Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by BGrigg07 »

UBCO and the City should be subsidizing their housing during this time. Shame on both for not stepping up and offering that straight away.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by frenchdip101 »

don't forget Mission Group as well.

I know Castanet has a cozy relationship with MG, but you still have to report the facts here. So to be clear, Mission Group is also responsible for the displacement. Mission group is involved in the construction of the UBCO tower, and they are also gettting sued.

Do your job, *bleep*.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by piglita »

To think, city councillors just voted in favour of another 40 story building next door…surely this land will clearly support that much weight in such a close vicinity! Accountability needs to be taken here for these people who have lost their new homes, and that accountability should be shared amongst developers/engineers and the city. This will continue to happen to people with less money in their pockets so long as the deep pockets are NOT held accountable, and the city for greedily agreeing to grow our city at such a rate we cannot support it.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by Phoenix2971 »

Absolutely the council & staff that approved this are responsible for this fiasco! Since it doesn’t affect their pay cheques or their housing they simply say oops. In private business their jobs would be on the line. How about the council uses their 35% wage increase they voted themselves to pay rent for rent for the displaced? Could this be that the city & UBCO is hoping that they can use this completed building for summer rentals (like an air bnb). It would certainly fall into their allowable rentals….. They have now approved another 40 stories- the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over & over again & expecting a different result.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by Sicamous_Sue »

The UBCO Tower is going to go down in history as one of the great architectural blunders of Kelowna. Approving four story underground parking on Kelowna's soft, wet ground was the actions of idiots, resulting in the destruction of the neighbouring Legion and CoLab buildings and damage to Hadgraft Wilson Place. Yes, there needs to be lawsuits, credentials stripped, jobs lost, and public apologies. What a travesty.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by Connie65 »

So very poorly handled both before and since. Clearly every level of involvement bears responsibility and to deny any liability is not right. Take ownership, do the right thing, and step up..
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by vic35099 »

I dont know how many know about what is under the kelowna downtown hub, but I found out when I first moved here in 86.
Apparently there are massive caves under city center going back as far as the Capri that are all water of course. Back then divers were exploring it until one never came back, presumed lost from the vastness of it. So how stable is the land on top of this huge caveran? Is that water surging upwards at the buiding site a crack in that rock? Is that why neighbouring buildings are moving and having damage?Imagine if a quake occured and caused some or all of downtown to break off and sink into the lake from such weight being built on top? Things that make you go hmmmm.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by GordonH »

Everyone should be giving the newly elected MLA for Kelowna Centre an earful on this entire load BS coming from those responsible for this disaster and the residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place.

Here is a link to Her site, please feel free to send her a polite email. ... n-Kristina
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the truth
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by the truth »

truly scum you are ubco, city staff and mission group for treating these residents that way. hope karma gets you all back
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by dunngy 59 »

Seems to me that nothing is happening because the lawyers are involved. Mission Group and UBCO time to step and do the right thing, don't make these folks have to wait for a class action to proceed. Shameful behavior.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by TMBOkanagan »

frenchdip101 wrote: Dec 1st, 2024, 6:26 am don't forget Mission Group as well.

I know Castanet has a cozy relationship with MG, but you still have to report the facts here. So to be clear, Mission Group is also responsible for the displacement. Mission group is involved in the construction of the UBCO tower, and they are also gettting sued.

Do your job, *bleep*.
I'm not sure why people keep bringing Mission Group into this. Mission Group and UBCO subdivided their property and their partnership several years ago - MG has no involvement with the UBC tower.

However, it is MG who proposed the 40 storey tower next door - with no underground parking.
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by Mike_T »

BC needs places to launder money
affordable housing will have to take a back seat for that
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by featfan »

frenchdip101 wrote: Dec 1st, 2024, 6:26 am don't forget Mission Group as well.

I know Castanet has a cozy relationship with MG, but you still have to report the facts here. So to be clear, Mission Group is also responsible for the displacement. Mission group is involved in the construction of the UBCO tower, and they are also gettting sued.

Do your job, *bleep*.
I now call this place bluesky 2.0
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Re: Former residents of Hadgraft Wilson Place lost affordable housing and their tight-knit community

Post by jfrankbc »

Council has nothing to do with any decisions made at City Hall. It is city management that make all the decisions and simply send to council for a ceremonial discussion and vote.
If we want accountability, hold staff accountable, that is who actually runs this place, not council.

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