Police Scanner codes?

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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by omisimaw »

Captain Awesome wrote:That explains somebody shouting "Ten Six! Ten Six!" when I tried to open the washroom door at Tim Hortons!
and if they yelled 10 2 10 2 does that mean look left, look right LOL

oops standby 1

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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by Trigger69 »

Just wondering what the latest is out in scanner land...any luck with cracking the code(s).
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by GenuinelyInterested »

I am getting closer every day. New scanner, new codes and encryption keys, I can now tell the difference between male and female officers and can recognize the dispatcher's voices. It's not easy or cheap, but I do see light at the end of the tunnel.
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by Trigger69 »

GenuinelyInterested wrote:I am getting closer every day. New scanner, new codes and encryption keys, I can now tell the difference between male and female officers and can recognize the dispatcher's voices. It's not easy or cheap, but I do see light at the end of the tunnel.
So you can hear the transmissions and tell a male and female voice...can you male out what they are saying?
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by itmacpc »

GenuinelyInterested wrote:I am getting closer every day. New scanner, new codes and encryption keys, I can now tell the difference between male and female officers and can recognize the dispatcher's voices. It's not easy or cheap, but I do see light at the end of the tunnel.
with digital...wouldnt you either get the transmission or not? Doesnt make sense.
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by omisimaw »

Why does everyone want to tap into this? Just interested as I know it has gone on forever but in today's day and age some things are best left confidential and do not see the need for arm chair interference or transference... so why are you so interested?
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by SurplusElect »

crazyoleme wrote:but in today's day and age some things are best left confidential. so why are you so interested?
I would argue that in "todays age" everything needs to be in the open.

Humanity has been kept down for far too long. Wikileaks is the pinhole of light.

Every time a society is told that they need to be left out of what authorities/leaders are doing "for their best interest" - turns out its just to protect those in power from being brought to justice or to shield them from wrongdoings.

PRISM has certainly showed us that.

Applied in this case - the media is not at places of interest as quickly as they would have been before. Think about a kick to the face, and a tazer in the airport, and apply that locally (or globally).

That's why. No more secrets.

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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by Fancy »

Don't forget those that don't get a fair trial because of all the media attention - somewhere a line needs to be drawn. Not everything needs to be in the open.
Truths can be backed up by facts - do you have any?
Fancy this, Fancy that and by the way, T*t for Tat
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by goatboy »

SurplusElect wrote:
I would argue that in "todays age" everything needs to be in the open.

Humanity has been kept down for far too long. Wikileaks is the pinhole of light.

Every time a society is told that they need to be left out of what authorities/leaders are doing "for their best interest" - turns out its just to protect those in power from being brought to justice or to shield them from wrongdoings.

PRISM has certainly showed us that.

Applied in this case - the media is not at places of interest as quickly as they would have been before. Think about a kick to the face, and a tazer in the airport, and apply that locally (or globally).

That's why. No more secrets.

So why don't we start with you. Why don't you post your name, address, birth date and any criminal history you have? That's broadcast on the RCMP channel so you probably wouldn't mind if we all knew that info, do you?
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by Bpeep »

Im sure you've all noticed the lack of news headlines since the digital encription.
Ducks crossed the hiway. Oh, yea, there was a skateboard assault a few months ago.
Johnny stole a candy bar at 7/11, went home, called crimestoppers, turned himself in. Crimestoppers gave him a thousand bucks for the tip.
Seeking the apartment that is creating leasing interest concerns knowledgeable seclusive morons excessively.
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by SurplusElect »

goatboy wrote: So why don't we start with you. Why don't you post your name, address, birth date and any criminal history you have? T
1. I am a private citizen, with no legal authority over anyone.
2. I am paid with private money, not taxdollars
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by SurplusElect »

Babbitman wrote:Im sure you've all noticed the lack of news headlines since the digital encription.
Ducks crossed the hiway. Oh, yea, there was a skateboard assault a few months ago.
Johnny stole a candy bar at 7/11, went home, called crimestoppers, turned himself in. Crimestoppers gave him a thousand bucks for the tip.
Now what exists is a dependence on the authorities to deliver what is needed to earn a living (news).

If Castanet keeping on reporting the "bad things" the RCMP does, well, they wont tip them off when there is something "big" going down. Or they will be the last to be "informed".

This is how governments operate. Even the CBC is not immune from it. Don't play ball and play nice? Don't get the big scoops.

Then you cancel all press scrums (Harper government standard policy) and throw wrenches in the gears in the Freedom of Information Act. Journalists almost become dependent on the people they are suppose to be "holding accountable".
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by GenuinelyInterested »

I have the newest and best scanner + encryption codes with a subscription. I have been too busy to FULLY decode everything yet but, I can tell the difference between male and female officers/dispatchers.

It won't take me too long to totally decrypt everything when I have some time available to do so.
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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by Ace Storman »

GenuinelyInterested wrote:I have the newest and best scanner + encryption codes with a subscription. I have been too busy to FULLY decode everything yet but, I can tell the difference between male and female officers/dispatchers.

It won't take me too long to totally decrypt everything when I have some time available to do so.

Ok...GenuinelyInterested...time to give it a break. Emergency services have gone digital for two reasons.

1) to provide better, trunked radio service for each respective service that uses the system. You can have many services that use the system at the same time. This technology is similar to what is used by the cell phone companies. Many subscribers moving from area to area and the calles get handed off to the area which has the strongest mobile signal. Essentially, this is a roaming communication system.

2) To keep unauthorised listeners (perhaps like yourself) from eavesdropping on communications that are not of anyones business, except that of the persons authorised to be part of the call. This would unfortunately include you!

Your quote that "I have the newest and best scanner + encryption codes with a subscription" means nothing to me. For that statement...I call Bullsh*t! You cannot subscribe to such a privately encrypted service. That subscription (if it were possible), would be highly illegal and would be shut down rather quickly. Proprietors of such a site would face legal challenges and would be fined and / or jailed! This technology cannot be compared to the old DTH tv service where one subscribes to a site to receive regular .bin files for their favorite FTA receivers. One just has to search the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the consequences it had on many American and Canadian residence. Astronomical fines and jail times were issued to many folks.

To be "in the know" of such encryption keys, you must be security cleared, provide regular Criminal Record checks and sign very specific NDS (None Disclosure Statements). Breach of the aforementioned WILL cost one his or her job AND face prosecution (ie; Fine or Jail, OR BOTH).

Encryption codes usually change on a regular basis and the new codes are made available to the authorised radios in the fleet electronically. Codes change (roll over) as much as several time per day to several per week .Only authorised radios (with specific ESN's) will receive the required information and roll over to the new encryption code. And if by chance you have acquired a mobile or portable radio (stolen or lost), when discovered missing by its rightful owner(s), it will simply be remotely shut down, making it just a dumb electronic brick. In some cases, depending on the shutdown request (a common feature in Military radios) once shut down, the radios are electronically destroyed internally, making them permanently unusable and unrepairable.

If your not part of the authorised fleet...you're not part of the group....ie; silence!

I hope I was able to shed some light on this for you and to clarify things a bit better.

Incidentally, my background includes being a C.E.T. (Certified Electronics Technician) specialising in Computer Data Management and Design, Communication specialist and a Military communications contractor working with both Analog and Digital communications, employing Analog and Digital encryption for Military Communication security. This technology is very familiar to me.

and my apologies for the long winded post...


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Re: Police Scanner codes?

Post by GenuinelyInterested »

For every code, there is a code breaker. It's just a matter of time and effort before this code is broken too.

It is not easy but, it is close, and obtainable.

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