Vernon council to receive update on organics collection program

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Joined: Jul 2nd, 2024, 8:12 am

Re: Vernon council to receive update on organics collection program

Post by 56RLJ »

Expecting apartments and commercial customers to take their organic waste a distance away is the city pipe-dream at best. They seem to think having all of these UGLY wheeled bins sitting out in the street is a great idea. Not only the organic ones but they also have the ones for actual garbage. So there are bins always sitting out in the street. I call them EYESORES. They need to rethink their idea or scrap it all together. Especially, being that they are pushing the apartment complexes. The more people living in apartment buildings, the less people will actually be recycling their organics, especially being that the city expects less people to have cars. I do not see individuals or restaurants hauling their organics 30-60 minutes or more to dispose of it. Can you say garage can, yep! That is exactly where it will all go, just like it always has.
This was just another one of those money wasters, since the majority of organics are going to the dump and not to any composting sites.
Board Meister
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Re: Vernon council to receive update on organics collection program

Post by Sicamous_Sue »

Waste of money. Property taxes will go up to pay for all silliness and results will be what?
Posts: 36
Joined: Aug 21st, 2024, 8:59 am

Re: Vernon council to receive update on organics collection program

Post by KEESTER_1 »

Another Corporation to get rich on the coat tails of the TAXPAYER!!:)

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