Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Tack »

Stick to music Elton John...the gateway theory has long been disproven. He was a man in the spotlight in the 70s and 80s a time when musicians all got into cocaine. That has nothing to do with periodic marijuana use in 2024.
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Bigbacardi »

Dude, just because you can't hold your own on maryJ doesn't mean the rest of us can't.
Dope is NOT a gateway drug, dope is not addictive(physically)
Personality is the addict, if u have an addictive personality, & weak emotionally, you will prolly become an addict. Does matter what you're addicted to, an addict is an addict.
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by sovsovsov »

Elton is right. Most people who use harder drugs later in life began their drug use with marijuana, myself included.

Nowhere does he imply he can't "handle his weed" and you must be high to deduce that from his statements. Legalizing and making this drug widely available and socially acceptable will result in mental health and addictions issues among young adults and adolescents. Weed is absolutely a gateway drug and impacts brain development. Denying these basic facts is disingenuous. Previous comments don't address Elton's claims nor do they present any coherent argument against prohibition.
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Fanboy »

So pot is no longer a gateway drug and it's no longer addictive. Must be all those new varieties they are breeding...........

In other news, Canada's GDP has gotten an almost $50 billion dollar infusion since the legalization of pot, while at the same time Canadians have lost around $131 billion investing in legal pot. Thanks Trudeau!
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by westsiderider »

just because you couldn't keep your HEROIN ADDICTION in check and your desire for some pretty strange sex interests to yourself does not make you a candidate to tell the world that those of us who've been enjoying the benefits of a proven non addictive drug...stick to your do that well...
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by ash71 »

Fanboy wrote: Dec 12th, 2024, 9:11 am So pot is no longer a gateway drug and it's no longer addictive. Must be all those new varieties they are breeding...........
Pot is as much a gateway drug as cigarettes... and it has never been addictive unless it was laced with something else (you never really knew what you were buying before it was legal). However, with how easy it is to buy now, I find myself smoking weed WAY more than I ever did before.

...I actually wonder how "my guy" is doing these days, I'm sure he lost a bunch of customers :biggrin:
Justy 3000
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Justy 3000 »

Elton hasn't been here in a decade, has he? They basically legalized ALL drugs and most petty crimes. No consequences for anything unless you are a hard working taxpayer and you make a slight slip up running a yellow light or something. Then they'll throw the book at you. Trudeau's Canada.
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by deckerbc »

Last edited by ferri on Dec 12th, 2024, 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by 6owens »

Legal or not, the smell of pot smoke is horrible, worse than skunk. Sort of thinking a move to the country might be required soon.
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Fanboy »

ash71 wrote: Dec 12th, 2024, 9:25 am
Pot is as much a gateway drug as cigarettes... and it has never been addictive unless it was laced with something else (you never really knew what you were buying before it was legal). However, with how easy it is to buy now, I find myself smoking weed WAY more than I ever did before.

...I actually wonder how "my guy" is doing these days, I'm sure he lost a bunch of customers :biggrin: ... ction.html ... -addiction ... -addictive
Yes, pot is addictive.
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The Green Barbarian
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Elton John is a pretty smart dude. Hey pot-heads, you suck!
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by F1oo »

I know a former drug addict who says pot is a gateway drug and he should know.
The addict is the first to deny there is a problem. I'm not condoning alcohol (but it is a scourge of the world as well) but if you have a beer or two you are not drunk. (my personal experience)
But if you smoke pot you are stoned (pot's version of drunk. again my personal experience)
So if I would smoke pot any time of day or night I'd be stoned. I've had coworkers smoke pot on the job and operating machinery. We have accepted (not me ) being stoned is ok. No it's not, there's something wrong with needing to be high to get through life. It's certainly not normal behavior regardless of what anyone says. It affects your brain function in an abnormal way. It's an addiction, and to say different is denial. Legalization supposedly removed the stigma but I say the stigma is still there and for good reason. I agree legalization is a huge mistake. Thanks Trudeau!
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Outdoorvernon11 »

Good think we don't care bout his opinions.. his music suk and he has aids . So his opinions don't matter
Skaha Explorer
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Re: Sir Elton John brands legalisation of marijuana 'one of the greatest mistakes of all time'

Post by Skaha Explorer »

Everything is a gateway if you have a predisposition to addiction.
I don't see anyone bringing that same energy to; alcohol, shopping, gambling, food or prescription medication.

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