BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
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- Fledgling
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
"British Columbians may end up paying the price"
May? You're damn right we will, you wait till they force heat pumps and EV's on us then we will be screwed as the 13,600 gigawatt hours they had to buy last year will double and triple moving forward and the prices will continue to climb.
May? You're damn right we will, you wait till they force heat pumps and EV's on us then we will be screwed as the 13,600 gigawatt hours they had to buy last year will double and triple moving forward and the prices will continue to climb.
- Board Meister
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
And the Greens and their NDP bed partners wanted to scrap the Site C dam. That stupid position that they took needs to be smeared on their faces. Brain Rot thinking at it’s worst.
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Also add to the demand. Heat Pumps and EV's. It's going to cost the average person a lot more money just heat your home. What about people on fixed income?
- Übergod
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
keep pushing and subsidizing the EV & heat pump fantasies when we import fossil energy generated electricity. Another dumbest to dumber policy from the regressive ndp/lpc/green climate change, globalist, wef socialist activists, who are hell bend on destroying BC and Canada, financially, socially, economically and in every other way.
- Fledgling
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Our dysfunctional colonial political system promote the idiots, while it scare the people we need away.
A Proportional ballot opens the doors for the people we need, but , our political leaders absolutely hate democracy with a passion.
A Proportional ballot opens the doors for the people we need, but , our political leaders absolutely hate democracy with a passion.
- Übergod
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
As usual, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. What a joke...
- Übergod
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Looks like a type of YOUR ELECTRICITY bill is going up propaganda to me...Not enough future planning and rely on the US and Alberta to carry the load if a cold winter... all the fuss about LNG... even Fortis which is in bed with BC Hydro.... can not find a location to hold extra gas in the COLD.... in case we run out in the TO SMALL distribution lines...who does the infrastructure planning is it kids in school lol
Maybe BC HYDRO best look into nuclear power plants are their cost not the taxpayers ..
Time will tell but no one has the guts to say we need more for the future ..... just go day by day and see if no on
Maybe BC HYDRO best look into nuclear power plants are their cost not the taxpayers ..
Time will tell but no one has the guts to say we need more for the future ..... just go day by day and see if no on
- Generalissimo Postalot
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
I thought our province was in the enviable position of exporting electricity. And even with Site C (which the NDP didn't want), we are net importers?
- Fledgling
- Posts: 238
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Well done NDP for finishing site C. Great decision for the future.
- Fledgling
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Get your heat pump !!! Gas bad!!
- Guru
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Perhaps you should choose news sources not aligned with the Tyee, the Green Party, or the NDP.
All of these eco enviro nuts pointed to Site C as unnecessary and now after Horgan gave the go ahead we are still short of power. The important lesson in that debacle argument was it would have been at least 15 billion cheaper to build if these wacko's just got out of the way day 1 and let it be built.
We, now current day, would have have an extra 15 billion for other energy development. Instead, high priced suits, FN Taxpayer Funded legal challenges (they lost anyway), and highly volitile contruction costs piszed all of that money away. So here we stand now wringing our hands about the cost of energy and where it is going to come from.
Gumpism in fine display.
- Fledgling
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Wait till the blackouts start. People gonna be dumping their EVs like toxic waste
- Fledgling
- Posts: 219
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Quit giving the ndp credit they deserve none. The NDP didn't want anything to do with site C and wanted it cancelled. It was the liberals that pushed for it and got construction started. The only reason the ndp didn't scrap it was the cost to cancel the project would have cost more than the cost to build it.
- Newbie
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Re: BC Hydro electricity imports underscores need for more power, says EFI
Energy Futures Institute is a thinly veiled fossil fuel advocacy organization. Very thinly veiled.