Liberals Recogntion Act pretty scary!

BC's provincial election and STV referendum takes place Tuesday May 12th.
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Liberals Recogntion Act pretty scary!

Post by j@work »

We aren't hearing very much about the Liberals proposed "Native Recognition Act" and it will probably not be brought up much during the upcoming election, at least not by the Liberals, however from what I have been able to understand from my readings, our Premier has a plan to give "title" to 94% of the Province of B.C. to approximatly 200 Native Bands!

Check this out .... http:/ . Click on the video as well.

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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by Dfoxtails »

I agree with you. I can sympathize with the whole "White man stealing land" thing, but come on. That was over 200 years ago! That would be like the Scots walking into Buckingham Palace and saying to the queen "Hey, your ancestors, who are dead like mine, opressed us so we want lots of money".

If this act goes through, I think we're all screwed.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by steven lloyd »

j@work wrote:We aren't hearing very much about the Liberals proposed "Native Recognition Act" and it will probably not be brought up much during the upcoming election, at least not by the Liberals, ...
Neither will the investigation into insider trading of fish farm stocks, or the investigation into collusion in the sale of BC Rail or the dismantling of BC Hydro.

We will also hear about how Gordo will hire ten new prosecutors to deal with gang crime, but we won't hear how he plans to lose 100 Crown positions through attrition. Already we're letting criminals go free because Crown doesn't have the resources to approve charges to Court or they (the criminals) are walking due to lack of due process - but hey, lets hire a couple of more police officers.

Then there are the proposed cuts to MCFD. Here is a Ministry so under-funded and under resourced (and the place where crime, including violent crime is born) and Gordo's plan is to save some more money. Well, as the saying goes - you can pay me now or you can pay me much more later. We are all going to be paying so much for such a long time because as a collective electorate we can't seem to pull our heads out of our @sses.

And I didn't even start talking about the boondoggles that shadow those of previous NDP goverments. We could be in serious trouble - especially us older working folks who don't have fourty years to recover from this goverment's mismanagement. Let's see what Tuesday brings.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by Nebula »

j@work wrote:We aren't hearing very much about the Liberals proposed "Native Recognition Act" and it will probably not be brought up much during the upcoming election, at least not by the Liberals, however from what I have been able to understand from my readings, our Premier has a plan to give "title" to 94% of the Province of B.C. to approximatly 200 Native Bands!

Check this out .... http:/ . Click on the video as well.

concerned British Columbian
First, it's the Reconciliation and Recognition Act, not the Native Recognition Act. You understand wrong from your readings. Nothing in the article says anything about giving title to 94% of B.C. The article states that up for discussion is the 94% of B.C. that is Crown land. Two different things.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by steven lloyd »

writerdave wrote: First, it's the Reconciliation and Recognition Act, not the Native Recognition Act. You understand wrong from your readings. Nothing in the article says anything about giving title to 94% of B.C. The article states that up for discussion is the 94% of B.C. that is Crown land. Two different things.
You gotta admit dave, it's still pretty obvious not much thought or consultation went into this before the lips started flapping. Not that I'd single Campbell out for this, though, It's usually SOP for politicians.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by Nebula »

I was correcting a couple of glaring errors in someone's post. I don't have to admit anything. I wasn't debating the merits of the Act-gone-sideways.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by MaryEM »

I think that the thing that should be concerning to everyone that lives in BC, is the fact that this was done behind closed doors. Not even all (most) of Campbell own MPP knew about this ACT. Any act that would carry this much power should be discussed in the legislature and with full disclosure. From the time that Olympics were announced in Vancouver, Campbell's biggest threat was the First Nation people protesting for the whole world to see. Does anyone really believe that it would even be possible to get the nearly 300 bands in BC to agree to giving up their individual powers to a group of 30 area "bands"? This would create another level of government without constitutional consent. Again the First Nations is a Federal responsibility. Even if he is re-elected and Campbell rams this through the house it will be challenged and over turned in the Supreme Court. To ignore the boundaries set by the Court and gratuitously recognize Aboriginal Title throughout the province is to give away for all time the very land which is British Columbia, the land for which any government in power is only a temporary custodian. It is time for behind doors politics to stop. Look what it cost us once before, BC Rail.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by steven lloyd »

ghostgirl wrote:I think that the thing that should be concerning to everyone that lives in BC, is the fact that this was done behind closed doors. Not even all (most) of Campbell own MPP knew about this ACT. Any act that would carry this much power should be discussed in the legislature and with full disclosure. From the time that Olympics were announced in Vancouver, Campbell's biggest threat was the First Nation people protesting for the whole world to see. Does anyone really believe that it would even be possible to get the nearly 300 bands in BC to agree to giving up their individual powers to a group of 30 area "bands"? This would create another level of government without constitutional consent. Again the First Nations is a Federal responsibility. Even if he is re-elected and Campbell rams this through the house it will be challenged and over turned in the Supreme Court. To ignore the boundaries set by the Court and gratuitously recognize Aboriginal Title throughout the province is to give away for all time the very land which is British Columbia, the land for which any government in power is only a temporary custodian. It is time for behind doors politics to stop. Look what it cost us once before, BC Rail.
Good post ghostgirl. I personally don’t think nearly enough people are concerned at the way this government operates. Among other things they are under criminal investigation - and not for something as trivial (by comparison) as bingo hall irregularities or sundecks. It’s like people are not even paying attention and will go to the polls with their blinders on.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by jillw »

One of the things I really like about our Green candidate is that he talked to Chief Mr.Philip about this act and most of the things that the BC Conservative party are saying is not true. It seems just like Mr.Harper the Conservatives of all stripes hate first nations people.

The living conditions at our band is very poor and I think it is time for a change.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by MaryEM »

Steven Lloyd, Thank you, and I agree. The people of this province just a deaf ear when ever the First Nations issues come up along with a lot of other serious issues (BC Rail, BC Forrests and Waters). I have lived in this province for over 40 years and this is a very sad day if this Act goes through.

JillW: First, this provincial election is not about Harper's conservatives, that is a federal party. Provincial and federally they operate as two separate identities. Next, please re-read my post, at no time did I ever say anything negative about First Nations. I never once said anything about hate, I have family members that are First Nations. What I am really upset about is the fact that the rich and connected people within Campbell's inner circle always seem to come out on the rosie side of the money issues and the law. I think that both the First Nation's and the rest of the people that live and work within this province are getting the royal screw job. These so called leaders are supposed to be the caretaker and protector of our province, it's resources and assets, not to lease,sell or give away. This is our children's and their children's future that Campbell is playing polker with.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act Pretty scary !

Post by jillw »

ghostgirl wrote:Steven Lloyd, Thank you, and I agree. The people of this province just a deaf ear when ever the First Nations issues come up along with a lot of other serious issues (BC Rail, BC Forrests and Waters). I have lived in this province for over 40 years and this is a very sad day if this Act goes through.

JillW: First, this provincial election is not about Harper's conservatives, that is a federal party. Provincial and federally they operate as two separate identities. Next, please re-read my post, at no time did I ever say anything negative about First Nations. I never once said anything about hate, I have family members that are First Nations. What I am really upset about is the fact that the rich and connected people within Campbell's inner circle always seem to come out on the rosie side of the money issues and the law. I think that both the First Nation's and the rest of the people that live and work within this province are getting the royal screw job. These so called leaders are supposed to be the caretaker and protector of our province, it's resources and assets, not to lease,sell or give away. This is our children's and their children's future that Campbell is playing polker with.

I am really sorry ghostgirl I did not meant to try and put words in your mouth. Where I live in there has been many things said about First Nations by the BC Conservatives that I think have been hurtful and untrue. I was also not in support of Mr.Harper when he cancelled the Kelowna first nation’s agreement either. That was all I meant to say.
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Re: Liberals Recogntion Act pretty scary!

Post by ixler8 »

I thought we were all created equal , why is this group getting special treatment ?
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