Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Cateyes »

whatisupcastanet wrote:For those on this thread who have nothing better to do. Then b*tch and complain go p*ss off the posters in here
A 6billion (and counting) price tag is not a comspiracy theory. It's very real as you will find out soon enough one way or another.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by maxaday »

No Beavers and no baby Seals. (alive or dead). Did anyone notice the fur trim on the hoods of the Canadian team, it was grey and I am devoutly hoping it was faux fur. No other team had any sign of fur, this only went to enhance the opinion that we are a french speaking, native peoples, have no shame about wearing fur products.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by normaM »

Cateyes wrote:
whatisupcastanet wrote:For those on this thread who have nothing better to do. Then b*tch and complain go p*ss off the posters in here
A 6billion (and counting) price tag is not a comspiracy theory. It's very real as you will find out soon enough one way or another.
er, the name of this thread is "waste of time" go start one called " best time I ever wasted" if you want a warm fuzzy feeling
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Cateyes »

normaM wrote:
Cateyes wrote: A 6billion (and counting) price tag is not a comspiracy theory. It's very real as you will find out soon enough one way or another.
er, the name of this thread is "waste of time" go start one called " best time I ever wasted" if you want a warm fuzzy feeling
That makes absolutely no sense but thanks for playing.....mmmmok.....
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Captain Awesome »

The only thing better than the opening ceremony would be an all out fight between baby seals and clubbers. God, that would be awesome. Peta people would die of hearth attack.

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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by maxaday »

To Capt.Awesome, I can only think your name implies your lack of intelligence. Yesterday was Canada's Day in the Limelight. They danced and spoke of Canada's beauty, of the whales, salmon, wide opne spaces etc. First nations had a field day, but lurking in the back my friend is Canada's shame. Nothing can erase the spectre of the seal hunt, whether you like it or not, and if that was SEAL FUR ON THE HOODS OF THE CANADIAN TEAM, THEN WE SHOULD HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by hellomynameis »

maxaday wrote:To Capt.Awesome, I can only think your name implies your lack of intelligence. Yesterday was Canada's Day in the Limelight. They danced and spoke of Canada's beauty, of the whales, salmon, wide opne spaces etc. First nations had a field day, but lurking in the back my friend is Canada's shame. Nothing can erase the spectre of the seal hunt, whether you like it or not, and if that was SEAL FUR ON THE HOODS OF THE CANADIAN TEAM, THEN WE SHOULD HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME.

... Doesn't bother me in the slightest, no shame felt here.

BUT I'm gonna have to agree with Capt. Awesome, if we equip some of them seals with lasers and claymores it would be AWESOME!
Last edited by hellomynameis on Feb 13th, 2010, 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Captain Awesome »

maxaday wrote:Nothing can erase the spectre of the seal hunt
Well, if we club all of them completely, we kinda erase them, don't you think? Problem solved!
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Cateyes »

maxaday wrote:To Capt.Awesome, I can only think your name implies your lack of intelligence. Yesterday was Canada's Day in the Limelight. They danced and spoke of Canada's beauty, of the whales, salmon, wide opne spaces etc. First nations had a field day, but lurking in the back my friend is Canada's shame. Nothing can erase the spectre of the seal hunt, whether you like it or not, and if that was SEAL FUR ON THE HOODS OF THE CANADIAN TEAM, THEN WE SHOULD HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME.
I wanted to see a more authentic Indian experience. I wanted to see them drag out baby seals, whales, barrels of salmon. And just slaughter the lot of them. Start gutting them right in the middle of the floor of BC place. All the athletes walking in would just have to adapt to slipping and sliding on guts as they walk in. Now THAT would be a show!
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by animal lover1 »

Cateyes wrote:
maxaday wrote:To Capt.Awesome, I can only think your name implies your lack of intelligence. Yesterday was Canada's Day in the Limelight. They danced and spoke of Canada's beauty, of the whales, salmon, wide opne spaces etc. First nations had a field day, but lurking in the back my friend is Canada's shame. Nothing can erase the spectre of the seal hunt, whether you like it or not, and if that was SEAL FUR ON THE HOODS OF THE CANADIAN TEAM, THEN WE SHOULD HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME.
I wanted to see a more authentic Indian experience. I wanted to see them drag out baby seals, whales, barrels of salmon. And just slaughter the lot of them. Start gutting them right in the middle of the floor of BC place. All the athletes walking in would just have to adapt to slipping and sliding on guts as they walk in. Now THAT would be a show!
And then present the Prime Minister with a bill for the cleanup and rehab for the party after the kill.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by steven lloyd »

Cateyes wrote: I wanted to see a more authentic Indian experience.
For an authentic "Indian" experience, go to India. I was waiting for them to re-enact the part where they put all the First Nations peoples on to reservations and then abducted their children from the villages and placed them in residential schools.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Homeownertoo »

maxaday wrote:To Capt.Awesome, I can only think your name implies your lack of intelligence. Yesterday was Canada's Day in the Limelight. They danced and spoke of Canada's beauty, of the whales, salmon, wide opne spaces etc. First nations had a field day, but lurking in the back my friend is Canada's shame. Nothing can erase the spectre of the seal hunt, whether you like it or not, and if that was SEAL FUR ON THE HOODS OF THE CANADIAN TEAM, THEN WE SHOULD HANG OUR HEADS IN SHAME.
Not me, though I think fox fur would be much nicer.

It's long past time that Canadians, at least, informed themselves of the realities of the seal hunt -- this from someone who had the nerve to wear a Greenpeace button to a gathering of not-amused Newfies 32 years ago, and actually try to make the anti-hunt argument. So if I can learn, anyone can, as I'm sure some Castanet posters and my wife would agree.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by Homeownertoo »

steven lloyd wrote:
Cateyes wrote: I wanted to see a more authentic Indian experience.
For an authentic "Indian" experience, go to India. I was waiting for them to re-enact the part where they put all the First Nations peoples on to reservations and then abducted their children from the villages and placed them in residential schools.
True, they were named Indians out of a geographical misconception but that alone can't invalidate the label as it became ingrained in the English language. 'First Nations people', as a term, however, is pure political propaganda with only the most flimsy basis in either anthropology or language. I can only assume that a person of your education is aware of that and just don't mind being either a 'useful idiot' for the propagandists or one of the propagandists yourself.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by steven lloyd »

Homeownertoo wrote: 'First Nations people', as a term, however, is pure political propaganda with only the most flimsy basis in either anthropology or language. I can only assume that a person of your education is aware of that and just don't mind being either a 'useful idiot' for the propagandists or one of the propagandists yourself.
Their presence and culture here goes back far enough in history and anthropology (tens of thousands of years) to make the term "First Nations" quite useful - even for us "idiots". If you prefer we could use the terms "native", "aboriginal" or “indigenous people”. Any of those would be preferable to perpetuating the ignorance you seem to want to defend.
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Re: Opening Ceremony is a waste of time

Post by wthwyt »

I would give Ceremony 6.5 out of 10. The cauldon lighting 3 out of 10. Out of all cauldron lighting I have seen this far the best

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