Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

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Re: Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

Post by 56RLJ »

These "health" officials do NOT have your health in mind only their pocket books. The more that is done to alter the natural products the less healthy they are. Germs are good for you, they actually help keep you healthy as your immune system controls the good and bad. The less your immune system has to fight, the less healthy you will become. To all those germaphobes out there you are not doing yourselves or your families any favours by cleaning and disinfecting EVERYTHING all the time. Let. your children play in the dirt, heck, let them eat the dirt if they want to just don't come running immediately with some disinfectant to clean them up. Disinfectant is actually POISON.
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Re: Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

Post by the truth »

100% correct. :up:
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Re: Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

Post by Tack »

56RLJ wrote: Dec 4th, 2024, 10:06 am These "health" officials do NOT have your health in mind only their pocket books. The more that is done to alter the natural products the less healthy they are. Germs are good for you, they actually help keep you healthy as your immune system controls the good and bad. The less your immune system has to fight, the less healthy you will become. To all those germaphobes out there you are not doing yourselves or your families any favours by cleaning and disinfecting EVERYTHING all the time. Let. your children play in the dirt, heck, let them eat the dirt if they want to just don't come running immediately with some disinfectant to clean them up. Disinfectant is actually POISON.
Enjoy your bird flu drinking dirty cow pus.
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Re: Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

Post by Not-a-Bot »

56RLJ wrote: Dec 4th, 2024, 10:06 am These "health" officials do NOT have your health in mind only their pocket books. The more that is done to alter the natural products the less healthy they are. Germs are good for you, they actually help keep you healthy as your immune system controls the good and bad. The less your immune system has to fight, the less healthy you will become. To all those germaphobes out there you are not doing yourselves or your families any favours by cleaning and disinfecting EVERYTHING all the time. Let. your children play in the dirt, heck, let them eat the dirt if they want to just don't come running immediately with some disinfectant to clean them up. Disinfectant is actually POISON.
Your immune system isn't like a muscle - you don't exercise it. Since you fundamentally misunderstand how it even works, the rest of your argument means nothing.
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Re: Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

Post by SynergyGA »

56RLJ wrote: Dec 4th, 2024, 10:06 am These "health" officials do NOT have your health in mind only their pocket books. The more that is done to alter the natural products the less healthy they are. Germs are good for you, they actually help keep you healthy as your immune system controls the good and bad. The less your immune system has to fight, the less healthy you will become. To all those germaphobes out there you are not doing yourselves or your families any favours by cleaning and disinfecting EVERYTHING all the time. Let. your children play in the dirt, heck, let them eat the dirt if they want to just don't come running immediately with some disinfectant to clean them up. Disinfectant is actually POISON.
Spot on, we drank out of creeks and water hoses and ate dirt and sand playing as kids, To this day I am supper super healthy and took zero jabs, gee wonder why almost every child has medical issues and allergies by their early teens if not before, nothing to do with jabbing perfectly healthy children with all your big pharma crap huh? Give me a break. And people still actually believe " viruses" exist in nature, what a farce. Do some research. Here's a start for the kids at the back. How are "viruses" seen? Next; when was the very first usable EM made? When did the so called " Spanish flu" arrive? Factoid, only the jabbed got the so called " Spanish Flu" that hailed out of Fort Detrick army base USA .....watch The End to germ theory and get back to me all you Phd's and so called educated "doctors" and " biologists" Check out a man named Dr. Bruce Lipton, at one time one of the most respected "virologists" in America that taught and wrote the book on the subject and see what he recants years later. Do your homework instead of listening to the echo chambers and the media and the so-called doctors that have your best health at heart (no pun intended for those that have suddenly been diagnosed with myocarditis) all the while being paid to inject you and your loved ones. Boy won't everyone be p***ed off when they find out what was really going down. You can all hack on this all you desire, makes no never mind to me. " A lie is always a lie even if everyone believes it, but the truth is always the truth even if no one believes it" good luck to all that bought into the biggest scam of all time. I wish you all had not taken what you did. In time, everyone will finally know the truth. It will be too late by then unfortunately.
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Re: Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus

Post by GordonH »

I grew up on dairy farm, we kept very close eye on dairy herd and did regular checks on the milk for things like Mastitis.

The entire milking system was disinfected after every milking and before every milking, bulk tank kept milk chilled.
We drank gallons of raw milk, made our butter, sour cream & cottage cheese and other dairy products.

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