Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Matthew Reed
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

it is not "massive" expenditures, have you read the platform? close to 200 000 jobs is not bad thing. those jobs circulate money and thus create more wealth.

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

Well good for Al then. That type of local buying puts 3x as much money in the local economy. again more money = more jobs = more profits.

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »

Matthew Reed wrote:The 150 000 jobs are via the Green Bonds. We have lost over 55 000 forestry jobs. Between our forestry plan and investment in innovative technology 200 000 jobs is a fairly accurate number.
So, the 200,000 thousand promised green jobs come from selling green bonds to "ordinary families" in British Columbia. How are they supposed to be able to afford to buy them during these trying times? What happens if you don't sell enough or any at all? No jobs created?

Let's go with your revised promise of 200,000 new green jobs. Currently the unemployment rate in BC of 7.2% translates into 170,400 people unemployed that means that you are promising to completely wipe out all unemployment, plus create 30,000 jobs that will go unfilled.

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Glacier »

logicalview wrote: It's a miracle.
You can fill them with temporary foreign workers, or unemployed Canadians from other provinces.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »

By my calculations 200,000 jobs paying $40,000 a year will mean that the NDP will have to sell $8,000,000,000.00 ($8.0 Billion) in bonds or $1,945 per person or about $8,000 per family of 4.

People are crying about the $20 bucks to send their kid to school on a bus each month.

Since it is simply a loan from the bondholders what happens to the jobs when the loan is paid back?
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Captain Awesome »

Green bonds idea is pretty crazy.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Glacier »

CaptainAwesome wrote:Green bonds idea is pretty crazy.
Maybe, but doesn't it give you the warm and fuzzy feeling?
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Captain Awesome »

Glacier wrote:
CaptainAwesome wrote:Green bonds idea is pretty crazy.
Maybe, but doesn't it give you the warm and fuzzy feeling?
"Bonds. Green Bonds."
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by damngrumpy »

The idea of bonds in BC is as old as WAC Bennett, in fact BC Bonds built this province decades ago,
I remember when bond issues were the order of the day and made this province a great one, it is
after all BC citizens investing in jobs and the future of the province in which they live.
I have some issuew with the NDP however, considering the alternatives in this election I will be supporting them. I have been a party member over the years but in the past several I have found
myself estranged from the party over all because they lacked a real direction. Having discussed
issues with Ms James on more than one occassion, I am more hopeful that the party will stay on track if elected. She might not be the most exciting leader, but she is honest and she really does
care about the people of this province. With some reservations I will support her party and hope for the best, as the conservatives and liberals would not give us the tools in tough times and I do
believe we are headed for some very tough times
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Al Czervic »

Matthew Reed wrote:Fair enough Al. But how come Al Clarke's documents from the BC Chamber of Commerce shows BC Debt just under $48 Billion, with daily interest of over $7 Million?

I see no reason stop mentioning that fact if it is a government document.


Thanks for keeping me honest! I enjoy the line of questioning.
Mr. Reed,

I appreciate your responding to my comments regarding BC’s real debt information. As far as Alan Clark’s “documents” and the BC Chamber of Commerce I would assume you are aware that the BC Chamber of Commerce is not a government organization and as such they do not produce “government documents” as you put it.

The BC Chamber of Commerce is an independent organization much as is the Fraser Institute; The BCTF; the HEU; and the CCPA. All are independent and exist to represent the interests of their membership. Often they will use selective or manipulative data to further these interests. It is for precisely these reasons that we have an Office of the Auditor general to ensure that there is one non partisan impendent officer of the legislature charged with the responsibility of providing factually accurate information to the people of British Columbia.

This is why I was so disappointed when you seriously mis-quoted BC debt numbers. With all of the rhetoric; spin and political crap these days; we need to respect the few legitimate non partisan sources of information that we have. All politicians regardless of party poltics should strive to be honest to taxpayers. In all my years I have neve come across as much dung as I am seeing thus far in this election. And that dung does not just apply to you.
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Gone_Fishin »

Matthew Reed wrote: The Green Bonds are amazing, they are the most innovative financial investment tool BC has seen in over 30 years. The Liberals and the Greens have nothing that can protect the environment and create jobs as well as the New Democrats Green Bond program.
Thanks for opening the door to me Matthew. The Green Bonds are the stupidest idea to come from the lips of the NDP in many years. Under the Campbell Liberals, BC has been given a AAA credit rating, meaning we can borrow money at the lowest rates through conventional lenders. The Green Bonds are just another form of debt, but at a MUCH higher interest rate than conventional debt. Therefore, the taxpayers of BC would be forced to waste many millions of dollars on extra interest costs with the Green Bonds. How absolutely stupid is THAT? I'd rather have my taxes go to health care and education and infrastructure than pay unnecessary EXTRA interest costs!

Just like under the "old" NDP, we'll be saddled with crippling debt and high interest costs. Any wonder why our infrastructure, health care system, and education facilities crumbled while the NDP were in power, and our taxes were directed, IIRC, about 35% of every dollar towards interest costs? Let's not make THAT mistake again!

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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Matthew Reed »

Green Bonds provide a return to the public sector, unlike private off shore investment.

Private like our bridge. The $144 Million bridge that is actually $600 Million over 30 years.

$144 vs $600......that is wasting your money.

KGH will cost you at least $200 Million more because of the private investment.

Once again,

I am here to answer questions, not argue. I do not mind to clarify something, but not argue.

Since many of you seem to be BC Liberals, please explain to me how privatization works?

How can BC sell BC Ferries, BC Rail, etc and make up that revenue?

I am serious. If people want to come on and argue and not answer questions I really want to hear your input!!!!

Typing losses the message but I am being non aggressive. I want to hear real honest input.

For the last time on this post......

1) How can BC sell BC Ferries, BC Rail, etc and make up that revenue?

2) How does the selling of profitable companies help keep rates low over the long term. ie BC Ferries have almost tripled their rates.

So fire away and I await some creative answers.

Have a great day.


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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by logicalview »

Matthew Reed wrote:Green Bonds provide a return to the public sector, unlike private off shore investment.
Those are two different things. Let's try and stay focused.

The promised NDP Green Bonds are in competition with the private sector. You're asking the private sector to take scarce cash and lock it in with the government to buy jobs. What's silly is that the NDP thinks that they can sell them to the private sector at a time when interest rates are at a historical low.
Mathew Reed wrote:Since many of you seem to be BC Liberals, please explain to me how privatization works?

How can BC sell BC Ferries, BC Rail, etc and make up that revenue?
Just because someone has an alternate view on things doesn't mean that you should play the Liberal card. And I do think that you know how privatzation works. Since you were a small business man you must know that revenue means nothing unless you make a profit. If you are not making a profit then you are taking a loss. Governments have things call budgets. If one of their revenue centres is losing money it is a candidate for sale.

There is nothing sexy about having the BC Ferries government owned. It doesn't mean that it will be run better. Infact, when your party was in power they spent bazillions on Fast Ferries instead of hospitals. Oh by the way the Fast Ferry fiasco ended up with the ferries being worth a little more than lifejackets. The point is when the BC Ferries were under the direction of the NDP they lost multi-millions, so much for the revenue.

You never did answer the questions about what you think of Carol or whether you think that you could do a better job than her - think of these questions along the lines of a job interview - an MLA job.

BTW I didn't see you at Ben Lee Park yesterday for the Day of Mourning, were you there?
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by Freefalling »

I am really getting annoyed at your lack of respect for this forum for the candidates and the people who post on here. You are saying the same thing every time, and as previously stated, you are not doing Alan Clarke any justice. Please, use this forum for discussion and proaction...
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Re: Matthew Reed - BC NDP

Post by damngrumpy »

Now this is a debate, public vs private sector. With a public private partnership, the cost becomes,
cost plus, and that means profit has to be built into the equation for the private operator.
I think profits from such ventures should go to the public that owns the infastructure.
BC Bonds built this province in the 1950's under WAC Bennett and it proved to be a good move for the people of this province. Most people don't understand to this day that BC Ferries, BC Rail,
BC Hydro and a number of other building blocks of the BC economy were actually nationalized under
the Social Credit banner not the NDP and they did it for the common good of the citizens of this
province. I think the NDP would be wise to institute the green bond issue and again put this
province on the road to progress for everyone instead of Gordon Campbell's circle of friends.

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