Pet Peeves

A potpourri of off-topics.
crash 99
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by crash 99 »

crash 99 wrote:umm so not.. :P pHah Bone head :dyinglaughing:
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by onestop67 »

I understand exactly what you mean crash.

All 4 times you tried to say it!!!

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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by Snarf »

WHY are we always paying such high gasoline prices when the price of oil keeps dropping? Kelowna and area always seem to pay some of the highest fuel prices in the country. Come on, in Ontario they are paying less than $1 a liter!!!
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by Snarf »

Look at the price of gas in Calgary yesterday!!! 2008-10-07 20:01:04 97.9 cents per litre

as per a fuel tracking website!!!
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by Glacier »

Pet Peeve: Bitching about the price of gas because Calgary or Toronto has lower prices, but never looking at the glass half full being thankful we don't pay $1.60 like they have in the Yukon. If you don't like the price of gas in Kelowna move to Calgary.
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by RacerChic »

Kinda like that guy 2 years ago with the sign on the highway in Westbank "BOYCOTT SHELL CHEVRON AND ESSO" for the prices,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then proceeds to climb up into a big *bleep* truck that is NOT diesel.

my pet peeve of the day, People who hire people and constantly string them along with "ill pay you next week" and people who are STUPID enough to keep believing them
I swear some people slipped into the gene pool that had no lifEguard.
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by JonyDarko »

My newest pet peeve is people who hire complete and total idiots who barely even show up. Complain about them being idiots and not showing up. . . yet do not fire them.
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by Glacier »

JonyDarko wrote:My newest pet peeve is people who hire complete and total idiots who barely even show up. Complain about them being idiots and not showing up. . . yet do not fire them.
I had a boss like that once. Does this person have the initials J.O. by chance?
"No one has the right to apologize for something they did not do, and no one has the right to accept an apology if the wrong was not done to them."
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by unclemarty »

I got a new one too...

Sitting down after supper to relax and be entertained and finding only the likes of "pet peeves", "true or false", "@#$%ing CATS" or "Global economic disaster" threads highlighted.

cammaaaann....someone make me laugh, or make me angry....either way this is a letdown.
where are you B_A, you can usually do either or both.
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by sparkey »

crash 99 wrote:
lefty wrote:When the toilet paper roll is put on such that it rolls off from under rather than over. Is it a mistake, randomness, or do some people actually prefer it that way??? :137:
:sillygrin: I prefer it that way.....that's how it's been in my house for 40+ years.

Pet peeve--> MEAN PEOPLE!! :purefury:
I have to my house we are UNDER Rollers too!!!
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by usquebaugh »

Pet peeve: an uninformed and apathetic electorate.
Where oh where’d my body go?
Africa or Mexico?
Where or where’d my body go?
Where’d my body go?
Have you seen my ghost?
Staring at the ground?
Have you seen my ghost?
Sick of those *bleep* clouds
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by Queen K »

My pet peeve specifically is finding cigarette butts absolutely everywhere we all go. The hotel that's smoke free in the rooms has cigarette butts lining the walkway right outside the room doors. Was it too much trouble to go the desk and demand that an outdoor ashtray be provided?
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by Ringleader »

Pet Peeve:

Bad things always happen to good people.
Wanna make a girl happy? Give her a ring. Image

Re: Pet Peeves

Post by specializEd »

Girls that think they deserve a ring. :skippingsheep:
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Re: Pet Peeves

Post by gardengirl »

specializEd wrote:Girls that think they deserve a ring. :skippingsheep:
I think it is some type of contraceptive device.
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