Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by squimp »

Why do skiers go out of bounds?!!!
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by GordonH »

squimp wrote: Dec 14th, 2024, 12:59 pm Why do skiers go out of bounds?!!!
Usually for the allure of untouched snow, especially if it’s powder type snow.

impo those who do go out of bounds, should pay for their rescue. If for no other reason than pure stupidity.
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by dennism3 »

Yes they should pay and it should go direct to sar groups
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by polelady »

if you go out of bounds..... a - you pay for the rescue and b you get kicked off that hill for the season.. Just post a sign and do it;... others will obey and the stupid out of bounds search is under control !!
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by wellcoboy »

another reason i dont donate to S.A.R. these people need to be taught a valuable lesson , they dont care that people drop there family time to go look for them after doing a stupid thing . only way these darwin specials will learn is hit them in the pocket book hard.!!
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by grapefruit »

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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by Iamme »

I agree with all of these comments for skiers/boarders who go out of bounds. I also like Dennis’ comment that the money should go to SARs. In the past, I’ve heard arguments that people will be hesitant to call for help if they have to pay and I get that. However, those who knowingly go out of bounds for the fresh snow and the thrill of it, should definitely pay, although it’s likely they will try and lie their way out of it.

It also puts rescuers in danger and disrupts their personal/family life. People need to be held accountable for their actions which is sorely lacking. And some will pay with their lives. It’s a consequence of thrill seeking and their own actions imo
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by GordonH »

dennism3 wrote: Dec 14th, 2024, 1:22 pm Yes they should pay and it should go direct to sar groups
:up: :up:
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by GordonH »

Iamme wrote: Dec 14th, 2024, 3:04 pm I agree with all of these comments for skiers/boarders who go out of bounds. I also like Dennis’ comment that the money should go to SARs. In the past, I’ve heard arguments that people will be hesitant to call for help if they have to pay and I get that. However, those who knowingly go out of bounds for the fresh snow and the thrill of it, should definitely pay, although it’s likely they will try and lie their way out of it.

It also puts rescuers in danger and disrupts their personal/family life. People need to be held accountable for their actions which is sorely lacking. And some will pay with their lives. It’s a consequence of thrill seeking and their own actions imo
:up: :up:
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by the truth »

they should have been left out there one more night. bunch of morons
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by 1st-tymecaller »

Make them pay for their rescue.
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

At the very least they should be barred from the hill for the rest of the season and no refunds for season passes.
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by nw-b5 »

As a mature senior rider, I am very well aware of the risks kids take just to be cool. I stick strictly to established runs and if I want that powder, I go guided with a professional catskiing outfit. But taking chances like going out of bounds or disobeying signs is life threatening for those riding and resultant heart attacks of those they love finding out the bad news if something goes wrong. Make 'em pay for the rescue. Point blank.
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Re: Kamloops Search and Rescue tasked out to Sun Peaks to aid in search for 3 missing skiers

Post by dle »

In today's goofy lawless, jungle-rules world, those who selfishly recreate out of bounds have no reason to stop. Firstly, they feel there will be no consequences if they get caught as that's been the case for all others. They don't follow the same code of conduct compass that someone who thinks beyond their own personal gratification follows. They also don't think, when the decision is made to duck the rope, one thought about the possibility that something could go sideways and that they might die, or that a group of others will have to literally risk their own lives to save their selfish ones. The SAR groups are highly skilled, well trained, and dedicated to helping others, not causing others danger. They give selflessly of their time and well-being . They have family and loved ones that would be devastated if they didn't come home - especially because someone wanted to have a thrill and are so arrogant that they say no rule or rope against it is going to stop them. The areas the offenders access are restricted for good reason - the areas are deemed unsafe for recreating by professionals who are experienced and trained to make that decision. The boundary is there to protect you and give guidance while you are out enjoying a day of fun so hopefully it doesn't end in a tragedy, quite possibly for one who is out there risking their life to try and save yours.

People who go out of bounds should be barred from the ski hill automatically for 2 years. I agree with another poster who says no refund on the season pass. It doesn't make sense that they won't call for help if they get into trouble. Even if they don't. someone will more than probably report them missing anyway, so they might as well be prepared to take their lumps and help themselves and call in their location if they can - if they don't for the reason they don't want to pay for their rescue then they really are dumber than a bag of hammers and they can wear that badge "proudly" if they want. Yes, there should absolutely be consequences, including paying for your rescue and the money going to SARS, if anyone has to look for you beyond the boundaries of where you were supposed to be if you go there intentionally. You are responsible for your own choices in the end if you are forewarned in the beginning.

There should also be a good stretch of community service involved in their "enlightenment", perhaps actually with the SAR team in some capacity, because there they will learn there are other people their actions affect and they will meet those people face to face.

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