When it comes to Canada’s productivity, the devil is in the demographics

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Re: When it comes to Canada’s productivity, the devil is in the demographics

Post by Invictus »

First, it's not correct that those not on payroll don't add to GDP when purchasing goods and services. Their saved capital is creating demand and exchanges adding to GDP all through the supply chain. Second is having an increasing population doesn't necessarily mean a higher standard of living for the people in that nation. I think it's pretty easy for the reader to ask if they'd rather live in Japan with a contracting population, increased housing availability, and an expansion of automation/productivity per worker, or a country with an expanding population like Nigeria or India. The calculus that more working population = better for the people living there, is on its face false.
Board Meister
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Re: When it comes to Canada’s productivity, the devil is in the demographics

Post by dennism3 »

QUOTE:As Zeihan points out, when people retire, an economy doesn’t just lose workers, it also loses a pool of investment capital, because retirees tend to convert stocks and bonds into things like registered retirement investment funds and start to draw on their saving.

What do you think my retirement funds are invested in?? Stocks. The author of this has no clue. I have been retired for 25 years and have been invested in mutual funds which are holding stocks in Canada, the USA, and globally and these funds have grown so there are more $'s invested by me than 25 years ago!!!! Get it right pleas.

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