Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

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Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

Colin Basran doesn't live in Kelowna, but that won't stop me from supporting him.

Living in a community may be the only way of really getting a feel for it, it may affect your decision on raising property taxes as you'll have to pay them too, but Colin wants to be a councillor and I say let him. That's why he has my support for councillor IN WEST KELOWNA
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by EdCase »

IlluminatiDunce wrote:Colin Basran doesn't live in Kelowna, but that won't stop me from supporting him.

Living in a community may be the only way of really getting a feel for it, it may affect your decision on raising property taxes as you'll have to pay them too, but Colin wants to be a councillor and I say let him. That's why he has my support for councillor IN WEST KELOWNA
Eligibility to run in municipal elections is governed by a provincial Act which does not require you to be resident in the jurisdiction you are running in. Given Basran's deep roots and current employment in Kelowna, he is at least as knowledgeable on the issues here as many of the candidates who are running.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

Yeah Eddie, I want a councillor that is so close to Kelowna and loves it so much he moved away. Basran has my support, let me be clear on that point, this way he can be completely objective about raising property taxes, by objective I mean he can raise them and not have to worry about it coming out of his wallet, that shows smarts.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by EdCase »

This from Colin Basran's website:
Giving back to the community is important to me. I’ve organized my own annual charity golf tournament to raise money for the Kelowna General Hospital Foundation. I’ve also done fundraising work in the past for the ALS Foundation of British Columbia. I’m a member of the Kelowna Young Professionals Task Force, formed by the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Commission to help attract and retain young professionals in the area. I am also active with GenNext, a youth branch of the local United Way that helps out with various charity events whenever possible.
How many of us can say we've been this active in helping our community?
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

Eddie I love how Colin Basran is running in a city that he doesn't live in, it is so smart. Citizens may have to drive to another municipality to talk to their own city councillor but he doesn't have to worry about screwing up his own city, because he won't be making the decisions in West Kelowna.

Basran all the way. Now I know why I haven't seen any Basran signs, they're all on the other side of the bridge.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Dayleen »

And...if Kelowna had the ward system..this wouldn't happen! Nothing personal about Mr. Basran, i'm sure he's a very nice man...but...

Dayleen VanRyswyk
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by EdCase »

Dayleen wrote:And...if Kelowna had the ward system..this wouldn't happen! Nothing personal about Mr. Basran, i'm sure he's a very nice man...but...

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
...but what? We do not have a ward system and current legislation does not require you to be a resident. In these circumstances, I think that pointing out that Basran is not a Kelowna resident - particularly in view of his credentials - is mischief-making rather than raising a substantive objection to his candidacy.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by normaM »

IlluminatiDunce wrote:Eddie I love how Colin Basran is running in a city that he doesn't live in, it is so smart. Citizens may have to drive to another municipality to talk to their own city councillor but he doesn't have to worry about screwing up his own city, because he won't be making the decisions in West Kelowna.

Basran all the way. Now I know why I haven't seen any Basran signs, they're all on the other side of the bridge.
be still my heart! So he wants to rep ME even though he won't live in the same place as ME. Perfect.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Dayleen »

EdCase wrote:
Dayleen wrote:And...if Kelowna had the ward system..this wouldn't happen! Nothing personal about Mr. Basran, ii'm sure he's a very nice man...but...

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
...but what? We do not have a ward system and current legislation does not require you to be a resident. In these circumstances, I think that pointing out that Basran is not a Kelowna resident - particularly in view of his credentials - is mischief-making rather than raising a substantive objection to his candidacy.
Yes, he absolutely does have every right afforded him by legislature to run here. Putting aside that I'm also running for council..even if i wasn't..i wouldn't vote for someone who doesn't live in my city. Do you think the people of West Kelowna might not wonder why i would run in their area if i live over here, or maybe i run for council over in Penticton. It's a legitimate question. It's up to the individual to decide if they agree or not. I'm curious, as a person who resides here, why he isn't running there, where he lives? Seems interesting that he can't vote here but he can run here. Just a legitimate question, nothing more, nothing less.

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by EdCase »

Dayleen wrote:Yes, he absolutely does have every right afforded him by legislature to run here. Putting aside that I'm also running for council..even if i wasn't..i wouldn't vote for someone who doesn't live in my city. Do you think the people of West Kelowna might not wonder why i would run in their area if i live over here, or maybe i run for council over in Penticton. It's a legitimate question. It's up to the individual to decide if they agree or not. I'm curious, as a person who resides here, why he isn't running there, where he lives? Seems interesting that he can't vote here but he can run here. Just a legitimate question, nothing more, nothing less.

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
I'm far more interested in seeing the brightest and best elected to council than worrying that they live a couple of kilometres outside the city limits. When I look at Basran's ties to Kelowna, his solid business experience and his dedication to Kelowna community needs and issues, I see very few other candidates that come close to comparing.

Hopefully one day common sense will prevail and we'll have one municipality from Lake Country to Peachland with a ward system. Now that's a platform I could get behind!
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Dayleen »

EdCase wrote:
Dayleen wrote:Yes, he absolutely does have every right afforded him by legislature to run here. Putting aside that I'm also running for council..even if i wasn't..i wouldn't vote for someone who doesn't live in my city. Do you think the people of West Kelowna might not wonder why i would run in their area if i live over here, or maybe i run for council over in Penticton. It's a legitimate question. It's up to the individual to decide if they agree or not. I'm curious, as a person who resides here, why he isn't running there, where he lives? Seems interesting that he can't vote here but he can run here. Just a legitimate question, nothing more, nothing less.

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
I'm far more interested in seeing the brightest and best elected to council than worrying that they live a couple of kilometres outside the city limits. When I look at Basran's ties to Kelowna, his solid business experience and his dedication to Kelowna community needs and issues, I see very few other candidates that come close to comparing.

Hopefully one day common sense will prevail and we'll have one municipality from Lake Country to Peachland with a ward system. Now that's a platform I could get behind!
Agreed! It is a question any candidate would be asked in the same position. It's not personal.

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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by IlluminatiDunce »

EDMiester, Basran can't even say "Our Kelowna", because he doesn't live here, which is why I'm voting for him. I want him elected and made into a politician, because that means there will be one less politician living here.

And Ed I completely agree with you, a great candidate does not have to represent the people in the city they don't live in. When citizens of Kelowna want to talk to Basran they should get some exercise and run over the bridge, up the hill, down the highway, around a few blocks, stop at some lights, then run a few blocks through some trees and presto, face-to-face consultation with their elected representative.

Did I mention I love how Basran will get to vote on taxes he will never have to pay? I hope I mentioned that because that is awesome smart.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Rwede »

Dayleen wrote:And...if Kelowna had the ward system..this wouldn't happen! Nothing personal about Mr. Basran, i'm sure he's a very nice man...but...

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
A better choice for you would be promoting what you are going to do for Kelowna rather than chirping about where someone else lives. Let's all remember that it was not too long ago that Black Mountain wasn't anywhere near the city limits! :spinball:
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by Bsuds »

RichardWede wrote:
Dayleen wrote:And...if Kelowna had the ward system..this wouldn't happen! Nothing personal about Mr. Basran, i'm sure he's a very nice man...but...

Dayleen VanRyswyk
For Kelowna City Council
A better choice for you would be promoting what you are going to do for Kelowna rather than chirping about where someone else lives. Let's all remember that it was not too long ago that Black Mountain wasn't anywhere near the city limits! :spinball:
I agree and feel it's a bit of a conflict of interest for someone to post in this thread when they are also running for Council. She loses credibility with me by doing that. Keep it up as it helps narrow the choices as there are too many to start with.
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Re: Colin Basran Doesn't Live In Kelowna

Post by John500 »

As the rules state that I have to live in Kelowna in order to be able to vote, so should a person running for a council seat in Kelowna. Its that simple. Basran will not get my vote if he does not live in Kelowna.

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