Lake Country Council - General Discussion

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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by Honda59 »

Is it just me or what. I noticed LC has a referendum for a new fire hall, and the LC tax payers are footing the bill for their election signs to vote YES. Hmmm...

Also, Westbank was going to spend nearly the same amount of money for a new hall but was able to do quite well with upgrades that were a 1/4 the cost.

It's your money. :skyisfalling:
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by Honda59 »

joe smo wrote:Only one seat contested - must be that every councillor in LC is doing an outstanding job. Predict the lowest turn out for this election in LC history.

Besides - you cant get to the ballott box - all the streets are dug up.

Don't forget about the 6 million dollar fire hall.
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Re: Lake Country Council - Lest we forget the greed

Post by joepeeved »

For anyone who hasn't taken a look at the AGM minutes on, the trustees on December 12, 2007 voted themselves these hefty rates

Trustees: $17,261.00
Vice-Chairperson: $18,135.00
Chairperson: $19,461.00

Let's see.
16 meetings a year at 2.5 hours per meeting = 40 hours
say the same amount of time talking to parents = 40 hours
say a generous 12 hours travel time
Total = 92 hours per year

Total = the minimum $17,261 / 92 hours = $187/hour.

Not bad.

(see post on School District General Discussion for more info)
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Re: Lake Country Council - Lest we forget the greed

Post by Chmmr »

joepeeved wrote:For anyone who hasn't taken a look at the AGM minutes on, the trustees on December 12, 2007 voted themselves these hefty rates

Trustees: $17,261.00
Vice-Chairperson: $18,135.00
Chairperson: $19,461.00

Let's see.
16 meetings a year at 2.5 hours per meeting = 40 hours
say the same amount of time talking to parents = 40 hours
say a generous 12 hours travel time
Total = 92 hours per year

Total = the minimum $17,261 / 92 hours = $187/hour.

Not bad.

(see post on School District General Discussion for more info)
Gee i guess that explains where alot of the funding for our district has gone. :eyeballspin: That's insane!
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by amomof2dogs »

Those who believe that a School Trustee only spends 92 hours a year to earn their modest salary are sadly mistaken.
School Trustees that I have known spend an average of 30 hours a week reading, researching issues and attending other meetings. The business of the district is not completed at the public board meetings. There are incamera meetings prior to each board meeting. Many board meetings extend late into the evening. Each trustee sits on at least two board committee that meet monthly. Trustees attend school functions, meet with local governments, attend provincial trustee association meetings and represent the board at monthly partner group (COTA, COPAC and CUPE) meetings.
The trustees of SD23 receive a mere pitance of a salary for the value of the work that they do.
The average trustee spends about 1200 hours per school year on board business.
I think, therefore we are different.
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Re: Lake Country Council - General Discussion

Post by amomof2dogs » ... esults.pdf

Congratulations Anna Hunt-Binkley, elected School Trustee for Joe Rich-Ellison-Lake Country. Thank-you for your dedication and hard work over the past 6 years. Keep up the good work.

A grateful parent.
I think, therefore we are different.

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