP/Liberal Coalition

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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

Rcdc13 wrote:Having one party in complete power is and has not worked. Once you are able to break down each party's platform, which is mostly *bleep*, we see that they make their own rules as they get that power. So, why would we the people , who are NOT being listened to, support such stupidity. And THEN.........to have a situation like BC, where we have a minority party holding some serious power over the other. Who the hell makes these most ridiculous rules?? Oh.......I know, it's the benefactors of those rules that's who. Well maybe just maybe WE should write the rules, and give all four parties 25% power and then direct them to work it out. That's they're GD job !
So you want us to hold election after election until we get a majority? There are two options when no party gets a majority. You have minority governments, which have worked very well. Or you hold another election right away. Which do you want?

We have a minority government in power. Yes. Serious power? No, the same power as always tempered by having to appease those that are supporting them. There might even be a time where the liberals vote with the NDP to put in place policies they want but the Greens are not happy with. Not likely but it is a scenario. Minorities do work. They often work better than a majority for the people whos party is not in power.
The current minority government is supported by votes from 57% of the population. Much better actually than the 40% that supported the last majority government.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

liisgo wrote: I really have to ask, you state, actually believe, even against what is reality to support Trudeau, or not support Conservative'.

"Excluding Prime Ministers who served during a world war or a major economic downturn, Justin Trudeau is projected to go down as the biggest debt accumulating Prime Minister Canada has ever seen."

You do know that Trudeau has buried our country in debt like no other government in history?
I am not OK with him or us doing this to our future generations. We have no right to dump this on our kids, peoples of this country. As it sits, Trudeau has actually proved himself to be a failure, as much as I dont like any of the choices I cannot vote for the one that has screwed it up.
Your first statement is not even close. Mulronney last budget in 93 94 was a 42 billion dollar deficit. In todays dollars that is $74 billion. That was after increasing deficits year after year under the Conservatives.
The Conservatives are also the party that parially deindexed the income tax system so that year after year we pay more taxes . Scheer has made about 12 billion in promises so far and one very vague solution to cover his promises. He is going to look at corporate welfare and cut 1 billion. Only 11 to go. He promises a balanced budget in 4 years but does not say how. Increased GST? More tax cuts for the wealthy (which he already promised) because we know they always pay for themselves. Right? Thats sarcasm btw. Smaller government is the usual Tory mantra but that is all it is. It never happens. That only leaves cuts to government programs which always target the poor.

We have seen this tory program over and over. It has never worked before.

As for a coalition, who do the tories join? The only party that would join with them is the Bloq. That would be unlikely to hold as the Tories have said they want an energy corridor and Quebec has said over my dead body.
It looks like the tories may end up with the most seats but unless there are further huge swings in the vote we probably will get a coalition of some type. Odds right now are Liberals and NDP but odds shift swiftly.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

jimmy4321 wrote:Got no money, got no car, got no campaign and there you are.

Good luck with that plan NDP/Greens :up:

If Libs don't have enough seats they need to let it go, no coalition etc.
So if the Conservatives don't have enough seats they should let it go?

Not the way government works.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

Gone_Fishin wrote:Jagmeet forgot what he said earlier.

Singh wouldn’t rule out working with the Conservatives to topple a Trudeau government if the NDP held the most seats in a minority parliament. “I’d be willing to work with anyone to help achieve our values,” he said. “The future’s looking more and more bleak, and I want to get at: how do we build an economy where we all benefit?”

https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/ ... nadas-left
That is what minority governments do. They work with whomever they can for as long as they can and then we have a new election. Joe Clarks government only lasted 2 months I believe.
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NDP - Liberal Coalition?

Post by csm »

Just what one would expect from a Socialist Religious Zealot and a Leftist Nut Job.

https://www.castanet.net/news/Canada/26 ... top-Tories

Singh is trying to tout that the NDP forced Medicare onto Canadians - well - he's right, but it was in concert with the Conservatives of the day, NOT the Liberals - they voted against it, and Singh certainly ain't no Tommy Douglas - one of the last honest politicians that graced the halls of Ottawa, and someone he will never emulate.

The only good thing about that announcement, is it will hopefully steer votes well away from the Liberals and into the Cons or PPC.

Again, Quebec and Ontario - the biggest welfare recipients will dictate who will rule us.

If "Curly Joe" and "Moe" get together, it will be a real treat with 2 ultra left imbeciles running the country - 1 was bad enough.

I'm still hoping the Con's can pull it out of the bag - but I doubt there will not be a majority, in either direction
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

EZGuy wrote:Separatist party from one province in our national parliament - that makes sense right? Reminds me of that old tea ad “ only in Canada you say - pitty!”

Didn’t Trudeau senior green light the Bloc in parliament?
I don't think anyone has to give them a green light. Once they are elected they sit.

I believe there are a lot of governments around the world with separatists in parliament. Great Britian, Spain off the top of my head. Italy has 10 political parties who want to separate although I have no idea how many hold seats. It is not an anomaly.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by 1791 »

Brought this up last night. Nobody thought it was a good move. One lady said she was no longer going to vote for NDP.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Silverstarqueen »

Cons presumed that if people voted NDP it would take away from the Liberals, and it has brought the LIberal poll number down a couple of percent, but it brought the Conservative percent down more, according to latest polls. The Cons could get a minority with NDP or the bloc in the balance. People's positions are firming up.I think it's just going to come down to which party can get its people out to actually vote.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by rustled »

Caught Jagmeet Singh's interview on CBC radio today and I was disappointed in him but not particularly surprised. He actually sounded more like Trudeau than I think he would have liked to, given how critical he was of Trudeau.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Jlabute »

In the words of Ujjal Dosanjh:

Singh needs to do more to denounce such sentiments, said Ujjal Dosanjh, a former federal Liberal health minister, ex-premier of British Columbia and a Sikh who is a vocal critic of Sikh separatism.

A politician standing next to a fascist doing a Nazi salute is expected to speak out, as is a politician standing next to someone who promotes violence in the name of a cause, Dosanjh said in an interview. "Unless he totally disavows that and much more, he shouldn’t aspire to lead a political party, to be the prime minister of the country,” he said.

Signh still attends separatist rallies in Canada and the US. I think is a potential conflict of interest.

Just another NDP Singh...
https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/ ... otest-sign
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by butcher99 »

Jlabute wrote:In the words of Ujjal Dosanjh:

Singh needs to do more to denounce such sentiments, said Ujjal Dosanjh, a former federal Liberal health minister, ex-premier of British Columbia and a Sikh who is a vocal critic of Sikh separatism.

A politician standing next to a fascist doing a Nazi salute is expected to speak out, as is a politician standing next to someone who promotes violence in the name of a cause, Dosanjh said in an interview. "Unless he totally disavows that and much more, he shouldn’t aspire to lead a political party, to be the prime minister of the country,” he said.

Signh still attends separatist rallies in Canada and the US. I think is a potential conflict of interest.

Just another NDP Singh...
https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/ ... otest-sign
A number of problems here. That is his brother. It was 12 years ago. He apologized for it already. That is a very far right newspaper.

Are you to blame for every asinine thing your siblings did ages ago?
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Hurtlander »

The only I could ever support a Liberal- NDP coalition government is if Mulcair was still the leader of the NDP..
If the powerful enviro-extremist LEAP wing of the NDP hadn’t given Mulcair the boot because he was too centrist for their liking, he’d now be battling Scheer for the number one spot come Election Day, Trudeau would be battling May for third spot.. I still can’t believe the LEAP faction of the NDP stupidly got rid of Mulcair, if it wasn’t for Trudeau mania 2.0 back in 2015, Mulcair would’ve very likely been the leader of the official opposition. Unfortunately the NDP has been hijacked by environmental extremists that no longer represent blue-collar working class Canadians.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Silverstarqueen »

rustled wrote:Caught Jagmeet Singh's interview on CBC radio today and I was disappointed in him but not particularly surprised. He actually sounded more like Trudeau than I think he would have liked to, given how critical he was of Trudeau.
Really? I didn't think Singh sounds anything like Trudeau. I think he will give a good boot in the behind to whichever party gets in (in a polite way of course).
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by Jlabute »

Maybe. He might be sorry, or it is just how the family does a soft landing in to politics. The whole family is made of activists and are involved in blood feuds. They are each from the same apple bin. Jaghead is a detriment to the NDP party for sikh extremism. Most newspapers covered the same story about his brother. There was no positive way to shine a light on it.
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Re: NDP/Liberal Coalition

Post by rustled »

Silverstarqueen wrote:
rustled wrote:Caught Jagmeet Singh's interview on CBC radio today and I was disappointed in him but not particularly surprised. He actually sounded more like Trudeau than I think he would have liked to, given how critical he was of Trudeau.
Really? I didn't think Singh sounds anything like Trudeau. I think he will give a good boot in the behind to whichever party gets in (in a polite way of course).
He says what's convenient to his political purposes, depending on the audience.

For example, he told the right-leaning National Post he would work with whatever government is elected:
Singh wouldn’t rule out working with the Conservatives to topple a Trudeau government if the NDP held the most seats in a minority parliament. “I’d be willing to work with anyone to help achieve our values,” he said. “The future’s looking more and more bleak, and I want to get at: how do we build an economy where we all benefit?”
Work with anyone, build an economy where we all benefit.

This morning, while doing a little sidestepping around the question of coalitions, he flat-out told the left-leaning CBC the only party he had ruled out working with is the Conservatives. He is prepared to work with any party to help Canadians, but only to support the values of left-leaning Canadians. While Trudeau met (gasp!) with representatives of the oil and gas sector and (gasp!) bought the pipeline we need for many practical and environmental reasons as well as for the Canadian economy, Singh's primary objective is to shut down the oil and gas sector a.s.a.p.

He doubled down again and again during this morning's interview: he absolutely refuses to work with the Conservatives.

Is this just virtue-signalling to the CBC's usual audience?
Most academics operate in a rarified world where their highfalutin pontification is decoupled from reality. However, ideas have real consequences. Products, political systems, and policies that are incongruent with human nature always fail... Gad Saad

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