Some Lives Don't Matter

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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by the truth »

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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by crankster »

Wow, can't believe the arses that would snicker at a person who would stand their ground for their loved ones and the blood shed for freedom, rather than act like a hypocrite.

Maybe time to go read some history on the amount of white lives given so ALL colors can walk free in this damned country. Bunch of ungrateful snots and bigots. Young folks haven't a damn clue. Go back to school and learn! Get off the damn video games and couches and actually put your freaking back into your measly life instead just engaging your yap!
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Even Steven »

Don't blow the gasket just yet, there's a lot of white pride still needs defending. We need you.

By the way, the countries that lost the most in WW2 were not even white lol. It was China and Russia. And China is very non-white and Russia is so multi cultural that can't be called white either.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Thinktank »

Even Steven wrote:...Russia is so multi cultural that can't be called white either.


and Russians
were slaughtered in WW2
30 million?

And they're all white.
But it reminds me of the time some stupid person at the Vancouver Airport told police
a non-white - Robert Dziekanski - was going berzerk. the dumb police probably were afraid of some terrorist
when they tasered him.

Should Bill Gates be ordered to stand trial in Netherlands for lying to us about the covid vaccine? Let's not talk about it.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Salistala »

This: ... e1-eng.htm

is part of the reason some lives matter more than others.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Terris »

Great ideas "YOU PEOPLE"!!

I agree...

A do over is in order...

A mass reset of the planet sounds good.

All races go back to their ancestral homelands and we all start over.

YAAY!! White people get Europe back...

This is gonna be great!!!
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Even Steven »

Terris wrote:YAAY!! White people get Europe back...
If you're talking about a reset, why reset it only halfway? Everybody goes back, we start as Black people, and slowly spread across the earth, some are getting whiter in the process.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Terris »

Even Steven wrote:
Terris wrote:YAAY!! White people get Europe back...
If you're talking about a reset, why reset it only halfway? Everybody goes back, we start as Black people, and slowly spread across the earth, some are getting whiter in the process.

Been a while since I rolled in on this this oft quoted and simplistic rationale, complete with genetic studies up the wazoo that still after several hundred years, of scientific discussion still can't explain multiple admixture events within the human genome.


If one follows the "Out of Africa" theory; than, in order for there to be as many white people as there are today, (though still a minority "race"), and if you figure that all whites are genetically derived from black africans, and calculating that say, 1 in every 5000 black people were albinos, than there would have to have been millions more people in Africa between 40-50,000 years ago than we know about; in order for all those Vitamin D depleted, red haired, blue eyed albinos to have "MASS" migrated into Europe from Africa and the Asian steppes to form an entire Caucasoid "race" that is now so famous for it's total dominations of all the other races (though still a minority "race").

Even in Africa today, say, at that rate of 1:5000 albinos, with a population of about 1.2 billion "black" africans, that would only amount to 240,000 white albinos living in Africa at any one time.

Now, go back 50,000 years and consider that, by some fluke of all fluky circumstances, that each of these albinos on the planet at that time, only mated with other albinos till today, genetically there would still be dark skinned people being born to albino parents.

How often do you hear of black africans giving birth to blue eyed, white featured, non-albino children?

And... This doesn't even take into account, the Asian genomes and albinism, which display distinctly oriental only facial features.

Which gene came first?

How did so many albino/white folk suddenly appear in Europe 50,000 years ago if we all came from Africa?

Is it possible that, at some point in our long forgotten history, there was another, more profound admixture of the human race by extraterrestrials?


If that were true, don't you think our ancient ancestors would have left us some knowledge or evidence of this. Perhaps written down in some sort of, words on scrolls or in a book thingy, or carved into some racist stoneworks?

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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

Terris wrote:Great ideas "YOU PEOPLE"!!

I agree...

A do over is in order...

A mass reset of the planet sounds good.

All races go back to their ancestral homelands and we all start over.

YAAY!! White people get Europe back...

This is gonna be great!!!
Your "mass reset" presupposes that interracial mixing has not occurred, which is far from accurate.

The "beiging" of the world would leave many without an ancestral homeland. Another inconvenient truth for you that would prevent white people from getting anything back......or brown, black, yellow, red, or any other colour one may consider.

Perhaps "you people" should just increase your tolerance levels for a whole bunch of things and see how that works.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

Terris wrote:

Been a while since I rolled in on this this oft quoted and simplistic rationale, complete with genetic studies up the wazoo that still after several hundred years, of scientific discussion still can't explain multiple admixture events within the human genome.


If one follows the "Out of Africa" theory; than, in order for there to be as many white people as there are today, (though still a minority "race"), and if you figure that all whites are genetically derived from black africans, and calculating that say, 1 in every 5000 black people were albinos, than there would have to have been millions more people in Africa between 40-50,000 years ago than we know about; in order for all those Vitamin D depleted, red haired, blue eyed albinos to have "MASS" migrated into Europe from Africa and the Asian steppes to form an entire Caucasoid "race" that is now so famous for it's total dominations of all the other races (though still a minority "race").

Even in Africa today, say, at that rate of 1:5000 albinos, with a population of about 1.2 billion "black" africans, that would only amount to 240,000 white albinos living in Africa at any one time.

Now, go back 50,000 years and consider that, by some fluke of all fluky circumstances, that each of these albinos on the planet at that time, only mated with other albinos till today, genetically there would still be dark skinned people being born to albino parents.

How often do you hear of black africans giving birth to blue eyed, white featured, non-albino children?

And... This doesn't even take into account, the Asian genomes and albinism, which display distinctly oriental only facial features.

Which gene came first?

How did so many albino/white folk suddenly appear in Europe 50,000 years ago if we all came from Africa?

Is it possible that, at some point in our long forgotten history, there was another, more profound admixture of the human race by extraterrestrials?


If that were true, don't you think our ancient ancestors would have left us some knowledge or evidence of this. Perhaps written down in some sort of, words on scrolls or in a book thingy, or carved into some racist stoneworks?

There’s a crazy new thing called "science" that actually explains what you have simplistically and incorrectly attempted to convey above. And it has nothing to do with mass migration of albinos.

White people are not merely a mass population of albinos. Another inconvenient truth?
Or is there also a predictable resistance to the notion of evolution?
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by crankster »

I don't care what excuses you all have and what malarky you spout about albinos etc etc. I am white! This is my country!! I will defend it! 100s of thousands of WHITE people died to preserve freedom soALL of you *bleep* can do exactly what you do now! I dont give flying *bleep* about stats Chinese, Russians whatever. IM TALKING CANADIANS!!!! Good ol Canadian white folk.
My god what a bunch of shallow hypocrites.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

crankster wrote:I don't care what excuses you all have and what malarky you spout about albinos etc etc. I am white! This is my country!! I will defend it! 100s of thousands of WHITE people died to preserve freedom soALL of you *bleep* can do exactly what you do now! I dont give flying *bleep* about stats Chinese, Russians whatever. IM TALKING CANADIANS!!!! Good ol Canadian white folk.
My god what a bunch of shallow hypocrites.
It is not solely your country. It is the country of all citizens of Canada, regardless of their whiteness or lack thereof.

Your focus on "good ol Canadian white folk" merely underscores the need for the actions that are being taken here and around the world right now to address racist attitudes.

Thanks for participating and assisting with that. It is always important to bring views such as yours to the forefront so the argument that "it’s not like that here" is easily disproved.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by crankster »

LANDM wrote:
crankster wrote:I don't care what excuses you all have and what malarky you spout about albinos etc etc. I am white! This is my country!! I will defend it! 100s of thousands of WHITE people died to preserve freedom soALL of you *bleep* can do exactly what you do now! I dont give flying *bleep* about stats Chinese, Russians whatever. IM TALKING CANADIANS!!!! Good ol Canadian white folk.
My god what a bunch of shallow hypocrites.
It is not solely your country. It is the country of all citizens of Canada, regardless of their whiteness or lack thereof.

Your focus on "good ol Canadian white folk" merely underscores the need for the actions that are being taken here and around the world right now to address racist attitudes.

Thanks for participating and assisting with that. It is always important to bring views such as yours to the forefront so the argument that "it’s not like that here" is easily disproved.
So, you discount and discredit all the white lives lost in the wars so you can sit there smugly and call me racist? YOURS is the wrong attitude if that is all you can see!
I agree that Canada is ALL peoples but the cost was born by a hell of a lot of brave WHITE men.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Gilchy »

crankster wrote:I don't care what excuses you all have and what malarky you spout about albinos etc etc. I am white! This is my country!! I will defend it! 100s of thousands of WHITE people died to preserve freedom soALL of you *bleep* can do exactly what you do now! I dont give flying *bleep* about stats Chinese, Russians whatever. IM TALKING CANADIANS!!!! Good ol Canadian white folk.
My god what a bunch of shallow hypocrites.
You are white? Congratulations, you had the genetic luck to be born with the right skin pigmentation, gender, sexual orientation and geographic area to give you many advantages that most people around the world don’t get.

This is your country, in that you lucky enough to be born in and a citizen here. But the country doesn’t belong to you, or white people, any more than it belongs to descendants of resettled former black slaves, or an Indonesian who moved to Canada 3 years ago.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

crankster wrote:
LANDM wrote: It is not solely your country. It is the country of all citizens of Canada, regardless of their whiteness or lack thereof.

Your focus on "good ol Canadian white folk" merely underscores the need for the actions that are being taken here and around the world right now to address racist attitudes.

Thanks for participating and assisting with that. It is always important to bring views such as yours to the forefront so the argument that "it’s not like that here" is easily disproved.
So, you discount and discredit all the white lives lost in the wars so you can sit there smugly and call me racist? YOURS is the wrong attitude if that is all you can see!
I agree that Canada is ALL peoples but the cost was born by a hell of a lot of brave WHITE men.
No, I neither discount nor discredit any lives lost in the wars but to single out the "white lives", when it is a fact that there were lives of every race in Canada lost in the various wars, is a problem of yours, not mine.

The cost of the war was borne, not born, by a hell of a lot of brave men and women of various races and colours.
To smugly deny others their due recognition for their sacrifices is the wrong attitude if that is all you can see. It merely illustrates the title of this thread: “Some lives don’t matter".
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