Matthew Reed - BC NDP

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »

Matthew Reed wrote:Local tuition has gone up by 250% in 8 years. I paid $856 for 5 classes and 4 labs in 97'
That was 11 years ago. There are countless items that have increased in cost since 1997 that have gone up more than 250% - take the cost of a house for example or a pack of smokes.

According to you, in todays dollars your education would only be worth $2,140

Maybe the teachers could take a pay cut to make it more affordable for you.

Oh, and you never answered my question about Carol. By this time tomorrow you'll most likely be in a postion to take her place.
Not afraid to say "It".
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by damngrumpy »

Best of luck tomorrow, and I hope you score an upset victory. The Liberals must be held accountable for the mess they created
Liberty and Truth

Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Liberty and Truth »

damngrumpy wrote:Best of luck tomorrow, and I hope you score an upset victory. The Liberals must be held accountable for the mess they created
The mess "they" created? What about the mess they inherited?

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