'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by Tallerinstaller »

So my 91 yr old mother, who relies on Canada Post for delivery of her bills, cheques, letters from friends, and mailing of her numerous charity donation cheques, , thinks the timing of this strike was so wrong. To hurt so many Canadians by shutting down the mail delivery, a bargaining chip, made no sense. The damage is done though, and 2025 will start under a dark cloud of resentment for all parties involved. I sure hope that common sense, on Both sides of the table, will prevail come May….O’ Canada, We stand for Thee.
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by ljuzelman »

Its about time Trudeau, your left-wing policies and vote winning strategy is doing harm to the citizens and the economy of this country. Smell the postage stamps!
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by Phoenix2971 »

The corporation isn’t being fair? How about the workers realize that the company they work for has lost money for years & the workers have to take some responsibility, be realistic that changes have to be made - including the way they work, when they work & wages. Canada corp has to find a way of working & making money or none will have jobs. Everyone should be working together to find solutions - not just protecting their jobs - which they won’t have shortly if they don’t.
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by twobits »

Where in Hades is the NDP response to this??? I though Jaz made it perfectly clear he would not support legislating people back to work. To me, this sounds like a vote of non confidence unless pushing it to a "commission inquiry" allows pension boy to claim we need to see how things pan out with the inquiry. This is just sick.
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by FordAve »

Phoenix2971 wrote: Dec 13th, 2024, 3:23 pm The corporation isn’t being fair? How about the workers realize that the company they work for has lost money for years & the workers have to take some responsibility, be realistic that changes have to be made - including the way they work, when they work & wages. Canada corp has to find a way of working & making money or none will have jobs. Everyone should be working together to find solutions - not just protecting their jobs - which they won’t have shortly if they don’t.

Should they work for free? Many barely make minimum wage and most employees are casual for years on end. Maybe they could start bringing in TFW’s like many corporations and drive down the wages of more Canadian workers. It’s already a revolving door of people delivering to rural boxes because the corporation barely pays enough to cover vehicle and fuel costs.
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by HappyHobo »

Too Late.... I have move everything to paperless.
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

HappyHobo wrote: Dec 13th, 2024, 6:03 pm Too Late.... I have move everything to paperless.
Same here. Over the past few days I moved the last of my paper bills to email.
Bye bye Canada Post.
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by Joan-too »

Just fire them all.
Post an add and you'll have all the employees you need within a week afterall......
'government job'
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Re: 'You have to hope': Postal workers on picket line react as Ottawa moves to end strike

Post by workingclasshero »

they never say what they are paid right now and how many days off they get, lots of benefits.
they don't want to do an honest days work, used to doing the minimum required.
tired of hearing them say 5 working days plus the day you mailed and the day it is delivered.

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