16 months to BC election - or this October?

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16 months to BC election - or this October?

Post by flamingfingers »

It will be interesting to see if/when this will change:
Richard Zussman
May 28
Research Co. has a new poll out on voter intentions. Decided voters:
@bcndp – 41%
@bcliberals- – 33%
@BCGreens - – 16%
@Conservative_BC - – 9%

It's not clear why the BC Conservatives are still included in these polls.
Will the leadership approval rates also change or remain static:
May 28
Research Co. leader approval numbers:
@jjhorgan – 73%
@AdamPOlsen - 49%
@Wilkinson4BC – 48%
Trevor Bolin – 35%

Last edited by flamingfingers on Sep 11th, 2020, 2:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by GordonH »

Only poll I pay attention to is the ballot box.

Phone polls people can give false information on who they are actually voting for.
I don't give a damn whether people/posters like me or dislike me, I'm not on earth to win any popularity contests.
It appears US voters hated Woke more than they hated Trump.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by occasional thoughts »

I don't participate in telephone polls on the rare occasions that I'm called. But I certainly find them interesting and so pay attention to them. However, just like a coronavirus test, they're only accurate at an instant in time. Thanks for posting, flamingfingers. And of course the only poll that counts is the election results.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by OKkayak »

Historically, I'm not a NDP supporter, and I really haven't felt that Horgan has been doing that good of a job up until now, but over the last couple of months I do have to admit that yes, Horgan and the NDP have been doing a pretty darn good job, at least in regards to the pandemic. The fact alone that the NDP has decided to let our beloved Dr. Henry take the spotlight on a daily basis instead of the usual political puppets really does highlight that they are getting us the relevant information and guidance from the best source.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by Bsuds »

Dr Henry for Premier!
I'm old enough to remember when Plastic bags were the solution to the destruction of trees!
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by fluffy »

I tend to vote the man rather than the party, and despite all the hoopla at election time I wasn’t on the dump Christy bandwagon. They had managed to keep the store open through some pretty tough times and that was good enough for me. We’ll see what state the province is in come election time, it’s a tough one to read right now with all this pandemic crap going on. I do rest a little better since Andrew Weaver retired, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he had Mr. Horgan by the short and curlies and used that at every opportunity.
Last edited by fluffy on May 30th, 2020, 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"That wasn't very data-driven of you."
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by occasional thoughts »

Notwithstanding the (many) crazies herein, I'm fairly comfortable with either the NDP or the Conservatives who go under the name of the B.C. Liberals in our province. Centre-right and centre-left. I favour the NDP myself for their environmental thrust, and more so in the way of wilderness and habitat preservation and the like than their anti-oil stand and advocacy for "green" energy. Which bothers me in principle: wind turbines are anathema to avian wildlife, run-of-river are ditto to wild rivers. Yep, we need energy. I personally advocate SAFE no corners cut nuclear power.

Of course, we'll be talking about how hell had frozen over before we ever elect an NDP MLA in the Central Okanagan - lol.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

OKkayak wrote:Historically, I'm not a NDP supporter, and I really haven't felt that Horgan has been doing that good of a job up until now, but over the last couple of months I do have to admit that yes, Horgan and the NDP have been doing a pretty darn good job, at least in regards to the pandemic. The fact alone that the NDP has decided to let our beloved Dr. Henry take the spotlight on a daily basis instead of the usual political puppets really does highlight that they are getting us the relevant information and guidance from the best source.
My thoughts exactly.
Wilkinson has been like a guy stranded on a desert island. Too far away for anyone to hear him. How loud has he been screaming, or has he been silent? Nobody knows, nobody cares. It'll be tough to unseat Horgan.
If the NDP get back in I hope it's a majority so that they don't have to suck up to the Greens.
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by occasional thoughts »

I refer you to my OP topic on Canada forum, now off the Hot 100, about the redundancy and non-necessity of the Greens in terms of offering voters a choice on a neglected part of the political spectrum. They are an opportunitic manifestation in Canada of a political fad from Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Green is a movement. Centre-left greens are well represented by the NDP, pure centre or green-staunch free enterprisers are reasonably well represented by the Liberals, federal at least.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by occasional thoughts »

I'll tell you all what's funny about the OP here. Who the bleep is Polson, who the also bleep is Polin? Have I fallen so far from my awareness of B.C. politics as compared to my younger days From a process of simple elimination, I presume the former is Liberal leader and the latter is Conservative leader. But I'd never heard of them before.

One slight aside: it is interesting to watch Adrian Dix in his semi-starring role with Dr. B. Henry on the almost-daily virus updates. Dix was, I believe, a failed leadership candidate to Horgan. He had been a bad boy once and snuck onto SkyTrain without paying I believe. Tsk tsk. I like him as Health Minister, although he's not charismatic per se. I love his French sound bites; the French language news media in B.C. must love him. Overall, I'd give him an A-/B+.

Horgan did what he had to do to satisfy the Greens. I might be interested in electoral "reform" but the options they came up with were asinine. I'm not pleased with the Mickey Mouse method he implemented to decide Standard vs. Daylight Savings time. I don't think I even knew about it until after the so-called voting deadline had passed.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by flamingfingers »

I'll tell you all what's funny about the OP here. Who the bleep is Polson, who the also bleep is Polin? Have I fallen so far from my awareness of B.C. politics as compared to my younger days
From a process of simple elimination, I presume the former is Liberal leader and the latter is Conservative leader. But I'd never heard of them before.
Google is your friend. Even a simple modicum of attention to news outlets would help to inform.
I don't think I even knew about it until after the so-called voting deadline had passed.
See suggestion above re: attention to news papers/TV/radio.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

occasional thoughts wrote:I don't participate in telephone polls on the rare occasions that I'm called. But I certainly find them interesting and so pay attention to them. However, just like a coronavirus test, they're only accurate at an instant in time. Thanks for posting, flamingfingers. And of course the only poll that counts is the election results.
I participate in every poll that contacts me, but they never get the truth out of me. I love nothing better than messing with them.
Most often if I'm just pushing buttons I'll be a female, somewhere between mid thirties and early forties. Sometimes with a university degree. Sometimes single, sometimes married. Number of kids in the house is usually two or three. Income ranges from low to very high.
It all depends on who I think is behind the questions.
I'm posting this from Traditional lands of the British Empire & the current Lands of The Dominion of Canada.
I also give thanks for this ethos richness bestowed on us via British Colonialism.

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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by gordon_as »

The Libs sealed their fate in the next election when they chose Wilkinson , just like they chose their fate when they stuck with Christy Clark.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by occasional thoughts »

Bad boy (or girl), bb649. I couldn't do that, so I hang up. One of my few paranoias, grew out of a time when I worked for the provincial government in a rather low-level pseudo political job, and I wondered if people would purport to be pollsters to find out where I stood. I'd love to have my views and opinions weighed, but nowadays I demand to know who is doing the polling (or more correctly who it is being done for) and they won't say so I decline or hang up.
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Re: 16 months to BC election

Post by Gone_Fishin »

gordon_as wrote:The Libs sealed their fate in the next election when they chose Wilkinson , just like they chose their fate when they stuck with Christy Clark.
So you're saying that the Libs will win the election, as that is what CC did.

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