
Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?
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Re: Prejean

Post by sooperphreek »

i think that she did all the things after the incident to herself. she used the spotlight on her to ingratiate herself to the religious right. and lets face it theres money to be made there. but staying in the spotlight and comming across holier than thou was a double edged sword for her. she had people who were revealing that she wasnt the saint that she was portraying herself as. if she was a little more transparent and was caught up in the whole idea religious purity she probably would not be in the mess she is in right now. and the question she dodges all the time is a fair one. why did she suddenly drop her counter suit if she truly thought she was in the right?
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Lord of the Board
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Re: Prejean

Post by westsidebud »

shes a bigot

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