Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by The Green Barbarian »

fluffy wrote:
Exactly. It's a safe bet the law will be thoroughly debated, anything in it that poses a legitimate concern will be dealt with. .
It's not a safe bet, at all. We are stuck with one of the dumbest, most arrogant governments since the times of Pierre running the show, and the only "safe bet" with this clown show Liberal government is that they will do what serves Liberal interests to the maximum. And that's it. No one can trust these fools, at all, to care about anyone but themselves. Very "Democratesque" in how they operate.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by Smurf »

I'm starting to think that this whole thing is a Liberal ploy to set up an election. They are trying to make it so that anyone who says anything looks bad and they can use it for an upcoming election. First step are the changes. If they get stopped or even delayed it will be "OH LOOK" there's the bad Conservatives. If they go through the Liberals get what they want.

Next the budget with a bunch of Liberal garbage in it. Money thrown in every direction in the name of Covid. No vote buying there of course. If it gets stopped it will be "OH LOOK" there's those bad Conservatives hurting the people of Canada, If it goes through they will continue on to the election saying look how good we are we saved you all during Covid.

Like I say, I think it is a set up with more to come.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by rustled »

fluffy wrote:
hobbyguy wrote:This only an issue for Trudeau bashers and CPC supporters who somehow feel that only the CPC should be allowed to change the Canada Elections Act - which is quite Republicanesque.
Hogwash. The only people saying this are people who have a record of defending the Trudeau Liberals no matter what.
fluffy wrote:It's a safe bet the law will be thoroughly debated, anything in it that poses a legitimate concern will be dealt with.
The whole point of rushing the Bill through is to avoid thorough debate.
fluffy wrote: It's an election year, both sides will be treading lightly. The Liberals will be sure to avoid any perception of manipulating the law in their favour,
Yeah, I'm sure we can all agree they want to avoid any perception of that, hence the rush. Rushing helps with that.
and the Conservatives will be careful not to make a big issue unless it's warranted. Everybody saw what went on in the US, nobody in their right mind wants that here.
Exactly. Nobody in their right mind wants that here, so WHY are the Trudeau Liberals trying to rush the Bill through?

There's no emergency, no reason to rush. Thorough debate! Glad we're on the same page here.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by fluffy »

rustled wrote:Hogwash. The only people saying this are people who have a record of defending the Trudeau Liberals no matter what.
Yeah, and you're not indulging in baseless fear mongering either. I'll reserve judgment until some actual details are released.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by fluffy »

Smurf wrote: First step are the changes.
What particular changes have you concerned?
Next the budget with a bunch of Liberal garbage in it.
I didn't realize you had advance notice of the content. Do share.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by rustled »

fluffy wrote:
rustled wrote:Hogwash. The only people saying this are people who have a record of defending the Trudeau Liberals no matter what.
Yeah, and you're not indulging in baseless fear mongering either.
If hearing "the Trudeau Liberals shouldn't be rushing a Bill making changes to the election act" makes you think "baseless fear mongering", so be it.
fluffy wrote:I'll reserve judgment until some actual details are released.
:up: ALL of the details - not just some of them - should be released, and thoroughly debated by both the public and the MPs.

This Bill should NOT be rushed through. I'd be interested to know if you feel rushing it can be defended.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by fluffy »

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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by rustled »

fluffy wrote:Full text of the bill: ... st-reading
Excellent! Thanks, fluffy.

Did you find anything you'd like to see better explained, anything you have reservations about?
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by fluffy »

rustled wrote:Did you find anything you'd like to see better explained, anything you have reservations about?
I din't read the whole thing, but the summary at the beginning looks to describe it as just what the Liberals are saying, temporary special measures to allow for enhanced safety during the pandemic. Three days of polling instead of one as distancing is going to make for longer lineups. The ability to declare new "polling divisions" to allow polling to take place within
institutions, rest homes for instance. I don't see anything threatening there, it looks like enhanced safety to curb virus transmission.

This bill has been around for a while, it got first reading in parliament before Christmas. If the Conservatives haven't made any noise about it so far that should send a big message right there.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by rustled »

fluffy wrote:
rustled wrote:Did you find anything you'd like to see better explained, anything you have reservations about?
I din't read the whole thing, but the summary at the beginning looks to describe it as just what the Liberals are saying, temporary special measures to allow for enhanced safety during the pandemic. Three days of polling instead of one as distancing is going to make for longer lineups. The ability to declare new "polling divisions" to allow polling to take place within
institutions, rest homes for instance. I don't see anything threatening there, it looks like enhanced safety to curb virus transmission.
Yes, there are probably several perfectly sensible suggestions, some of which may be helpful even outside of pandemics. I look forward to reading it to see if it only contains perfectly sensible suggestions. Although the terminology's likely to give me a headache.
This bill has been around for a while, it got first reading in parliament before Christmas. If the Conservatives haven't made any noise about it so far that should send a big message right there.
It's being examined and debated, as it should be, and the only people "making noise" are the people trying to rush it, which is what's sending the big message to those of us who have seen how the Trudeau Liberals have gotten stuff put through that certainly ought not to have been put through. Yes, yes, other parties have done that too. Let's not let that sort of partisan "well, they did it, too!" nonsense stop us from paying attention here. Elections matter. If we don't believe that, there's no point pretending to have a democratically elected government in Canada.

This made me laugh. It's from CTV, the Castanet story hasn't yet been updated to reflect what happened today:
NDP asks PM to rule out snap vote as Liberals urge passage of pandemic election bill

Debate on Friday morning wrapped without a vote.

"It's legitimate to have some debate on this issue in Parliament," said Conservative Garnett Genuis in the House of Commons. "But there seems to be a dissonance between what the minister responsible (wants) and what individual Liberal members are doing because we have most of the time for debate today being taken up by Liberal members giving speeches."

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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by sobrohusfat »

allow liberals to...


for :cuss: sakes Oh Canada - no - enough already
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by hobbyguy »

rustled wrote:
hobbyguy wrote:Lol, Pierre did it.
Quick, invoke Pierre!
hobbyguy wrote:So why not anybody else?
Ah, yes. The old "two wrongs make us right" Trudeau Liberal philosophy on display for all to see.
hobbyguy wrote:Plus if you were paying attention, you would know that the Canada Elections Act was last changed in 2019....

This only an issue for Trudeau bashers and CPC supporters who somehow feel that only the CPC should be allowed to change the Canada Elections Act - which is quite Republicanesque.
Quick, invoke Republicans!

Clearly, "only the Conservatives should change the Canadian Election Act" is a construct intended to deflect conversation from the issue at hand: the Trudeau Liberals' current attempt to RUSH changes to the Canada Elections Act.

:topic: There's no reason to allow the Trudeau Liberals to rush this Bill through. And every reason NOT to.
Not invoking, simply stating facts. If anybody tried any "hanky panky" with the Canada Elections Act, it was Pierre Poilievre - and he is still an MP. Or have you forgotten the so called "Fair Elections Act" and Pierre Polilievre attacking the chief elections officer??? (I do, I was disgusted!). Aside: Pierre is one of my least favorite politicians in part because he is a complete hypocrite - he wrote a book arguing for two terms max for MPs - and is now in what? his 6th term...

Where was your outrage when the Canada Elections Act was amended in 2019?

If ever there was a time when amendments to the Canada Elections Act could be trusted to be free of "hanky panky" it is when you have a minority government - they MUST get members of other parties to go along.

Given the mess that the Newfoundland election got into due to the pandemic, it just makes sense to make some amendments to cover off the lessons learned from the NFLD messed up election in the context of the upcoming budget and potential vote of confidence. If the government does happen to fall, then it will be too late to make the necessary changes - thus the need to proceed promptly.

It really is very simple and understandable if the partisan nonsense glasses come off for a second. For reference: ... -1.5909976
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by Hurtlander »

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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by ferri »

Don't start making this personal.
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Re: Allow Liberals to rewrite Canada's election laws?

Post by Smurf »

fluffy wrote:
Smurf wrote:
First step are the changes.
What particular changes have you concerned?
Next the budget with a bunch of Liberal garbage in it.
I didn't realize you had advance notice of the content. Do share.
1) Probably the changes the Liberals have hidden somewhere in the bill given their past track record.

2) No I have not even seen the bill but as I said above given their track record I do not trust anything they do especially when they try to push something through quickly.

I will never will trust anything the apology KING Trudeau says. He has told so many porkers it would take a team to count them all. How could anyone ever believe him.
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