Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by johny10 »

I'm sure he will avoid jail time. We all know how broken this system is. I wonder how many overdose deaths he is responsible for?
I should have gone to school to be a defense lawyer. Easiest job in Canada, every criminal is acquitted of their crimes
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by mullyman »

Sounds like they both need jail time..and should be happy they weren’t caught in a country that they would be executed for drug trafficking
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by Mike_T »

attempted murder or manslaughter should be the charges levied against this lad
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the truth
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by the truth »

johny10 wrote: Jan 10th, 2025, 5:16 am I'm sure he will avoid jail time. We all know how broken this system is. I wonder how many overdose deaths he is responsible for?
I should have gone to school to be a defense lawyer. Easiest job in Canada, every criminal is acquitted of their crimes
x2 :up:
the lawyers that defend these scum are no better.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by Phoenix2971 »

Not only jail time for both of these individuals but when they get out they should be monitored - making sure they work & made to pay into funds directly going to addiction treatments for at least 10 years.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by Noshortageofdrivers »

How many people have died because of these parasites
And this useless government just lets them go
What these politicians are doing is a crime against Canadian citizens
To allow this to continue is outrageous
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by 123lin »

Why does this continually happen. The judges MUST convict criminals and we need jails to be PUNISHMENT not club med.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by plast63 »

Put this is individulal for 15 years in jail. For 4 years and after 2 years he will be released and back again to do dirty buisness.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by sovsovsov »

Back in my day addiction used to be a reason to commit felonies, not to avoid prison time.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by Neongiraffekitty-1 »

You do the crimes, you do the time! End of story!
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by sherwoody »

It's not just the judges, it's the prosecutors.
I sympathize with the good cops who must be so frustrated and jaded after arresting the same 100 people several thousand times. This soft on crime stance has been an abismal failure, and this is what happens when you create a society, education system etc that does not punish, only wants to ignore and reward. You can't give participation trophies to criminals. If we were to imprison JUST the hardest, and violent repeat offenders, we would see a dramatic drop in crime rates.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by Dazza30 »

sherwoody wrote: Jan 10th, 2025, 10:13 am It's not just the judges, it's the prosecutors.
I sympathize with the good cops who must be so frustrated and jaded after arresting the same 100 people several thousand times. This soft on crime stance has been an abismal failure, and this is what happens when you create a society, education system etc that does not punish, only wants to ignore and reward. You can't give participation trophies to criminals. If we were to imprison JUST the hardest, and violent repeat offenders, we would see a dramatic drop in crime rates.
Prosecution is asking for 4 years in jail. Defence is asking for conditional sentence - house arrest for 2 years. Ultimately it is up to the judge to sentence defined within the scope of the law. Personally, if the judges discretion is a max of say 6 years, then that is what I think he should get.
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by Roadhog »

But your honour I've turned my life around .

Okay don't do it again, you're free to go
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Re: Fentanyl, cocaine dealer hoping to avoid jail while Crown seeks 4 years

Post by msport »

Yep, we’ll catch them again and cost us taxpayers more money to re-prosecuted them both and let them go again

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