Campaign signs on enterprise

BC's provincial election and STV referendum takes place Tuesday May 12th.
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Campaign signs on enterprise

Post by Bellevuejim »

In case anyone was wondering who has been knocking down the signs on enterprise, I saw him is the homeless guy that sits at the lights kitty corner to moxies. He was ripping down the ndp signs, not sure about any others. I found it strange that a homeless guy was knocking down ndp signs!!!
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Re: Campaign signs on enterprise

Post by usquebaugh »

:skyisfalling: Oh no!
Where oh where’d my body go?
Africa or Mexico?
Where or where’d my body go?
Where’d my body go?
Have you seen my ghost?
Staring at the ground?
Have you seen my ghost?
Sick of those *bleep* clouds
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Re: Campaign signs on enterprise

Post by Bellevuejim »

please tell me your signature is not referring to me/mine. If it is, please remove as is it hurtful and without merit. PM me if you wish to discuss further...
Last edited by Bellevuejim on May 1st, 2009, 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Al Czervic
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Re: Campaign signs on enterprise

Post by Al Czervic »

Likely because the NDP always pretend to care about the homeless but when you announce a $ 150 MILLION mental health plan and it is later revealed you didn’t budget even a dime to pay for it the sanctimonious hypocrisy from the NDP becomes too much to take.
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steven lloyd
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Re: Campaign signs on enterprise

Post by steven lloyd »

Al Czervic wrote:Likely because the NDP always pretend to care about the homeless but when you announce a $ 150 MILLION mental health plan and it is later revealed you didn’t budget even a dime to pay for it the sanctimonious hypocrisy from the NDP becomes too much to take.
Almost as hard to stomach as the Liberals suggestion they are increasing funding to education and health when we all know what they are doing doesn't even match the increase in costs to maintain the status quo (oh yeah, let's blame the unions).
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