Death threats doom Donkey debut

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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by goalie »

DashFiveGuy wrote: I have to wonder if these same people that are all up in arms about the "denial" of "free speech" in this case would be just as passionate if the "documentary" that was nixed was an anti-abortion movie.
Well unlike the anti-abortion movement, this donkey sex guy doesn't drive around in a van with bestiality pictures plastered on the sides.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by Dash5 »

goalie wrote:
DashFiveGuy wrote: I have to wonder if these same people that are all up in arms about the "denial" of "free speech" in this case would be just as passionate if the "documentary" that was nixed was an anti-abortion movie.
Well unlike the anti-abortion movement, this donkey sex guy doesn't drive around in a van with bestiality pictures plastered on the sides.
Ah, that's where the line is drawn. Got it.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by brounal »

Go watch Clerks 2. Its got donkey sex in there too.
This donkey documentary is no big deal .It might be distasteful but if the subject matter disgusts you then don't go watch it. and its not even pornographic.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by Gixxer »

some people are out right sick in the head. Calling in death threats because they dont agree with something.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by AllthatFunk »

Hmmm. Looks like Donkey kong is back on. Don't think I will let my daughter go to the University during the OFF....not because of the movie but instead because I'd be too worried about person protesters threatening people just because they may be in the general vicinity of the OFF.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by animal lover1 »

Who cares??? dont like it...dont go see it...easy
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by thankgodileft »

Was I the only one that paid attention in Norm O'Donnells English class? A Documentary is a fim based on fact not fiction. This means it is real, not fiction like Snooki or Honey Boo Boo, or Kelowna's favorite The WWE. Do you people realise that not everyone lives in fantasyland? Some of us have an intellectual curiosity about the different people of the world. But then again Kelowna wants everyone to be the same-drink wine, get in a fight, go to church, play golf and watch Honey Boo Boo.Being different is just plain wrong. So why would you people want to realise that Kelowna is not the same as Maui, eventhough you people think it is.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by Andy S »

Gixxer wrote:some people are out right sick in the head. Calling in death threats because they dont agree with something.
Well we are lucky to live here and speak up against things which bother us. Think about the girl who wanted to go to school, in the heart of a place where Donkeys have more status, and ~they~ don't agree with that..
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by johnhenry »

thankgodileft wrote:Was I the only one that paid attention in Norm O'Donnells English class? A Documentary is a fim based on fact not fiction. This means it is real, not fiction like Snooki or Honey Boo Boo, or Kelowna's favorite The WWE. Do you people realise that not everyone lives in fantasyland? Some of us have an intellectual curiosity about the different people of the world. But then again Kelowna wants everyone to be the same-drink wine, get in a fight, go to church, play golf and watch Honey Boo Boo.Being different is just plain wrong. So why would you people want to realise that Kelowna is not the same as Maui, eventhough you people think it is.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by kgcayenne »

thankgodileft wrote:Was I the only one that paid attention in Norm O'Donnells English class?
Do not insult Norm; he has more class than this film ever will.

I was 100% ready and willing to give the benefit of the doubt until I watched the trailer. It's an insult to documentaries. The elements promoted in the trailer completely nullify any other content. It's abundantly clear to me that it is not marketed to a majority of documentary-watching folk.

Death threats however, are over the top. This whole thing is ridiculous and the OFF has lost another screening venue. I find it interesting that he had no contract in place with landmark for the Paramount. It just goes to show that people in Kelowna are still operating with a small-town mentality, from the organization of events without contracted venues, to death threats for being offended, and trying to police to what others have access.

Again, leave Norm out of this.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by Nebula »

AllthatFunk wrote:Hmmm. Looks like Donkey kong is back on. Don't think I will let my daughter go to the University during the OFF....not because of the movie but instead because I'd be too worried about person protesters threatening people just because they may be in the general vicinity of the OFF.
No worries. UBCO has declined a request to hold the film festival there. It will not be held at the university this weekend.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by Graphite »

thankgodileft wrote:Was I the only one that paid attention in Norm O'Donnells English class? A Documentary is a fim based on fact not fiction. This means it is real, not fiction like Snooki or Honey Boo Boo, or Kelowna's favorite The WWE. Do you people realise that not everyone lives in fantasyland? Some of us have an intellectual curiosity about the different people of the world. But then again Kelowna wants everyone to be the same-drink wine, get in a fight, go to church, play golf and watch Honey Boo Boo.Being different is just plain wrong. So why would you people want to realise that Kelowna is not the same as Maui, eventhough you people think it is.
In a Backward town so far away.
Besides sweeping prejudice, what are you even talking about?
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by Queen K »

In a Backward town so far away.[/quote]

The Grapes of Wrath.

After reading 13 pages of misconceptions on who said what and how it meant, I must say, I miss all the good threads.

The way I understand a documentary is that it highlights a small portion of reality somewhere in the World. It may lead me to want to go there, disagree or agree with what is going on, but in order to do so, I must be in attendence of said documentary. Maybe I'll go in with preconcieved biases or not, or just be happy I live in a most privileged part of the world.

Or wait, my lawyer buddy did say his very first case was defending a guy who did it with chickens right here in the Okanagan.

Could bestiality be a worldwide practise, a local scourage, or is this documentary merely showing a slice of life, that could be applied anywhere, and not just in Columbia?

I say bring on the film and let people who want to pay to attend do so. But don't let The Grapes of Wrath be correct thirty years after releasing Backwards Town.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey Debut....

Post by AllthatFunk »

Nebula wrote: No worries. UBCO has declined a request to hold the film festival there. It will not be held at the university this weekend.

Yes I read that last night. Guess I'll let her go to school after all. She can even go see the movie if she wants.Being that she is an adult its not up to me, or anyone else, what she may or may not choose to see.

As for the person defending Mr. O'Donnell, I was in his english classes as well and he did, often, talk about documentaries and free speech. How is someone stating that they learned the difference between a fictional story and a documentary implying that Norm in any way approves of this documentary? IMO there was really no reason to defend him, if you wanted people to know you were in his class or a friend, perhaps just state that.

As for the movie....would you object to them making a documentary about crimes against women in 3rd world countries, or the burning of jews, or the slaughter of innocent seals? These are all topics that need to be brought to our attention so that, if there is something that we, as a society, can do about it then we should. Pretty sure old Normy would agree with that.
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Re: Death threats doom Donkey debut

Post by kgcayenne »

The way the trailer depicts the ‘movie’:
Giggly, sophomoric.

The topic:
Fact, different from our own culture & controversial in contrast.

The combination of the two:
The way the trailer identifies the tone of the ‘movie’ is counterproductive to what should be a ‘documentary’ about something happening in a different culture.

My question: Why would a ‘documentary’ be marketed like a Hollywood Jackass ‘movie’?

As I mentioned before: I was 100% willing to agree that the topic is worthy of discussion by way of ‘documentary’, however the marketing is for a ‘movie’. The trailer is an insult to documentaries. It’s my opinion, and no one has to agree with it.

I was one of Norm’s students. While we would discuss controversial topics, from what I recall, the tone of these discussions did not at any time mirror the attitude with which this movie is being promoted by its trailer.
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