B.C. police shooting won't result in charges for officer

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Re: B.C. police shooting won't result in charges for officer

Post by jt22 »

Wish the cops would get more shooting practice and quit just wounding these losers
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Re: B.C. police shooting won't result in charges for officer

Post by flightcraft »

Correct..... So close,,,, damn......
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Re: B.C. police shooting won't result in charges for officer

Post by canadales »

Shut down the IIO and let the police do their job instead of handcuffing them with the possibility of being charged themselves.
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Re: B.C. police shooting won't result in charges for officer

Post by dmschmidt »

wouldn't it be nice if the government spent half the time and effort and resources actually investigating the criminals in this province, versus going after the police when they try to deal with them.

Isn't it sad that people have gotten so fed up with crime and the revolving doors of our (in)justice system that when a cop shoots some scumbag like this, the only real negative perception of it is that it was too bad the scumbag didn't die.
But that's where we are, and it makes perfect sense to me.
Too bad our government has their heads so far up their tuckus's that they can't see it.
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Re: B.C. police shooting won't result in charges for officer

Post by amaplayer »

Tired or reading about everytime someone who is legally required to cooperate with the police resists and injures a police officer. This is a waste of taxpayers money conducting these investigations and a waste of media space saying the arrest is under investigation by a bunch of civilians. Sentence the subject with substantial time make it very public that not cooperating or resisting arrest gets jail time and substantial time and these individuals will think twice before they act out!

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