Worker hit by crane; Burnaby employer fined for trying to prevent WorkSafeBC claim

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Re: Worker hit by crane; Burnaby employer fined for trying to prevent WorkSafeBC claim

Post by GordonH »

Employers who do this kind of thing are not helping anyone but themselves, covering up violations on job site should result in the termination of person.
Garth Algar
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Re: Worker hit by crane; Burnaby employer fined for trying to prevent WorkSafeBC claim

Post by Garth Algar »

$2500 isn't even a deterrent, it's pocket change for a company like this.
Grand Pooh-bah
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Re: Worker hit by crane; Burnaby employer fined for trying to prevent WorkSafeBC claim

Post by soupy »

Garth Algar wrote: Nov 1st, 2024, 12:08 pm $2500 isn't even a deterrent, it's pocket change for a company like this.
Agree that it is not much of a deterrent. But a WSBC fine is directly related to company's payroll.
So, it is likely this is the first time they have ever received a fine, and that they have a relatively small payroll.
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Re: Worker hit by crane; Burnaby employer fined for trying to prevent WorkSafeBC claim

Post by twobits »

I would just like to point out that there is too little information in this article to condemn/support the employer or to support/condemn the employee involved.
What exactly does "hit by a construction crane mean"? The article does not even indicate that any injury was received. Given that the fine was only 2500 I think it is safe to say the contact between the employee and the crane was minor and this whole thing is about something minute and a technical breach of procedure.
Interior Health was just fined 267k because a crackhead patient lit up a pipe full in his/her room and the staff was exposed to a noxious smell that made some feel ill.
Try to reconcile the fine difference between these two real scenario's. IMO, Worksafe BC have become a bunch of power hungry wacko's trying to justify and fundraise for their 150k plus salaries.

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