We are all born Atheists

Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Farmmaa »

fluffy wrote:Hey, you are altering and cherry-picking those quotes to support your own agenda. Would you categorize that as dishonest, or simply a lack of honesty? :)

In any event, the only one of those links you supplied that meets my earlier challenge is the one from atheists.org, and it's debateable whether even that one meets the challenge. It is so blatantly biased in its wording as to be inadmissible as credible evidence.
How on earth did I alter anything ? They were directly copied and pasted as they appeared for crying out loud.
Why does everything have to be some kind of suspicious conspiracy with some posters ?????

So then...the English Oxford Dictionary does not meet your standards as acceptable reference for the definition of words ?

I'm so sorry that all of these perfectly credible definitions do not meet your personal approval.
( aka...you're being rather ridiculous here )
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by OREZ »

Nomaster wrote: From radical Pro-Choice, Social Justice Catholic nuns to the hypocrites who support the Duggans,Abortion Clinic Bombers, Alabama Racist Churches, etc.
So your point is that anyone can call themselves a Christian if they think it furthers their own agenda just like anyone can call themselves an atheist for the same reason, though in neither case do they truly have any regard for what the word means?
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
is winter over
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by is winter over »

OREZ wrote:
So essentially the word has become somewhat meaningless and everyone gets to have their own definition?
Are you referring to the word god and the meaning people attribute to it?? There are probably as many concepts of god as there are people who believe in a god. I would be a considered an atheist as I have looked at the claims made for the gods presented too me, and I have not yet found any of them compelling. I don't believe the claims and have no reason at this time to believe a god does exist, I do not contend that a god does not exist as I have no absolute knowledge.
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by OREZ »

I'm referring to the word atheist.
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Nomaster »

This is an Atheist. He can rationally look at religions' claims of knowing 'the will of God' and answer that they don't actually have answers. They are Wish Thinking ...like children do.

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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by JLives »

fluffy wrote: So you don't believe in God? There's no room for doubt?
I don't "believe" in anything. I form my opinions based on what the facts and evidence say. There is ZERO evidence a deity exists so unless something turns up I do not acceptable the existence of a deity as being factually accurate.
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Nomaster »

These are atheists who happen to be in grave danger because they left Islam.

*one is a convert to Christianity. The rest are ex-Muslims
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Glacier »

Nomaster wrote:This is an Atheist. He can rationally look at religions' claims of knowing 'the will of God' and answer that they don't actually have answers. They are Wish Thinking ...like children do.
I thought little children and their wishful thinking led to atheism. It says so in this thread. We are born atheists, just like we are born selfish until our parents train (or brainwash/indoctrinate as atheists call it) us otherwise.
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by OREZ »

Glacier, the meaning of these terms is all subject to change at a moment's notice so stay awake!
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Nomaster »

We are not born with an innate religion, we are brainwashed into our family's religion most often.
Also, we're not innately selfish. Animal studies show fairness, forgiveness, kindness, reciprocity and cooperation ARE innate beviours from chimps, birds, elephants, rats, mice and bees, etc.
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Nomaster »

http://www.livescience.com/13108-elepha ... avior.html

NOTE: The previously wet, drenched rats responded faster to the distress of the ' other'
MEANING:They took their own life experience and could empathize with another.
Last edited by Nomaster on Aug 9th, 2016, 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Glacier »

Nomaster wrote:We are not born with an innate religion, we are brainwashed into our family's religion most often.
Also, we're not innately selfish.
Do you have children? Did you ever have to teach them to share? Sorry, indoctrinate.
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is winter over
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by is winter over »

OREZ wrote:Glacier, the meaning of these terms is all subject to change at a moment's notice so stay awake!
So what would you like it to mean, and the bigger question is why?
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Poindexter »

OREZ wrote:Glacier, the meaning of these terms is all subject to change at a moment's notice so stay awake!
I like to stay ahead of the curve which is why I call myself an agnostic, atheist, doubter, heathen, infidel, pagan, apostate with skeptical tendencies.
Remember: Humans are 99% chimp.
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Re: We are all born Atheists

Post by Nomaster »

Rat experiments showed they would not zap another rat.
The rat heard a distressed other rat (which was actually just a recording) and would not cooperate with the experiment. They refused to zap the other individual rat. They had empathy for the unknown other rat.

Now go and look at the Standford Prison Experiment.
Humans are not innately evil or kind but we will take advantage of others if it seems to benefit our own group.

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