Islam's View on Homosexuality

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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by Boda »

cpen wrote: Also, i cant believe i have to say this but Americans aren't killing people in the middle east because Christianity tells them to.

Then what did George W Bush mean when he said that his god told him to invade Iraq?
He became a born again Christian at age 40 so I don't think he was using any other gods at the time he said that?

Bush: God told me to invade Iraq | Americas | News | The Independent
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by pepsilover »

Boda wrote:

Then what did George W Bush mean when he said that his god told him to invade Iraq?
He became a born again Christian at age 40 so I don't think he was using any other gods at the time he said that?

Bush: God told me to invade Iraq | Americas | News | The Independent
There is a difference between a philosophical viewpoint that coincides with a president's spiritual belief when deciding whether to officially declare war on a country; as opposed to a terrorist incident where one screams ALLAH AKBAR while murdering innocents. The president is allowed to believe in God but he isn't allowed to go into a gay nightclub and murder 50 people with an AK47. Key word? RANDOMLY! Other key words - 'war' vs. 'terrorist act'.

Plus could you provide a link for your claims? Thanks. Perhaps if we saw the actual context we could comment more completely.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by cliffy1 »

pepsilover wrote: There is a difference between a philosophical viewpoint that coincides with a president's spiritual belief when deciding whether to officially declare war on a country; as opposed to a terrorist incident where one screams ALLAH AKBAR while murdering innocents. The president is allowed to believe in God but he isn't allowed to go into a gay nightclub and murder 50 people with an AK47. Key word? RANDOMLY! Other key words - 'war' vs. 'terrorist act'.

Plus could you provide a link for your claims? Thanks. Perhaps if we saw the actual context we could comment more completely.
War is a terrorist attack. Calling bombing the crap out of a country and killing their women, children and elderly and calling it war doesn't white wash it. Neither dose calling mass murder of innocents Collateral damage. Bush called his war a crusade. We all know what that reference was about - Christians attacking Muslims. That crusade created the whole "terrorist" threat. His war on terror has resulted in over an 1800% increase in "terrorist attacks. Why do you think that is? Is it because Muslims are nuts or is it because they are fed up with the west bombing their countries back into the dark ages and killing their families?
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by pepsilover »

cliffy1 wrote: War is a terrorist attack. Calling bombing the crap out of a country and killing their women, children and elderly and calling it war doesn't white wash it. Neither dose calling mass murder of innocents Collateral damage. Bush called his war a crusade. We all know what that reference was about - Christians attacking Muslims. That crusade created the whole "terrorist" threat. His war on terror has resulted in over an 1800% increase in "terrorist attacks. Why do you think that is? Is it because Muslims are nuts or is it because they are fed up with the west bombing their countries back into the dark ages and killing their families?
You think Bush was referencing the Crusades? LOL. Conspiracy theory for sure on that one.

Sorry but the war on words doesn't apply here. There are many parameters which distinguish war as opposed to a terrorist attack by one man. If you don't know the difference you need to research it. And maybe remember 9/11 while you are at it.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by Gixxer »

So when christiains attack its called war, when Muslims attack its called terrorism ?
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by pepsilover »

Gixxer wrote:So when christiains attack its called war, when Muslims attack its called terrorism ?
That is not what I said. You re-writing my words does not make them true. Quit projecting.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by zzontar »

Boda wrote: Then what did George W Bush mean when he said that his god told him to invade Iraq?
He meant that Iraq has resources they want... pretty easy to read between the lines
They say you can't believe everything they say.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by Boda »

pepsilover wrote: There is a difference between a philosophical viewpoint that coincides with a president's spiritual belief when deciding whether to officially declare war on a country; as opposed to a terrorist incident where one screams ALLAH AKBAR while murdering innocents. The president is allowed to believe in God but he isn't allowed to go into a gay nightclub and murder 50 people with an AK47. Key word? RANDOMLY! Other key words - 'war' vs. 'terrorist act'.

Plus could you provide a link for your claims? Thanks. Perhaps if we saw the actual context we could comment more completely.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by Hmmm »

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I thought you said your dog doesn't bite....That's not my dog.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by cliffy1 »

Last edited by Frisk on Jun 26th, 2016, 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Trying to get spiritual nourishment from a two thousand year old book is like trying to suck milk from the breast of a woman who has been dead that long.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by Gixxer »

pepsilover wrote:
That is not what I said. You re-writing my words does not make them true. Quit projecting.
How Im re-writing your words and projecting when I simply asked a question
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by Glacier »

Farmmaa wrote:You simply can not slam or generalize the stance of one religion on things like homosexuality and ignore the fact that this attitude, this bigotry and this intolerance is a problem shared by most major religions.
You are right to a certain degree in that there is quite a lot of overlap, but executing homosexuals is a little more severe than simply telling them that they're living in sin.
SmokeOnTheWater wrote:Since the shooter was homosexual, we are only guessing as to what his motive was.
I think the OP has taken the criticism of Islam and homosexuality too far, but so have the critics above. There's no proof the guy was homosexual, and yes, we know what his motive was. You guys and your mental gymnastics to avoid any implication of the Religion of Peace at any time are amazing though. Yelling Allah Akbar as you're carrying out the shooting gives the motive. If a Christian bursts into an abortion clinic yelling "you have defamed the name of Jesus" I think we could safely figure out the motive.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by pepsilover »

Glacier wrote: I think the OP has taken the criticism of Islam and homosexuality too far, but so have the critics above. There's no proof the guy was homosexual, and yes, we know what his motive was. You guys and your mental gymnastics to avoid any implication of the Religion of Peace at any time are amazing though. Yelling Allah Akbar as you're carrying out the shooting gives the motive. If a Christian bursts into an abortion clinic yelling "you have defamed the name of Jesus" I think we could safely figure out the motive.
The OP (original post) used an ISLAMIC source for the reference material so if it went too far you know who to call and it ain't Ghostbusters - lol.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by OgopogoO »

pepsilover wrote:
The OP (original post) used an ISLAMIC source for the reference material so if it went too far you know who to call and it ain't Ghostbusters - lol.
Especially not the feminazi version of Ghostbusters.
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Re: Islam's View on Homosexuality

Post by averagejoe »

How welcoming is this to thousands of Muslims migrating to England!!!!

How long will this last once Muslim's become the majority?

'Gay traffic lights' leave pedestrians in Trafalgar Square BAFFLED


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