What Did Jesus Look Like?

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Glacier wrote: Because they're convinced that he was European, Jesus was a Jew from the Israelite Tribe of Judah Europeans are the real Jews.
European's are from the Northern Tribe of Israel/Samaria who went into Assyrian captivity in 721 BC and escaping to Arsareth(Ukraine) after captivity.

Northern Kingdom: House of Israel (10 tribes); Capital: Samaria
Israelite Tribes:
Reuben; Simeon; Dan; Naphtali; Gad; Asher; Issachar; Zebulun; Manasseh; Ephraim

Southern Kingdom: House of Judah (2 tribes); Capital: Jerusalem
Israelite Tribes:
Judah; Benjamin

2 Israelite Kingdoms were created after a civil war in 930 BC. that created theNorthern Kingdom of Israel/Samaria and Southern Kingdom of Judah.



Northern Israelites escape from the Assyrian captivity into Russia (Arsareth)and Europe becoming Scythians/Saka/Samaritans?Celts



Last edited by averagejoe on Mar 6th, 2018, 8:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

It took the captive Northern Israelites a year and a half to get to Arsareth from Assyria.


2 Esdras 13:42-48

42That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land. 43And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river. 44For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over. 45For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth. 46Then dwelt they there until the latter time; and now when they shall begin to come, 47The Highest shall stay the springs of the stream again, that they may go through: therefore sawest thou the multitude with peace. 48But those that be left behind of thy people are they that are found within my borders.

ar'-za-reth, ar'-sareth (the King James Version, Arsareth):

This is the land to which the ten tribes were deported (2 Esdras 13:45). It is described as "another land" lying a year and a half's journey beyond the river, i.e. the Euphrates. It probably answers to the Hebrew 'erets 'achereth (Deuteronomy 29:28).
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Glacier »

This is almost akin to the Mormons who claim Jesus came over the Americas and taught the natives even though there's no oral history of such teachings let alone archeological evidence (which, if you know oral history, it's surprisingly detailed). Similarly, if Hebrews/Israelites migrated to Europe as you claim, they would have brought their customs and traditions with them. There's absolutely no evidence of this. Jews (and that includes all 12 tribes) scattered around the world, but they brought their customs with them. There's ample documented history for this. The idea that the pasty white northern Europeans are Israelites is complete hogwash of epic proportions. While it's an intriguing idea that our ancestors weren't just hedonist illiterate pagans running around raping and pillaging, it's not true at all.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

There is lots and lots of evidence Glac. But you refuse to look at it. I feel sorry for you as your caught up in this New Aged rewritten Christianity that has been pushed for the past 150 years.

Oh ya....how is it in the Ointment part of the British Throne Oath where it says that who ever sits on the Throne is King or Queen of Israel.

Why has the Stone of Jacob/Israel followed the Royal Bloodline of Judah for 3,800 years and now sits in Edinburgh Castle?

Or why do ALL the Royal families of Europe have in their coat of arms the Lion of Judah in them?

Those are easy questions I'm sure you can answer.... :smt045
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Glacier »

averagejoe wrote:There is lots and lots of evidence Glac. But you refuse to look at it. I feel sorry for you as your caught up in this New Aged rewritten Christianity that has been pushed for the past 150 years.

Oh ya....how is it in the Ointment part of the British Throne Oath where it says that who ever sits on the Throne is King or Queen of Israel. Is this a question? You are begging the question. The British Throne Oath doesn't say that.

Why has the Stone of Jacob/Israel followed the Royal Bloodline of Judah for 3,800 years?
There is no stone of Jacob.

Or why do ALL the Royal families of Europe have in their coat of arms the Lion of Judah in them?
Because they were founded by Christianity. And that's assuming you're not begging the question again. Should I Google it?

Those are easy questions I'm sure you can answer.... :smt045

Yup, easy
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Wow your so good!!! [icon_lol2.gif]

Glacier: The British Throne Oath doesn't say that.
I beg to differ. I have the Oath in my possession and it says...

"O Lord and Heavenly Father, the exalter of the humble and the strenght of the chosen, who by anointing with oil didst of old make and consecrate Kings, Priests, and Prophets, to teach and govern they people Israel.

Glac says: There is no stone of Jacob.

Stone of Jacob with the Crown Jewels of Scotland

The Stone Of Destiny

The Stone of Destiny is a powerful and ancient symbol of Scottish monarchy, witnessing the coronation of its kings for hundreds of years.

In legend it was used as a pillow by the Patriarch Jacob when he dreamed of Jacob’s Ladder. Seen as a sacred object it was believed to have been brought first to Ireland, then Scotland.

In 1296 Edward I of England took the stone from Scone, near Perth, and had it built into his own throne. Since then it has been used in the coronation ceremonies for the monarchs of England and then Great Britain.

I guess the people in the Edinburgh Castle are lying? Better contact them! :135:

https://www.edinburghcastle.scot/discov ... of-destiny

Westminster Abbey:
Stone of Scone

Legends abound concerning the Stone of Scone. Tradition identifies it with the one upon which Jacob rested his head at Bethel - "And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it" (Genesis chapter 28, verse 18). The legend then says that Jacob's sons carried it to Egypt and from thence it passed to Spain with King Gathelus, son of Cecrops, the builder of Athens. About 700 BC it was said to be in Ireland, whither it was carried by the Spanish King's son Simon Brech, on his invasion of the island. There it was placed upon the sacred Hill of Tara, and called "Lia-Fail", the "fatal" stone, or "stone of destiny", for when the Irish kings were seated on it at coronations the Stone groaned aloud if the claimant was of royal race but remained silent if he was a pretender. Fergus Mor MacEirc (died 50l?), the founder of the Scottish monarchy, and one of the Blood Royal of Ireland, received it in Scotland, and Kenneth MacAlpin (died 860) finally deposited it in the monastery of Scone in Perthshire.


I guess Westminster abbey is lying too....you better contact them! :D

Glac says: Because they were founded by Christianity.

No actually Jesus found Christianity as it was named after him...

So why do all the Monarch's have the Lion of Judah in their Coats of Arms????? In your research many of Europe's National Coats of Arms you will find have the Lion of Judah in them as do many cities of Europe. There is your home work for the week!
Last edited by averagejoe on Mar 6th, 2018, 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »


Here is a book on Troy of Brutus. Troy of Brutus was a descendant of King Priam the last King of Troy. Brutus of Troy brought the original Tribe of Judah bloodline to England in 1100 B.C. and founded London which means New Troy.

If you look at his shield, he has the Royal symbol of Judah of Lion on it....so your claim that the reason the Royal families of Europe took up the Lion of Judah in their Coats of Arms is because they took up Christianity. Is out by about 1500 years....

It was King Brutus of Troy that brought the Lion of Judah to Britain....


Zarah son of Judah


Scottish National Flag...


Queens Standard

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Jflem1983 »

JT wore a shirt that showed Jesus with a pumpkin head. How do we know he didnt have a pumpkin head
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Steven Collins has written 4 great books on the connection between ancient Israelites and the Scythian's.


Reprinted here with Permission of the Author
Steven M. Collins


The ten tribes of Israel essentially vanished from their former Kingdom of Israel by circa 721 BC. They had been a powerful kingdom in the Eastern Mediterranean region for centuries prior to that time. They had been allied to the city-states of Tyre, Sidon, etc. in what historians now call the Phoenician Empire. Their alliance dominated the ancient world’s maritime trade routes and, from the time of King David onward, became a powerful military power on land as well. They were exceedingly blessed by God during the time of Kings David and Solomon, but a long succession of sinful kings led to a steady decline in the strength and influence of the kingdom of Israel. During an approximately 20 year span between 740-720 B.C., the ten tribes of Israel went into foreign exile in several waves. At the beginning of this period, the Assyrians took captive the tribe of Naphtali and the Gileadite tribes of Gad, Reuben and half the tribe of Manasseh (II Kings 15:29). By circa 721 B.C., all of the ten tribes of Israel who had formed the northern kingdom of Israel had been removed from their lands (II Kings 17:18). While the house of Judah remained in the Promised Land for a time, many have puzzled over the fate and future of the ten tribes of Israel. Where did they go? While the Bible foretold that the tribes of Israel would scatter, literally, to all four directions (Genesis 28:14), the remainder of this article is devoted to connecting many of the exiled tribes of Israel to one largely ignored confederation of tribes which emerged afterward in the region of South Russia: the Scythians.

Origins of the Scythians:

Most of the Israelite tribes scattered into Asia circa 721 B.C. Secular historical records should be consulted to identify related tribes which did not arrive in Asia until roughly that period of time. The Encyclopedia Americana records the Scythians arrived in the region of South Russia “about 700 B.C.” An historian of the Scythians, Tamara Talbot Rice, wrote the following: “The Scythians did not become a recognizable national entity… before the eighth century B.C…by the seventh century B.C. they had established themselves firmly in southern Russia…Assyrian documents place their appearance…on the shores of Lake Urmia [just south of Armenia] in the time of King Sargon (722-705 B.C.) a date which closely corresponds with that of the first establishment of the first group of Scythians in southern Russia.”

These accounts (and others) record that the Scythians “appeared” in South Russia at the very time that the ten tribes of Israel were fleeing from the final Assyrian invasion. Tamara Talbot Rice’s account dates the Scythian arrival in Armenia and south Russia to the very time that the Bible states the Israelites were removed from their homeland (as noted above, some of the tribes were already captive to the Assyrians and they had no choice re: where they were relocated). Rice’s account also notes that the Scythians were firmly established in south Russia by the 7th century B.C. The message of God to the ten tribes (“Israel”) in Jeremiah 3 was given near the end of the 7th century B.C., and it indicates they were located “north” of Jerusalem. The Scythians lived straight north of Jerusalem in the Black Sea region

The Scythians were also known as the “Sacae” or the “Saka.” The Encyclopaedia Britannica states the terms “Saka [Sacae] and Scyths were regarded as synonymous.” The famous Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote that “the Persians call all the Scythians Sacae.” In these accounts, it is apparent that the Scythian tribes are known by a form of the Hebrew patriarch, Isaac. The Scythian tribes known as the “Sacae” or “Saka” bore the name of Isaac upon them, fulfilling the prophecies in Genesis 21:12 and 48:16 that the Israelite tribes would bear that name. If this is all the evidence there was, the similarity could be a coincidence. However, this is much more evidence that the Scythian Sacae were the displaced Israelite tribes.

Brief History of the Scythians:

Many students of history have heard or read much about the history of the Assyrian and Persian Empires. However, few have been taught that the Scythians fought three major wars against Assyria and Persia and won them all.

In approximately 624 B.C., the Scythians launched a massive invasion of Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Syria, Media, etc. They marched through the Holy Land and reached Egypt, but spared the Egyptians who paid tribute money to the Scythians. The Assyrian Empire, however, was “inundated” and conquered by Scythian armies. As the descendants of the ten tribes of the kingdom of Israel who were driven from their homeland by Assyrian armies, the Scythians (i.e. the “Sacae” who bore the name of “Isaac” upon them) had every reason to want revenge upon Assyria. The Scythians were allied to the Babylonians in this war, although the main burden of the war apparently was borne by the Scythians, whose massive armies invaded and occupied the entire Middle East. The Encyclopaedia Britannica states simply; “Nineveh was captured and destroyed by the Scythian army.”

The Scythians did not stay very long in their conquered regions. Historical sources record they stayed 10-25 years and then returned to their homelands to live. It is noteworthy that although they destroyed Assyria with great violence, Herodotus wrote that the Scythians marched through the Holy Land on their way to and from Egypt “doing no harm to anyone.” Indeed, the city of Beth-Shan in the Holy Land was renamed Scythopolis apparently in their honor, but certainly in their memory. It is at this juncture when they had entered the Holy Land in large numbers and marched as far as Egypt that the Scythians resurfaced in the Bible’s accounts. However, the Bible refers to them by their historic, Israelite tribal names instead of the Greek name of “Sacae” or “Scythians.”

There is a portion of the Bible that critics have attacked as “proving” that the Bible has internal contradictions. In fact, this very section offers profound evidence that the Bible is historically accurate. The supposed contradiction comes from the fact that while II Kings 17:18 states that all the tribe of Israel were removed from the Promised Land except for the tribe of Judah circa 721 B.C., the Bible also states that people from the expelled tribes were again present in the land approximately a century later in the reign of King Josiah of the kingdom of Judah. King Josiah led a revival in the kingdom of Judah, restoring the observance of God’s laws. II Chronicles 34:6-9 records that in Josiah’s reign, there were again present in the Promised Land people from the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, Simeon, Naphtali and Benjamin. II Chronicles 35:17-18 clearly states that “children of Judah and Israel (i.e. the ten tribes of Israel) were both “present” at a Passover which was sponsored by King Josiah. How does one reconcile these seemingly irreconcilable passages? Easy!

Herodotus and secular history record unequivocally that the “Scythians” (the “Sacae”) invaded Mesopotamia and the Mideast from their homelands in the Black Sea region circa 620 B.C. They also record the Scythians entered the Holy Land at that time and stayed for 10-25 years. This Scythian presence in the Holy Land occurred during the reign of King Josiah of the kingdom of Judah, whose Passover celebration was attended by members of the tribes of Manasseh, Ephraim, Naphtali, Simeon, etc. who were again “present” in the territory of the former kingdom of Israel. The connection is obvious. The very people called the Scythians or Sacae by Herodotus were the same people called by their Israelite tribal names in the Bible! Far from demonstrating a biblical contradiction, the combined accounts of Herodotus and II Chronicles clearly demonstrate that the Scythian Sacae were the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel because the Bible calls these Scythians by their Hebrew tribal names! The Scythian/Israelites did not remain long in their historic tribal lands in the Holy Land, and they migrated back to the Black Sea region perhaps two decades later.

The history of the Scythians is as remarkable as it is overlooked in history texts. They were a major world power in ancient times, yet they are scarcely mentioned in historical accounts. Besides crushing the Assyrian Empire, the Scythians also twice defeated massive invasions of their homelands by the Persian Empire. The first Persian invasion occurred circa 528 BC when the famous Persian monarch, Cyrus the Great, invaded the eastern Scythian tribes who lived east of the Caspian Sea. The dominant Scythian tribe to be invaded was the Massagetae, whose ruler was the aforementioned Queen Tomyris (whose name was a form of the Israelite name “Tamar”). The Persian army was crushed and Cyrus the Great lost both his army and his head.

The second Persian invasion of Scythian territory occurred in 512 B.C when King Darius marched an army of 700,000 soldiers into Balkan Europe and attacked the Black Sea Scythians by marching into their territory via Eastern Europe. King Darius was repulsed by the Scythians, but at least Darius and most of his army survived their retreat back to Persia.

The forgotten but fascinating history of the Scythians is revealed in much greater detail in this author’s book, Israel’s Lost Empires, which can be ordered on-line at www.bibleblessings.net.

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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by GordonH »

Btfsplck wrote: Why is it important what the skin colour if jesus was? Why would one care?
Skin colour is completely meaningless compared to message & fulfilment that was brought fourth.

Don't let me stop you from continuing to debate over skin colour, it's entertaining.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

Parthia brother country to the Scythians....
In 250 BC Scythians/Israelites from the eastside of the Caspian Sea invaded Alexander the Great's Empire and established 500 year rule over this area.

250 BC - 227 AD Parthia was a super power of it's time and equaled the Roman Empire.
Parthia was an Israelite Empire.

Jewish historian Josephus worte: “...there are but two tribes (Judah and Benjamin) in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

GordonH wrote: Skin colour is completely meaningless compared to message & fulfilment that was brought fourth.

Don't let me stop you from continuing to debate over skin colour, Your absolutely right! it's entertaining.
Thank you for reading! You might learn a new thing or two! :up:

Here's one for you Gordy...the first 2 Capitol's of the Parthian Empire were Issak (you know who Isaac was) and Dara.
Your a Bible scholar...look up who Dara was.
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Glacier »

“I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.”
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by Glacier »

"No one has the right to apologize for something they did not do, and no one has the right to accept an apology if the wrong was not done to them."
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Re: What Did Jesus Look Like?

Post by averagejoe »

He's got some great videos! God Bless him! Thanks for sharing Glac.... :130:
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