Placenta tissue saved this man's leg from amputation. How can more people benefit?

Comments on Castanet news articles.
Items for sale - Kelowna
Posts: 18
Joined: Nov 14th, 2008, 6:52 am

Re: Placenta tissue saved this man's leg from amputation. How can more people benefit?

Post by Items for sale - Kelowna »

INCREDIBLE!! What a great story / outcome.

"So what are we waiting for?"... Indeed!
Board Meister
Posts: 364
Joined: Dec 13th, 2015, 4:55 pm

Re: Placenta tissue saved this man's leg from amputation. How can more people benefit?

Post by Phoenix2971 »

There is so much more than we are doing & using in North America towards health & healing. We are stuck in our old ways that don’t always work.

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