Some Lives Don't Matter

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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by crankster »

Gilchy wrote:
crankster wrote:I don't care what excuses you all have and what malarky you spout about albinos etc etc. I am white! This is my country!! I will defend it! 100s of thousands of WHITE people died to preserve freedom soALL of you *bleep* can do exactly what you do now! I dont give flying *bleep* about stats Chinese, Russians whatever. IM TALKING CANADIANS!!!! Good ol Canadian white folk.
My god what a bunch of shallow hypocrites.
You are white? Congratulations, you had the genetic luck to be born with the right skin pigmentation, gender, sexual orientation and geographic area to give you many advantages that most people around the world don’t get.

This is your country, in that you lucky enough to be born in and a citizen here. But the country doesn’t belong to you, or white people, any more than it belongs to descendants of resettled former black slaves, or an Indonesian who moved to Canada 3 years ago.
My country! My ancestors died to protect your freedom. You are right. I am privileged to live here! Something I don't take lightly and I will defend. I will defend alongside the black, the red and yellow to maintain that freedom against any color. I have never denied anyone anything, simply protecting from those that would take it.
I also not feel guilty about my skin color or who I am or the fact I was born here. I know my sacrifices and what I am about and no one can tell me different. I have done my time and owe no one a damn thing. Try to take whats mine, what I have earned honestly with integrity, I will defend it. Sorry if most are too shallow to understand these concepts now a days.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

crankster wrote:
My country! My ancestors died to protect your freedom. You are right. I am privileged to live here! Something I don't take lightly and I will defend. I will defend alongside the black, the red and yellow to maintain that freedom against any color. I have never denied anyone anything, simply protecting from those that would take it.
I also not feel guilty about my skin color or who I am or the fact I was born here. I know my sacrifices and what I am about and no one can tell me different. I have done my time and owe no one a damn thing. Try to take whats mine, what I have earned honestly with integrity, I will defend it. Sorry if most are too shallow to understand these concepts now a days.
The problem with "Try to take whats mine, what I have earned honestly with integrity, I will defend it" is figuring out what you mean by that.
If you mean your material possessions, that’s great.
However, I sense that you mean your way of life and your historical white privilege (which I understand that you neither recognize nor agree with), based on the intense white-focus of your posts. If that is the case, you are likely heading into a world of anger for the balance of your life. That horse is out of the barn.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Salistala »

crankster wrote:
My country! My ancestors died to protect your freedom....I have never denied anyone anything, simply protecting from those that would take it.
I'm first Nations, and my grandfather fought in WW2 to protect your freedom too. The difference between your grandfather and mine is the treatment they received on their return. Yours was eligible for social benefits like the Veterans Charter and received the accolades of a grateful nation, mine received scorn and a return to a segregated reserve.

You speak as if my call for social justice dismisses your grandfathers service and is an attempt to take something to which I am not owed, yet my grandfather's service like my people in general is invisible to you. I am not seeking to take anything from you, I do seek equality in opportunity and the way I am treated in the streets instead. I want my life, and that of my children, to matter.

"When accustomed to Privilege, Equality feels like oppression"
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Terris »

LANDM wrote:There’s a crazy new thing called "science" that actually explains what you have simplistically and incorrectly attempted to convey above. And it has nothing to do with mass migration of albinos.

White people are not merely a mass population of albinos. Another inconvenient truth?
Or is there also a predictable resistance to the notion of evolution?
Ahhh yes... good ol science... ... d-albinism ... people.htm
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by the truth »

oldtrucker wrote:
Salistala wrote:I'm first Nations, and my grandfather fought in WW2 to protect your freedom too. The difference between your grandfather and mine is the treatment they received on their return. Yours was eligible for social benefits like the Veterans Charter and received the accolades of a grateful nation, mine received scorn and a return to a segregated reserve.
I've heard that multiple times from FN families. Pzzes me off more and more every time. Why were they not eligible for veterans benefits like any other soldier?
all skin color veterans are getting :cuss: over by the govt ,myself included, and guess white-i'm white :200: :200:
so much for this made up white privilege that people keep telling me /we have
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Even Steven »

Fun fact:

When US brought Nazi prisoners to US soil, Nazi soldiers were treated better than black soldiers guarding them. When they were parading them through the streets and had to stop for food, black guards were not allowed inside the cantine and had to wait oitside for Nazis to finish eating.

They couldn't even drink out of the same water fountain.

So, whose lives matter more back then - Black US sodiers or Nazis? Hmmmmm....
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

Terris wrote:
LANDM wrote:There’s a crazy new thing called "science" that actually explains what you have simplistically and incorrectly attempted to convey above. And it has nothing to do with mass migration of albinos.

White people are not merely a mass population of albinos. Another inconvenient truth?
Or is there also a predictable resistance to the notion of evolution?
Ahhh yes... good ol science... ... d-albinism ... people.htm
That you imply that the sites above (other than the first one which is peripherally relevant) are "science" is telling enough. But good effort.

Yes, "good ol science" is worthwhile.
As is good new science.

It’s truly amazing to see the trend in North America to the distrust of science and the resistance to anything related to science.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by the truth » cool so i am just a light shade of black , so we are all black and no one is a racists case closed
"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." -George Orwell
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by LANDM »

the truth wrote: cool so i am just a light shade of black , so we are all black and no one is a racists case closed
There you can now live life happy and content!!
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by the truth »

LANDM wrote:
the truth wrote: cool so i am just a light shade of black , so we are all black and no one is a racists case closed
There you can now live life happy and content!!
yes , i now also have an excuse for everything bad that has ever happened to me, to no fault of mine, those evil white colonials, daam them all,
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Salistala »

the truth wrote: so much for this made up white privilege that people keep telling me /we have
Your inability to view your own privilege may be because you have never taken the time to view the world from the perspective of someone with less than you, but it appears you are keenly aware of your lack of privilege compared to others higher up. And since privilege is something given to you by others, you may not feel it but nevertheless enjoy the benefits each and every day over someone else seen as less worthy than you.

Also, privilege is a benefit that is affected by intersectionality; that is, a person's worth is seen through several lenses; like affluence, gender, ability, ethnicity, etc. And each of these lenses have a hierarchy from first class on down, for instance men have more privilege than women, able bodied people have more privilege than disabled, etc.

So when society judges a person's worth it evaluates each on a measure of Gender, man/woman; Affluence, rich/poor; Ability, abled/disabled; Ethnicity, western European/eastern European/eastern Asian/southern Asian/African/Indigenous; etc

So an able bodied affluent male with roots in western Europe in most cases has more privilege than just about anyone: a pregnant white woman, a professional south Asian man, a disabled first nation girl, etc.

Me, I enjoy the privilege of being male, able bodied, educated, and reasonably self sufficient, and I see those in society that have less. I necessarily have to have some measure of compassion for those with less and a desire to engineer a future where these distinctions have less influence than they do now.

But that's me, you do you to the best of your ability.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Salistala »

You have a serious axe to grind with women if you think men have it worse in this world.

Men are expendable because they have to work in a coal mine or oil rig or logging?

Ever hear of the sex trade? Human trafficking? Arguably less physically dangerous, many could easily argue that though, but emotionally devastating and the trade chews and spits out girls before they're even emotionally mature enough to deal with the horrors. Expendable in a brutal and callous way.

You ever fear for your life walking down a dark street at night and you hear the cold clicking of a pair of high heels walking behind you?

Have you heard of the glass ceiling? Many women are easily more capable than men that make 66% more than them, and despite strides made to even the gap the gap still exists.

I have privilege and your post does nothing to convince me otherwise.
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Salistala »

Honour killings?

Female circumcision?

Arranged marriages?
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Terris »


Human remains found in the Balkans of modern day Europe are older than any human remains found in Africa by several Million years... ... 083548.htm

:135: But...but...

Well... If science says so... ... uth-africa ... a-science/

I'd say the science is still out on anything definitive on where we all come from.

Certainly not defined enough, that the out of Africa theory (OOA) can be used to justify today's BLM Marxist racism against other "races", especially whites.

But... In all fairness; let's consider this OOA theory as irrefutable proof.

Why then, despite millions of years of an evolutionary head start have black Africans not been able to achieve what other races have in much less time.

Besides the short lived Nubian empires, where are the great African contributions to the global civilizations they have apparently been solely responsible for spawning?

Where are the global systemic African constructs of laws and common traditions and technologies and arts that make a civilization advance and flourish?

Is this the grand African plan?

To wait several million years and wait for a light skinned race of humans to appear; than blame these anomalous white people for all the current woes of "colored" peoples and use this disparity of achievement as the catalyst to steal all the achievements of other races because some science says they were here first?

Did Africans, in the long ago past call "Shotgun" on this rocky planet plummeting through space and we've merely been ignorant to acknowledge this "factoid"??

Did marxists exist millennia ago and destroy all the statues the ancient Africans created as reminder for future generations of the predominance of African culture?

Why then would any self respecting black person now ally themselves with history destroying BLM marxists today? ... edIndex=34
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Re: Some Lives Don't Matter

Post by Gilchy »

Gotta love Castanet. Name the local restaurant that overcooked your burger: banned. Explicitly state your belief in the inferiority of black people: post away!

I don’t even know what to say.

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