Dozens show up for open house on proposed jet fuel plant on Tk'emlups reserve

Comments on Castanet news articles.
Posts: 106
Joined: Jun 14th, 2015, 9:44 pm

Re: Dozens show up for open house on proposed jet fuel plant on Tk'emlups reserve

Post by Grdond01 »

Sounds like a great idea to me...Thank God the crazy 8 aren't making the decisions on this project... I'm sure the environmentalists will keep them good standing...
Posts: 64
Joined: May 15th, 2024, 2:23 pm

Re: Dozens show up for open house on proposed jet fuel plant on Tk'emlups reserve

Post by ReneeTaylor »

I hope the jet-fuel plant can be a success for First Nations people. I also hope that there won't be any long-term environmental impacts, or problems faced by nearby homes, from the project, if it goes ahead. Good luck, everyone! <3 -Renee K. Taylor, Kamloops, BC (Dec. 12/24.)

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