Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

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Not Bob
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by Not Bob »

He should be dropped off at the airport and sent packing upon his release.
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by Hurricanehazey »

Unbelievable. There is no hope things will ever get better in B.C. 😞
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by two_shoes1mit »

Why was he not deported?
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by Roadhog »

So his behaviour in prison was "no longer manageable", but he'll be fine when he's released. The justice system is run by idiots
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by Noshortageofdrivers »

He has friends in high places
Look what’s running our country
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by eyepop »

two_shoes1mit wrote: Dec 12th, 2024, 5:30 pm Why was he not deported?
:135: to Abbotsford?
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by WilliamMastop »

I can see the future. I really can. Okay, maybe its just because we have all seen this show before? He's going to get out and then act like a complete as%% for a while. Then he will either go back inside, get murdered, or overdose. Gang life .... incredible
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by Boarder4 »

This is almost hard to believe, but given it's Canada it's not surprising. How does someone commit Murder, even though the Victim was a low life Scumbag get out serving under 10 years ?? Deport this lowlife and all his family immediately. When Trump takes over he's going to finally hold Canada to account on all their nonsense
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by BigTun »

Hah Cana-duh is so pathetic.
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by flightcraft »

Boarder4 wrote: Dec 12th, 2024, 6:42 pm This is almost hard to believe, but given it's Canada it's not surprising. How does someone commit Murder, even though the Victim was a low life Scumbag get out serving under 10 years ?? Deport this lowlife and all his family immediately. When Trump takes over he's going to finally hold Canada to account on all their nonsense
The truth. Cant wait. Mockery of judicial system. Good point of removing family as well. Has been my thoughts for years. If they only implemented that law, relative bad, whole family bad. You're out! all of you!. That'll scratch their passports...... Get the hell out!!
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by mark2 »

How do you deport a Canadian citizen? Yikes.
Sonny Taylor
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by Sonny Taylor »

mark2 wrote: Dec 12th, 2024, 9:57 pm How do you deport a Canadian citizen? Yikes.
By helicopter In the middle of lake Superior in winter. We could be compassionate and offer him a parachute.
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by dmschmidt »

He's protests being accused of being involved in the prison's drug subculture, but he's caught with illegal drug contraband.

Yeah...sounds like he's learned his lesson.

Why is it only people that are not involved with Canada's correctional system that can see that these criminals are doing everything they can to APPEAR reformed, but are in reality not?
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Re: Second man who planned 2011 Kelowna gangland slaying gains release

Post by hobbyguy »

dmschmidt wrote: Dec 13th, 2024, 6:53 am He's protests being accused of being involved in the prison's drug subculture, but he's caught with illegal drug contraband.

Yeah...sounds like he's learned his lesson.

Why is it only people that are not involved with Canada's correctional system that can see that these criminals are doing everything they can to APPEAR reformed, but are in reality not?
It is not a matter of appearing to be reformed.
Until 1992 that was the case, as early parole was granted based on good behavior.
Then in 1992 the brilliant Conservatives changed the laws and introduced statutory release. Every prisoner is now entitled to early release after 2/3 of their sentence has been served. That takes away the incentive to be good boys and girls. It also pretty much automatically reduces sentences by 1/3.

I think that move by the Conservatives was a very bad move.

It is a political hot potato that no party has been willing to take on. Liberals Chretien and Martin both ignored it. Even "tough on crime" Harper and the CPC ignored the obvious stupidity of that 1992 law. Liberal Trudeau can't touch it because the NDP take the side of perpetrators and JT needs Jagmeet on board.

Doesn't help that something like 28% of inmates are indigenous while being only 4% of the population. A security guard in Edmonton was recently murdered (shot in the back no less) by an indigenous man out on statutory release despite being an obvious risk based on a rap sheet as long as your arm.

This can all be fixed, but if I were a betting man, I would not put a dime on it. It will take serious political will and capital to fix this criminal justice mess.

It will require a change in the charter and repeal of the 1992 law -which I doubt any political leader will do - as they are always worried about the next election instead of doing the right thing. Making the necessary changes would be highly controversial, and the constitutional change required would be a difficult task. The political leadership of this country simply won't take it on because they are "all political calculation and polls all the time".

Yup, I'm trying. I put a proposal forward to one of the major parties, but I expect they will "round file" it.

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