West Kelowna will spend $2.5M to fix water issues but says no to $50 credit

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Re: West Kelowna will spend $2.5M to fix water issues but says no to $50 credit


Will anyone be held accountable?

Quick Google search: is manganese water ok to drink?
Answer: Drinking water with a level of manganese above the MDH guidance level can be harmful for your health, but taking a bath or a shower in it is not. Manganese in your water can stain your laundry, cause scaling on your plumbing, and make your water look, smell, or taste bad

From the article above:
“On July 23 we received the first test results that indicated manganese had exceeded the maximum level,” Hillis told council.

So from July 23 to now residents have been ingesting water that is bad for them.

I smell a class action lawsuit.
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Jim Dixon
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Re: West Kelowna will spend $2.5M to fix water issues but says no to $50 credit

Post by Jim Dixon »

So de Jong doesn't want infected taxpayers to get a meager $50.00 but that's OK because what can one do with $50.00 today, especially with a council that is out of touch with it's residents, local needs, and can afford a whopping 17% for council, and 16.5% for "city workers" pay increase.

I gather we are looking at another annual exorbitant annual tax increase.

With postal services down again, the City offers dozens of ways to to pay our "QUARTERLY Utilities Invoice"
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Re: West Kelowna will spend $2.5M to fix water issues but says no to $50 credit

Post by aspman »

We've had water I wouldn't give to my pets for over a decade, barely adequate to water my lawn or wash my car. The city can keep the cash, we want water we can drink! Class action completely warranted I agree, why has no one started one? Surely there's at least one lawyer on the Rose Valley system.
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Re: West Kelowna will spend $2.5M to fix water issues but says no to $50 credit

Post by bazinga42 »

Sorry... who, exactly, would the class sue? It is a community funded utility. Anything you "won" in a lawsuit would be paid BY YOU. You'd literally be suing yourselves and they only winner would be the lawyers you paid to do it.

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