Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

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Liberty and Truth

Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Liberty and Truth »

normaM wrote: I just said I would. Happy to call you next time I'm there. Why does that scare you so?
It doesn't scare me - I have just zero interest in knowing you or anything about you given you seem to have a limited grasp of reality. People like you who are naturally negative and whine about spending money on the Olympics and who refuse to see any positives from that are just a waste of my and everyone else's time.
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Catz »

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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Queen K »

Liberty and Truth wrote:
normaM wrote: I trust you are joking. I'll think of this line the next time I go visit someone in the hospital laying in the hallway
you visit people laying in hallways in hospitals? What an odd hobby. Weird too. Where are all these people laying in hallways - I've spent a decent time in hospitals and never seen them, yet I hear whiney snivelling people talk about them all the time, usually when trying to prove a point using factoids that aren't in fact real.
Well, working in the HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY like I do, I assure you many of IHA client's report back to me that they spent time on gurenys in the halls of KGH. Or are they all liars?

You know, people like me are thrilled with those who have competed, medalled or not, but wish there was only one flame burning, not 4, wish the podiums were basic painted plywood, not wood from trees from all around the Province. We wish there were fewer free tickets to big wigs who could have well paid for them, and so on. The point is that things could have been done with less pomp and money. And that is all.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by westsidebud »

it was worth everypenny, ppl that dnt get that will complain about anything. the health care problem is harpers n cambells, vote them out next time. the olympics is canadas finest hour as we put on a brilliant games for all countries that entered.

if you are not proud of the job we did then mabey you need to find a diffrent country.
Liberty and Truth

Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Liberty and Truth »

westsidebud wrote:it was worth everypenny, ppl that dnt get that will complain about anything. the health care problem is harpers n cambells, vote them out next time. the olympics is canadas finest hour as we put on a brilliant games for all countries that entered.

if you are not proud of the job we did then mabey you need to find a diffrent country.
Westside - that was your best post on Castanet - ever.
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by NAB »

Queen K wrote:ahemmm any teeth marks in that keyboard yet? :megagrin:
I anticipated that question from you K, so answered it in advance in an earlier post . But my new keyboard is just fine thanks ;-)

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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Queen K »

Liberty and Truth wrote:
westsidebud wrote:it was worth everypenny, ppl that dnt get that will complain about anything. the health care problem is harpers n cambells, vote them out next time. the olympics is canadas finest hour as we put on a brilliant games for all countries that entered.

if you are not proud of the job we did then mabey you need to find a diffrent country.
Westside - that was your best post on Castanet - ever.
What? Just because he is in agreement with you? And don't get me wrong, I read WSB's stuff and we do have common ground, but "every penny"? I'd say, just wish it were a wee bit more affordable.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
Liberty and Truth

Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Liberty and Truth »

Queen K wrote:
Liberty and Truth wrote: Westside - that was your best post on Castanet - ever.
What? Just because he is in agreement with you?.
no - because he is right - which isn't usually WSB's style. :)
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Queen K »

NAB wrote:Oh well ;-) there goes another keyboard.

Okay okay, I didn't see this when I got home. And yes, they did almost deserve to lose this game with a heart stopper like this, but didn't the American's pull their goalie, and that part is easy to forget. I always see pulling the goalie as a desparate act, even when Canada did it.

We were all screaming at Royale LePage Stadium, I was on the lookout for Puffy with her cast. I must say, what perfectly wonderful community act to do, opening the stadium to the public like someone did. Anyone who chose to stay home really missed out. I could almost pick out RR24 on the screen too. Will never forget Crosby and the sheer joy of it.

But also, did anyone ever see such a bunch of crybaby losers as the American team? Everywhere in medal ceremonies, the bronze and Silver medalists were happy and jumping for joy, these guys hardly acknowledged a thing. THEY did not deserve to lose. Should have been the Russians, or the Slovakians, but better, the Swedes, as Canada lost in a shoot-out to them in '94. But not the Americans.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Queen K »

Liberty and Truth wrote:
Queen K wrote: What? Just because he is in agreement with you?.
no - because he is right - which isn't usually WSB's style. :)
Correction: WSB is right about alot of things, you just don't like his writing style.
Regardless of who "wins" an election, they always are up against a Silent Elite. Do you believe the extreme poor who voted for Trump ever thought their non-profit support would be slashed right out from under them?
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Nebula »

Oh brother. Now I've heard it all.
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by grumpydigger »

sad thing about all this Olympic pride is, within days Campbell's going to come out with his budget and it is going to be very evident that British Columbia is flat broke'.......... all us poor peons are going to have to tighten up our belts and realize that there is a recession going on :dyinglaughing:

we can afford to truck snow 250 kilometers for days and days and Haul at around with helicopters but now boys and girls it's time to pay...........GorDOs little HST lie for $1.6 billion won't even start to pay for this..........

This provinces is in deep financial trouble, and this Olympic party is a big part of it...........
Liberty and Truth

Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Liberty and Truth »

Queen K wrote:
Correction: WSB is right about alot of things, you just don't like his writing style.
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by westsidebud »

well queen to be fair i wish we had no health care problems , i realy do, but im so glad we hosted the winter games and i think it will bring oppertunaties to canada, it such a amazing country we live in.

i just dnt see hosting the games and our problems as the same thing. most of out troubles were going to be here games or not. if the games cost 6 or 7 billion, its not money they were going to spend anyways, if no games then our goverment wasnt going to spend it on anything else.
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Re: Podium pondering: Mens Olympic Hockey

Post by Homeownertoo »

Nebula wrote:It was worth $6 billion. Every penny of it. I, and a lot of other people, got something difficult to measure out of these games.
Just want to point out that such a statement is non-sensical. All you or I or anyone can say is that they were worth your contribution (which I assume was less than $6 billion) -- in other words, what you got out of them was more than you have to pay. Everyone else has the similar right and ability to state otherwise -- assuming we even know the correct figure. And if it was difficult to measure, all the more reason to doubt the validity of such a statement.
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