Our Noah's Ark

Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?

Is this a plausible explanation to Revelation 13?

Yes, it is possible.
No, not at all.
It is partially correct.
I do not understand.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Mr Danksworth wrote:Sorry Mike, but the only thing you have taught me is the lengths the rapture readies are willing to go to spread stupidty all over the land. The thing is, no matter how nutty one of you is, there is always another one who out-crazies the previous one. It's fractal stupidity in action, and it's fascinating to watch it (de)evolve.
Another tactic of Atheists, they must always have the last word. M777
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Mr Danksworth »

Actually, that's the way forums work. It's not about 'atheist tactics'...whatever that means. You post, someone replies, and so on, ad infinitum. Pretty simple actually. M.D.717
Last edited by Mr Danksworth on Aug 16th, 2009, 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Mr Danksworth »

chickenlittle wrote:Interesting thing about end time predictions is that every generation since Christ has had those who were sure the end was coming in their day. Many New Testament authors implied or said Christ was going to be back any day....
No doubt. Why are many of the biblical prophecies in mark, matthew, 1 thessalonians etc. clear that the people whom jesus or paul are talking to will witness the coming of the kingdom of god. Why didn't jesus or the apostles say 'ignore this part, it doesn't apply to you; these prophecies are for the people living 2000 years from now?
Prophecy believers can't seem to grasp that they have been gradually moving the goal posts for centuries. We have historical records of millennial cults rising and falling throughout history, and in recent years these prophecy hacks keep revising their predictions to suit the times. They not only switch the dates, but change the identities of the 'enemies of jesus'. Thirty years ago, the Soviet Union was supposed to lead the armies of the antichrist, now it's one of America's numerous enemies in the Arab World.
The problem with rapture readies is that they see doomsday as something to look forward to. They don't seem to realize that whatever disaster(s) we are awaiting, will not be followed by jesus blowing a trumpet and flying in on a white horse to rapture the believers off to heaven.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Mr Danksworth »

michael777 wrote:Our Noah's Ark
The last prophecy letter by Michael777
blah blah blah.....
You do not even realize that most christian biblical scholars have determined that the Revelation was written for the early christian community living in the Roman Empire. All of the BS about "the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns" was written as an allegory/polemic for Caesar Nero and Rome; the "666/616" spells out the full name of the emperor using numerology of the hebrew alphabet.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by hellomynameis »

Michael seems very dedicated to spreading his message across the internet.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Hellomynameis wrote:Michael seems very dedicated to spreading his message across the internet.
If all Christians belonged to this forum, I wouldn't need to be so dedicated. :130: M777
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by FunkyBunch »

Uhh, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Christians are supposed to help others and be an example, not sow discord or create arguments.

While I'm sure you're quite sure of your Doomsday Prognostication, the fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter. When, or if, the end of times comes, shouldn't change how a Christian acts. The whole point is to follow the teachings of Christ, and prophesying about the end of the world wasn't one of the main tenets of his teachings.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by hellomynameis »

michael777 wrote:
Hellomynameis wrote:Michael seems very dedicated to spreading his message across the internet.
If all Christians belonged to this forum, I wouldn't need to be so dedicated. :130: M777
As an ex-Christian I am curious about the point of your message:

I have never understood the fascination that some have with attempting to interpret and predict End-time prophecy, perhaps you could unclothe this mystery for me? Especially re: why you feel your hypothesis is so pertinent to fellow Christians opposed to atheists and other non-Christians?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by FunkyBunch »

That's what I tried to get out of him earlier, especially since Doomsday predictions tend to come off at least a little pretentious. The Bible says man will not know when it will happen, what makes some people think they know better?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by FunkyBunch »

The worst part is, is eventually somebody will be right, but only because there is always someone prophesying about the end of the world.

Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Hellomynameis wrote:As an ex-Christian I am curious about the point of your message:

I have never understood the fascination that some have with attempting to interpret and predict End-time prophecy, perhaps you could unclothe this mystery for me? Especially re: why you feel your hypothesis is so pertinent to fellow Christians opposed to atheists and other non-Christians?
The importance of my message is apparent to Christians. Atheists and other non-believers have an extremely hard time understanding. One reason for this is that it takes years of study to understand all the parables invovled. Atheists pick up a Bible, read a few words, and think they know something. This is why I really don't want to talk with them. They waste my time. Just quoting me a few words out of context is useless. The Bible is loaded with parables. Parables that are hidden. First they must be identified and then an attempt can be made to solve them. If you, as an ex-Christian, don't spend anytime reading and trying to understand the Bible, chances are you probably won't. For me just to give you the answers is a waste of time when you don't know the questions. Having said that, I have given you a slew of answers. They still mean nothing to you. M777
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

michael777 wrote:The importance of my message is apparent to Christians.
I suggest your message isn't important at all to some Christians.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by NAB »

My question is... Why is "the end of the world" apparently so important to you? Why should it be to anyone?

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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Nebula wrote:
michael777 wrote:The importance of my message is apparent to Christians.
I suggest your message isn't important at all to some Christians.
Of course it isn't important to some Christians. Most of them have been waiting patiently for years. I'm just answering a few questions they might have. I've run across numerous groups of Christians that are not concerned. The most notable being the Catholics. M777

Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Nabcom wrote:My question is... Why is "the end of the world" apparently so important to you? Why should it be to anyone?

Are you a Christian? M777

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