Vernon woman being evicted after receiving pay raise

Comments on Castanet news articles.
Board Meister
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Re: Vernon woman being evicted after receiving pay raise

Post by dmschmidt »

Do what everyone else in the world seems to be doing. Just refuse to move out and game the system. Why not? You are actually someone that is stuck and for legitimate reasons. The vast majority of these squatters you read about that get away with illegally occupying a premise are just scumbags trying to screw someone over.

Don't feel guilty about it. use the system and stay there until they can legally force you out. And while you continue to stay there, withhold your rent and save it so you can afford to pay a little more when you do find a place.
Mtn Biker
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Re: Vernon woman being evicted after receiving pay raise

Post by Mtn Biker »

It's a thin line for sure. Once again our useless government departments flex their muscles and inflict pain on undeserving citizens. As a society we need to show up during election cycles and force our governments to listen. Use the vote, voice our concerns, we are getting ran over by waste of money bureaucrats who are over paid and do nothing. I feel bad for this person, and hope smarter minds prevail.
Posts: 5
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Re: Vernon woman being evicted after receiving pay raise

Post by RickE »

To Mtn Biker. This is not a government issue. She is renting from the Canadian Mental Health Association, which is a non profit society. I feel for her. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her landlord should reconsider her case. Dmschmidt has the right idea, she is deserving.
Posts: 27
Joined: Jun 19th, 2021, 10:31 am

Re: Vernon woman being evicted after receiving pay raise

Post by lac67 »

The house is owned by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and she pays rent based on a percentage of her income.

Now, she is having to pack up her things after receiving an eviction notice following notice from a new landlord.

So CMHA is not the landlord ?
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec 9th, 2014, 10:51 am

Re: Vernon woman being evicted after receiving pay raise

Post by cash2274 »

Greedy ppl everywhere! There should be a rental cap that only allows ppl to charge what there mortgage payment would be for their home space that they are renting out and not 3 times the mortgage, like it is today. I only pray ppl can find something affordable in the Okanagan, especially on a limited income. This trend needs to be reversed back to being affordable before something drastic goes down

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