Kamloops council adopts tax rate, financial plan bylaws including 9.55 per cent property tax increase

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Buddha of the Board
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Re: Kamloops council adopts tax rate, financial plan bylaws including 9.55 per cent property tax increase

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

That's mighty nice of council, a 9.55% tax increase. Not!

Meanwhile taxpayers are being hammered left, right and centre with cost of living increases. But no, this council just blows away previous tax increases.

And part of that increase, they are building a slush fund for performing arts centre.
In 2015 a $90 MILLION proposal was voted down.

In 2019 they came back with a $70 MILLION proposal with plans to put it to a referendum, but covid shut that down.

Now they are looking at a cost of $120 MILLION. :200:

What will this do to future tax increases?

Will this new monument be put to a referendum before any more money is spent on it?

Does this council think every taxpayer is pulling in $150 grand a year and no mortgages?

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