Ukraine war/President/news

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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Drip_Torch »

oldtrucker wrote: Mar 20th, 2023, 7:16 pm Anyone know what warhead type is used on the Iskander? Not the glide vehicle but the regular 700kg warhead. Unless I'm working it out wrong, it should have a max theoretical yield of 375 kilotons based on non single non reentry low altitude warhead designs. If we used the numbers for mirved long range icbm's it would be 3 to 3.5 megatons at 5.5 to 5.9 megatons per ton of throw weight ( including the RV bus). Iskander is a short range missile so it doesnt use the throw weight numbers that long range mirv'ed icbm's would use.
If tactical nukes are going to be used, my bet is that it will come via Iskander. 2nd bet would be aircraft delivered in the form of a mig31 and a zircon.
It's still the Sarmat RS 28 that seems to get the Russian propagandists the most excited. Not sure about your calculations on the Iskander. I understand the intermediate range Iskander uses a R-500 secondary booster (9M728 - if you want to google, or yandex it) and that reduces the payload down to 500 kg. It will travel around 500 km's with a tactical warhead, roughly 10 - 50 kT.

Still enough to ruin your whole day, if they toss it at you.

They have another secondary booster, with far more range and roughly the same payload (9M729), but I've been led to believe that's been the source of 2 of the recent setbacks Putin has suffered. (The latest being the day before his big address that turned out to be a two hour long complete nothing burger.)

So far, the most commonly used warhead on the Zircon appears to be concrete. :smt045 But, that's not to be laughed at, as it is fast, too fast and not very accurate. So if they toss it at a tactical target, who knows what it actually hits. The payload is smaller than the Iskander due to the intake on the bottom of the missile and the sharper nose. I think I read somewhere around a 200 kg.

FWIW... I'm still living my life based on the premise that Putin's daddy Xi has learned one Russian word for his visit to Moscow and he's going to use it very clearly around the topic of tactical nukes. "Nyet".

"Military Today" for most of the specs I've looked at. They could be wrong, but often are not.

In other news...

This is why you don't drink Vladimir Solovyov's tea before going on air in Russia. Good thing he wasn't standing by a window...
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Thinktank »

Drip_Torch wrote: Mar 21st, 2023, 2:11 pm ...enough to ruin your whole day, ...
Well the sadistic weasels just agreed to send depleted uranium to Ukraine.
UK to send controversial ‘depleted uranium’ rounds to Ukraine
Babies in Falluja are born with hydrocephaly, cleft palates, tumors, elongated heads, overgrown limbs, short limbs and malformed ears, noses and spines. ... o-ukraine/

To be civilized, unlike stinkin Blinken and Nudleman and all the West governments - I posted the least offensive
photo of depleted uranium babies.

Can I get a standing ovation from the Freeload-Trudeau-Anand-Joly warmongers?

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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Drip_Torch »

Nasty bit of kit, no doubt...
Depleted uranium

Depleted uranium is a high-density by-product of the enrichment process needed to transform naturally occurring
uranium to fuel used for power generation or weapons. It is around 40 per cent less radioactive compared with
naturally occurring uranium and is considered mildly radioactive (UNSCEAR 2008). Its main form of radiation is alpha
radiation that does not penetrate healthy human skin; however, it does have the potential to cause radiation damage if
inhaled or ingested (IAEA 2022).

Depleted uranium has a higher density than lead and has been used in some munition to increase its penetrating power
and as tank armour (Lima et al. 2011). Its use was reported in both Gulf wars, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo as
well as in Serbia and Montenegro (Briner 2010). Depleted uranium in missiles forms a dust cloud on impact that has
pyrophoric properties and will ignite, forming an aerosol of depleted uranium oxides that can enter the body through
inhalation. The amount of dust created in this way depends on the target, with more dust created on hard surfaces
such as armoured tanks or concrete walls (UNEP 2007b).

Depleted uranium can cause localized sediment and soil contamination and can affect a range of both aquatic and
terrestrial species. Lawrence et al. (2015 p.451) state “In mammals, uranium toxicity can be highly detrimental to
development, brain chemistry, behaviour, and kidney function”. The level of toxicity largely depends on the amount
ingested, but it is especially dangerous to the liver. The chemical toxicity of depleted uranium is considered a more
significant issue than the possible impacts of its radioactivity (UNEP 2007b; Briner 2010).
It's even worse for tank crews hit by it.

Newsflash, and I'm not sure they cover this like they should in "Call of Duty", but warfare is hazardous to your health and generally bad for the environment. I think it would be best if Russians simply went home and told each other they won the war.

Here's a great report that suggests you could look at the bigger picture and come to the conclusion a little bit of nasty might be better than a whole lot of really bad. It's an interesting read. ... sAllowed=y
The report presents a snapshot – but by no means a comprehensive picture – of the damage inflicted on Ukraine’s
environment and the potential environmental and public health impacts, informing priorities for field-level
verification work.

Initial information shows that Ukraine, already burdened by a host of legacy environmental challenges, is now facing a
compounded, multi-dimensional environmental crisis that has either exacerbated existing issues or added new ones.
Ukraine’s government and society is grappling with multiple crises associated with chemicals, munitions and military
equipment, the presence of a range of pollutants continuing to be released during the active phase of the conflict,
damage inflicted to fuel storage facilities, industrial infrastructure, key infrastructure such as water, energy and waste
management systems, urban areas, agricultural and natural areas. Assessing such damage will require a multitude of
complex methods to establish the impacts and plan recovery activities.

It is essential that the ongoing conflict ends now to ensure greater damage to the environment and to people is
The obligation to protect the environment in times of armed conflict is reflected in international law and legal
precedent, including in, but not limited to, the United Nations (UN) Charter, the Geneva Conventions and other Statutes
and Conventions.
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Thinktank »

Drip_Torch wrote: Mar 21st, 2023, 3:14 pm ... a little bit of nasty might be better ....
A judge decided there should be a buffer of a hundred feet between a Calgary pastor and the people he was protesting against.

Putin wanted Ukraine to be a buffer between Russia and the bloodthirsty Satanic West.

Jeffrey Sachs said Putin's demands make sense. Everyone knows how buffers work to keep peace.

But the warmongers of the West want depleted uranium. People like Blinken Nudleman and whoever the hell it is in Britain that want the uranium must enjoy the sight of Falujah uranium monster-babies all the time.

Do you like the sight of Falujah uranium monster babies?


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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Drip_Torch »

DU from the west bad! DU from Russia... meh, no biggie.

Got it.

Thinktank wrote: Mar 21st, 2023, 3:40 pm Putin wanted Ukraine to be a buffer between Russia and the bloodthirsty Satanic West.
Sure. Seems reasonable enough to me, but he moved in the wrong direction. If he really wanted a buffer between Russia and what you describe as "the bloodthirsty Satanic West", he should have moved his forces east, within Russia. That would have given him a buffer.

By moving west, into Ukraine, he moved his forces into conflict.

Doh, if only he had consulted a map before making a move, this all could have been avoided.
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by gertlush »


Looked closer than that on the drone cam
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Drip_Torch »

"dial a yield"... nope that's not what the range was meant to reflect. [icon_lol2.gif]

It was the attempted quantification of a known unknown. You're making me do homework now...
Russian official sources claim that the R-500 missile, also known as 9M728, has a range of 490 km. It is more than 400 km range of the Iskander's standard short-range ballistic missile. Though at a cost of much lower payload. Some sources report that it might potentially have a range of 1 500 km. The R-500 carries a conventional 500 kg warhead, or nuclear warhead with a yield of around 10-50 kT
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by gertlush »

Who is talking nukes? The Russians have encircled Bakhmut, a developing encirclement around Avdeeka. Any upcoming Ukie attack is telegraphed well in advance and will be destroyed. The Wests economies and banking system are imploding, the US bought some time by strongarming the IMF into taking over funding for the next 6 months.

Are you guys going full Black Knight here? [icon_lol2.gif]
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by gertlush »

Regarding Xi and Putin 1 key principle is that the opposite of our propaganda is the truth. So our media spouts "Big Brother Xi comes to visit his little buddy Putin" based on what exactly? Russia is quite handily kicking NATOs *bleep* and can do so without China. Russia is an important source of raw materials and advanced technology for China. This is more a partnership of equals.
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by GordonH »

Curious were is Putin kicking NATO butt, oh yes Ukraine.
I don’t see any NATO troops deployed into Ukraine, or have I missed something.
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Drip_Torch »

Here's the gist of the joint statement of Russia and China in cliff notes:

🔹 the Russian Federation and China are sure that there can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be unleashed;

🔹 Russia positively assesses China's position towards Ukraine, and China positively assesses Russia's readiness to start negotiations;

🔹 the Russian Federation and China are concerned about the risks associated with the creation of AUKUS and their plans to build nuclear submarines;

🔹 the Russian Federation and China call on AUKUS to strictly fulfill its obligations regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

🔹 The Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China plan to strengthen a comprehensive partnership in the field of energy;

🔹 The Russian Federation and China believe that in order to solve the "Ukrainian crisis" it is necessary to prevent bloc confrontation and incitement of the conflict;

🔹 The Russian Federation and China are concerned about the military-biological activities of the United States and demand an explanation on this matter;

🔹 the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China will expand scientific exchanges to ensure the technological leadership of the two countries;

🔹 The Russian Federation and China call to avoid the degradation of the crisis in Ukraine and its transition "into an uncontrolled phase";

🔹 Russia and China oppose all unilateral sanctions imposed to circumvent the UN Security Council;

🔹 Russia and China insist that the USA accelerate the liquidation of its stockpile of chemical weapons;

🔹 Russia and China will strengthen cooperation in agriculture to ensure food security;

🔹 The Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China plan to promote mutual and global energy security;

🔹 Russia and China insist that NATO strictly adhere to the defensive nature of its organization and respect foreign sovereignty;

🔹 The Russian Federation and China oppose the formation of "closed exclusive bloc structures, bloc politics and anti-combat camps";

🔹 the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China will increase the scale and optimize the structure of trade, including through the development of electronic trade;

🔹 the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China are going to increase the level of financial cooperation;

🔹 The US must respond to the legitimate concerns of North Korea with real actions and create conditions for dialogue.

I'm sure there will be a more in-depth overview published somewhere soon.
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Drip_Torch »

gertlush wrote: Mar 21st, 2023, 6:24 pm Russia is quite handily kicking NATOs *bleep* and can do so without China.
[icon_lol2.gif] *tears*

I believe, you actually believe that. OMG... [icon_lol2.gif]

Here's a picture of less than 1000 of the 8000 Abrams sitting in storage while Russia is "Kicking NATO's bleep".
Dream on, but you'll be happy to know the Russian Marines are still hard at work...
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by gertlush »

Cool pic, whats it got to do with Ukraine?

I guess seizing 20% of a countries territory, with a force 1/3 the size, while inflicting 5-1 casualties, and against the full support of the West, isn't enough for you guys? High standards! [icon_lol2.gif]
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by Mazdatruck »

gertlush wrote: Mar 21st, 2023, 5:13 pm Who is talking nukes? The Russians have encircled Bakhmut, a developing encirclement around Avdeeka. Any upcoming Ukie attack is telegraphed well in advance and will be destroyed. The Wests economies and banking system are imploding, the US bought some time by strongarming the IMF into taking over funding for the next 6 months.

Are you guys going full Black Knight here? [icon_lol2.gif]
It's not that Russia is doing poorly, it's how far the US will go to save face.

The banking system failing is actually fuel towards nuclear war. The West is more motivated to started WWIII because they could cull lots of their citizens in a war, boost economy, total information and social control and they wouldn't have to deal with everyone being annoyed their retirements are ruined because now the world has been nuked so just "blame Russia".

Remember the people who will press the button all have bunkers and think they be President and work from home from New Zealand or something while the people back home rebuild a smoking radioactive mess of a country.
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Re: Ukraine war/President/news

Post by gertlush »

I'll ask it again brainiacs - how does Ukraine win this? Crickets.. no snappy comebacks?... exactly. Mark Milley agrees with me.

Here come the Twitter links [icon_lol2.gif]

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