British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by Joe3 »

Its ok, we're a "Post National State" we don't need borders, a military, rights, culture, friends. Whatever. Its all racist.
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by HappyHobo »

Blair ...just more Liberal lip service.
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by Spike-11 »

Sounds like housing to me… no excuses now from either side
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by GordonH »

Spike-11 wrote: Dec 14th, 2024, 9:01 am Sounds like housing to me… no excuses now from either side
Of course how long will it take to inspect every square meter for unexploded ordnances, before building could start.
Lumby Glen
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by Lumby Glen »

The real story is that the British army didn't have an updated pronoun policy. Can't be a soldier without the correct pronoun in Canada!
Seriously though what another lost opportunity for Canada. Why not invite the other NATO armoured units to come for joint exercises? Integration of multi national forces is complex and Suffield is the place to practice.
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by FordAve »

Lumby Glen wrote: Dec 14th, 2024, 9:05 am The real story is that the British army didn't have an updated pronoun policy. Can't be a soldier without the correct pronoun in Canada!
Seriously though what another lost opportunity for Canada. Why not invite the other NATO armoured units to come for joint exercises? Integration of multi national forces is complex and Suffield is the place to practice.
Actually it’s because the cons in the U.K. have killed their economy with neoliberalism. During conservative rule they went from 50 food banks to over 2000. Tax breaks for the wealthy and service cuts for the rest never leads to a healthy economy. The military is just another government service that suffers when politicians cut taxes on high income earners.
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by Noshortageofdrivers »

Turn it into a mandatory drug rehabilitation
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by featfan »

Spent a few months there years ago.
Working around buffalo, and drones were just being tested.
Found out I could fit very nicely in the ruts left by tanks.
I would get a radio call asking where I was, I would say the coordinates and they would not believe me, even with a flyby looking for me.
Nice way to get out of the wind and screw with my minders heads.
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by wellcoboy »

get the drilling rigs fired up boys !! thats a lot of holes to punch
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Re: British departure means uncertain future for Alberta's massive Suffield military base

Post by Jeffmc »

If they do leave, Canada should take it over and train our own military and invite other NATO nations to train there. If that is a no go, use it for a drug rehab center and a prison that will help the criminals back into society. Sounds like this place is big enough to do our country a favor no matter what is use for after the British do leave.

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