Rent communists!

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Re: Rent communists!

Post by liisgo »

fluffy wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 8:04 am
liisgo wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 7:47 am why do they see the potential for great returns? The floor is yours.
Why would they enter the market as an investor landlord if there wasn't some money to be made ? I'd like to see a regulatory climate that makes being an investor landlord less attractive. Like tying rental rates to actual expenses. Today you have landlords with properties bought when the market was a lot lower using "market rates" as an excuse to reap double digit returns on the tenants' dime.
So something as basic as a request to provide an example, some proof, an opportunity to support your opinion to us all, is not possible?

fluffy wrote: ↑Today, 6:46 am
Today new landlords are entering the rental market because they see the potential for great returns.

Take a 2 bedroom in kelowna, say for $500,000 with the min deposit, and show us all.
Now your narrative is about landlords that long ago, worked extra jobs, decided to skip a few vacations, invested and took chances, and to you these people are ones that used excuses to reap double digit returns on tenants dime?
The company that recently purchased 4 units in our building this year, did so with foreign money, and have replaced all tenants with their foreign students, working part time at certain businesses in exchange for rent. Those old rental prices that were capped by the government, and the long term tenants were given there papers and thus you have increased rental rates via new owners.
Amazing the continuous condemnation of hard working, take a chance kinda of people is so drastically needed to support a narrative of a few.
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by The Green Barbarian »

BC Landlord wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:21 am
fluffy wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 8:04 am I'd like to see a regulatory climate that makes being an investor landlord less attractive.
What you are describing here are small landlords (1-4 units) who invested in their rentals, the vast majority of whom have put a tremendous amount of hard work and sacrifices to make it happen. To most of them, it is their retirement plan. And now, you would like to see that "less attractive". I hope you realize, small landlords account for about 40% of the rental stock. Do you really want them out?
yes this is what these fools want. Their desire to ensure that no one in Canada makes a return on investment trumps people having roofs over their heads. They'd rather have everyone living in tents. They truly are that awful.
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by Patron »

Hurtlander wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 8:57 am
Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 7:56 am

lol- now you want renter's who are already paying a LL's entire mortgage costs, which the LL can write off the interest on and all the expenses you mentioned to pay even more ? sorry but that's just as ridiculous as this idea is-

if this Government wants to actually do something about our housing crisis start building income based rentals immediately , which will create much needed competition on market rental rate and slow down immigration until this housing issue is under control
Bull.. From the article ... udeau-says
“ The federal government wants to support those who rent their homes with a protection fund, a bill of rights and a plan to give reliable renters credit when they step up to buy a home.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says there's something fundamentally unfair about paying $2,000 a month for rent, while those paying the same for a mortgage get equity and build their credit score.”
The LL has to carry the risk of being responsible for all emergency home repairs, as well as regular upkeep and maintenance to keep the equity in their property, and also make certain that the mortgage is paid on time to maintain their credit score.. So why exactly should a renter suddenly be given the privilege of building their credit score simply because they pay their rent on time to a private individual, but don’t have to assume any of the risk of homeownership to build their credit score. If the same renter has a car loan and pays it on time, they build a credit score, but at the same time they are also fully responsible for all maintenance on their car, not the financial institution that they borrowed the loan from.
lol- if a renter has a car loan and pays it on time and it helps their credit score they also get to keep the vehicle- this does not happen when someone rents a place, so why should a renter have to shoulder the maintenance of the property and walk away with nothing when they leave ? that really seem fair to you ?

and your idea would then mean that LL's won't be able to write off any maintenance expenses nor mortgage interest, you can't double dip

and then of course the liability to the LL letting a renter maintain the maintenance on their investment would be very risky for the LL- the renter could hire anybody or do the work themselves and man, that could turn into a real nightmare- your idea is again just as ridiculous as this idea from the government
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by The Green Barbarian »

Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:38 am
lol- if a renter has a car loan and pays it on time and it helps their credit score they also get to keep the vehicle- this does not happen when someone rents a place, so why should a renter have to shoulder the maintenance of the property and walk away with nothing when they leave ? that really seem fair to you ?
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by BC Landlord »

Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 7:56 am if this Government wants to actually do something about our housing crisis start building income based rentals immediately, ...
And who exactly is going to build that? Are there also "income based" lumber, concrete, plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers ...? Also, where do I get "income based" insurance, property tax, utilities? :200:
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by The Green Barbarian »

BC Landlord wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:54 am
Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 7:56 am if this Government wants to actually do something about our housing crisis start building income based rentals immediately, ...
And who exactly is going to build that? Are there also "income based" lumber, concrete, plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers ...? Also, where do I get "income based" insurance, property tax, utilities? :200:
But...but...but...the government will hire all of the workers to build their houses...and buy up concrete pumpers and lumber's so simple! These fools have no clue how things get built or what goes into building them, but yet, always want to offer their useless and stupid opinion. It's like the people that think that farmers should pay carbon taxes, because "they have a choice" to electrify, without understanding that there is no choice, as no electric tractors, grain trucks or combines exist. But they don't know that, or bother to educate themselves. Just offer a stupid opinion, vote for the idiot that says what they want to hear (who also hasn't bothered to educate themselves) and just keep making society a far worse place.
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by rustled »

Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:38 am lol- if a renter has a car loan and pays it on time and it helps their credit score they also get to keep the vehicle- this does not happen when someone rents a place, so why should a renter have to shoulder the maintenance of the property and walk away with nothing when they leave ?
For the same reason a diner doesn't walk away with shares in a restaurant after dining because they helped cover the cost of maintenance, shoppers don't walk away with shares in a store for helping cover the costs of maintenance, and we don't take credit or ownership for the farms and packing plants etc. for helping cover their costs of maintenance - despite the food we pay for being every bit as essential to our survival as shelter is.
Patron wrote:that really seem fair to you ?
Any other version of "fair" will be "unfair" to those shouldering the greatest risk.

Life is not fair. We all have to make the best of the hand we're dealt, and expecting the government OR investors to shoulder our personal responsibilities is a recipe for disaster.
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by monilynno »

BC Landlord wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:54 am
Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 7:56 am if this Government wants to actually do something about our housing crisis start building income based rentals immediately, ...
And who exactly is going to build that? Are there also "income based" lumber, concrete, plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers ...? Also, where do I get "income based" insurance, property tax, utilities? :200:
Ask Catherine McKenna, she blew up $180 billion in infrastructure money and couldn't account for about $93 billion of it. $93 billion would have bought a house for every homeless Canadian.
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by The Green Barbarian »

I'm not sure where this "war on real estate owners" started, but it's definitely filtered up into the Liberals bubble that anti-landlord/homeowner legislation is currently "cool" and so now they are going full steam ahead, attacking them every chance they get with bad policies while their trained seals clap along like the gullible fools they are.

Currently in the US a big issue are "squatters" - a phenomenon that has increased as an issue with stupid governments giving these squatters all the power and the owners are left out in the cold. When will this war on the owners stop? I assume when finally these stupid regressive governments are finally voted out.

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Re: Rent communists!

Post by Gone_Fishin »

monilynno wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:25 am
BC Landlord wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:54 am
And who exactly is going to build that? Are there also "income based" lumber, concrete, plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers ...? Also, where do I get "income based" insurance, property tax, utilities? :200:
Ask Catherine McKenna, she blew up $180 billion in infrastructure money and couldn't account for about $93 billion of it. $93 billion would have bought a house for every homeless Canadian.
Klimate Einstein McKenna disappears shortly after $93 billion also disappears.

That's quite the coincidence, eh?

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Re: Rent communists!

Post by Patron »

BC Landlord wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:54 am
Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 7:56 am if this Government wants to actually do something about our housing crisis start building income based rentals immediately, ...
And who exactly is going to build that? Are there also "income based" lumber, concrete, plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers ...? Also, where do I get "income based" insurance, property tax, utilities? :200:

Government used to give out interest free loans to developers to build social housing- Government also owns 95% of our land- so yeah there's many things that they could do to go back to the days when social housing and co op housing was a good investment for the citizens of this country

and why some people seem to think that government social housing is free is beyond me ? it's not free, the tenants pay rent but the rent won't be 50+ % of their income meaning they can spend more of their own income providing for their life needs and in our economy instead of paying it to RE Investors private or Corporate- how on earth could this be a bad thing ?
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:57 am
BC Landlord wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 9:54 am
And who exactly is going to build that? Are there also "income based" lumber, concrete, plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers ...? Also, where do I get "income based" insurance, property tax, utilities? :200:

Government used to give out interest free loans to developers to build social housing- Government also owns 95% of our land- so yeah there's many things that they could do to go back to the days when social housing and co op housing was a good investment for the citizens of this country

and why some people seem to think that government social housing is free is beyond me ? it's not free, the tenants pay rent but the rent won't be 50+ % of their income meaning they can spend more of their own income providing for their life needs and in our economy instead of paying it to RE Investors private or Corporate- how on earth could this be a bad thing ?
Who's gonna pay the government to build these and service the interest costs?

Does the money just fall from the sky, or does it have anything to do with taxpayers?

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Re: Rent communists!

Post by monilynno »

Gone_Fishin wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:56 am
monilynno wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:25 am

Ask Catherine McKenna, she blew up $180 billion in infrastructure money and couldn't account for about $93 billion of it. $93 billion would have bought a house for every homeless Canadian.
Klimate Einstein McKenna disappears shortly after $93 billion also disappears.

That's quite the coincidence, eh?

Where's The Funds?
If I had to guess I'd say it went to Klaus Schwab.
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by Patron »

Gone_Fishin wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:58 am
Patron wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:57 am

Government used to give out interest free loans to developers to build social housing- Government also owns 95% of our land- so yeah there's many things that they could do to go back to the days when social housing and co op housing was a good investment for the citizens of this country

and why some people seem to think that government social housing is free is beyond me ? it's not free, the tenants pay rent but the rent won't be 50+ % of their income meaning they can spend more of their own income providing for their life needs and in our economy instead of paying it to RE Investors private or Corporate- how on earth could this be a bad thing ?
Who's gonna pay the government to build these and service the interest costs?

Does the money just fall from the sky, or does it have anything to do with taxpayers?
lol, right now who's footing the bill for the increase cost of the homeless here and the increased costs of their healthcare ?
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Re: Rent communists!

Post by rustled »

The Green Barbarian wrote: Mar 28th, 2024, 10:42 am I'm not sure where this "war on real estate owners" started, but it's definitely filtered up into the Liberals bubble that anti-landlord/homeowner legislation is currently "cool" and so now they are going full steam ahead, attacking them every chance they get with bad policies while their trained seals clap along like the gullible fools they are.

Currently in the US a big issue are "squatters" - a phenomenon that has increased as an issue with stupid governments giving these squatters all the power and the owners are left out in the cold. When will this war on the owners stop? I assume when finally these stupid regressive governments are finally voted out.

That's where we're headed, if we don't smarten up!
Most academics operate in a rarified world where their highfalutin pontification is decoupled from reality. However, ideas have real consequences. Products, political systems, and policies that are incongruent with human nature always fail... Gad Saad

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